Water: Chromium in Drinking Water

EPA Statement from Administrator Jackson on Chromium-6 (Hexavalent Chromium) in Drinking Water
EPA Statement from Administrator Jackson on Chromium-6
(Hexavalent Chromium) in Drinking Water
The following statement and background information is in response to a study released on December 20, 2010 by the Environmental Working Group (EWG):
“Today, I am announcing a series of actions that the EPA will take over the coming days to address chromium-6 in our drinking water. It is clear that the first step is to understand the prevalence of this problem. While the EWG study was informative, it only provided a snapshot in time. EPA will work with local and state officials to get a better picture of exactly how widespread this problem is. In the meantime, EPA will issue guidance to all water systems in the country to help them develop monitoring and sampling programs specifically for chromium-6. We will also offer significant technical assistance to the communities cited in the EWG report with the highest levels of chromium-6 to help ensure they quickly develop an effective chromium-6 specific monitoring program.”
Recently announced actions on Chromium-6:
- EPA will work with state and local officials to better determine how wide-spread and prevalent this contaminant is.
- EPA will soon issue guidance to all water systems on how to test for and sample drinking water specifically for chromium-6. This guidance will provide EPA-approved methods and other technical information.
- EPA will also offer technical expertise and assistance to communities cited in the recent Environmental Working Group study with the highest levels of chromium. Agency will work with water system operators and engineers to ensure the latest testing and monitoring methods are being utilized.
- Once EPA’s chromium-6 risk assessment is finalized, EPA will work quickly to determine if new standards need to be set. Based on the current draft assessment, which has yet to undergo scientific peer review, it is likely that EPA will tighten drinking water standards to address the health risks posed by chromium-6.
Currently, the total chromium standard is 0.1 mg/L (100 parts per billion). Our latest data show no U.S. utilities are in violation of the standard.
Related Links
- Statement on Administrator Jackson's Meeting with ten Senators: | En Español
- To track the status of the ongoing risk assessment: