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Radiological Resources
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Technology Reference Guide for Radiologically Contaminated Surfaces (PDF) (150 pp, 5.8MB)
US Environmental Protection Agency, April 2006
This guidance document was created to help identify surface decontamination technologies that can effectively remove radiological contaminants from building, structure, and equipment surfaces.
Technology Reference Guide for Radioactively Contaminated Media (PDF) (228 pp, 10.5MB)
US Environmental Protection Agency, October 2007
This document summarizes available technologies that can be used to treat radioactive contamination present in liquid media (e.g., groundwater, surface water, and wastewater) and solid media (e.g., soil, sediment, and solid waste).
Multi-Agency Radiological Survey and Site Investigation Manual
US Environmental Protection Agency, June 2001
MARSSIM provides a statistical method for obtaining survey data and comparing them, on a pass-fail basis, to a release criterion or DCGL (Derived Concentration Guideline Level).
A Systems Guide to the Management of Radioactive Residuals from Drinking Water Treatment Technologies (PDF) (6 pp, 4.0MB)
US Environmental Protection Agency, 2006
This document provides general information on the available treatment technologies for the removal of radium, uranium, and gross alpha particle activity, the residuals produced by each technology, disposal options, and the regulations governing these options.
EPA Radiation Guidance for CERCLA: Risk Assessment
US Environmental Protection Agency
This website provides risk assessment guidance, including links to electronic calculators that provide information on establishing preliminary remediation goals for radionuclides in buildings and outside hard surfaces at CERCLA sites with radioactive contamination.
History and Framework of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management in the United States
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January 2007
Disposal Options for Disused Radioactive Sources (PDF) (61 pp, 995K)
International Atomic Energy Agency, July 2005
This document reviews relevant information on technical issues, approaches, and technologies regarding disposal options for disused radioactive sources while considering the high degree of variability in the radiological properties of disused sources.
IAEA Publications
The International Atomic Energy Agency, various dates
This website contains case studies published by The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that are related to international radiological accidents and accident response.