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2004 NEAEB Conference

NEAEB logo, small.Selected Presentations Linked from Final Agenda

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
“A” Sessions – Fisher II
Session A1: : Bacterial Monitoring
Moderator: Jack Paar III
15:00 – 15:30
L. Dunbar (CTDEP)
Developing TMDLs for Indicator Bacteria in Urban Watersheds
PPT file size 3.5 MB, estimated download time: 9 minutes at 56k
Session A2: Monitoring & Assessment
Moderator: Greg Hellyer
16:30 – 17:00
B. Jessup, C. Cresswell (Tetra Tech), P. Shaw-Allen (USEPA-ORD), B. Subramanian (USEPA-ORD) and S. Cormier (USEPA-ORD)
An EPA Sponsored Literature Review Database to Support Stressor Identification
PPT file size 800 KB, estimated download time: 2 minutes at 56k
“B” Sessions – Clark
Session B2: Wetlands
Moderator: Diane Switzer
16:00 – 16:30
“C” Sessions – Fisher I
Session C1: Assessment and Modeling
Moderator: Keith Robinson
15:00 – 15:30

M. Liebman (EPA-New England)
Application of SPARROW Results for Nutrient Criteria Development in New England

PPT file size 3 MB, estimated download time: 16 minutes at 56k

Session C2: SPARROW (Continued)
Moderator: Keith Robinson
16:00 – 16:30
H. Walker (USEPA-ORD), E. Dettmann (USEPA-ORD), R. Moore (USGS), K. Robinson (USGS), C. Oviatt (URI), C. Deacutis (URI), and J. Palter (Duke University)
Using SPARROW Model Results to Assist with Coastal Water Assessment
PPT file size 13 MB, estimated download time: 31 minutes at 56k
17:00 – 17:30
A. Simcox (EPA-New England)
Application of SPARROW Results for Developing Nutrient TMDLs in New England
PPT file size .3 MB, estimated download time: >1 minute at 56k
Thursday, March 18, 2004
“A” Sessions – Fisher II
Session A1: Biomonitoring
Moderator: Hilary Snook
08:30 – 09:00
S. Meidel (Partnership for Environmental Technology Education) and L. Tsomides (MEDEP)
A Case Study: Birch Stream in Bangor, ME - The Little Stream That Made BIG News
PPT file size 5 MB, estimated download time: 12 minutes at 56k
Session A2: Biomonitoring (Continued)
Moderator: Beth Kudarauskas
11:30 – 12:00
C. Bellucci and L. Dunbar (CTDEP)
Determining the Probable Cause of an Impaired Benthic Community in the Naugatuck River
PPT file size 5 MB, estimated download time: 12 minutes at 56k.
12:00 – 12:30
N. Henderson, J. Doyle-Breen (Metcalf and Eddy), and P. Boison ( NE Utilities)
Protection Measures for Fish and Mussels in the Connecticut River, Holyoke, MA
PPT file size 28 MB, estimated download time: 1 hour, 6 minutes at 56k
“B” Sessions – Clark
Session B1: Mercury
Moderator: David McDonald
08:00 – 08:30
N. Kamman, (VTDEC), P. Lorey, C. Driscoll (Syracuse U.), B. Estabrook (NHDES), D. Major (USFWS), B. Pientka (Il Nat. Hist. Survey) and Ed Glassford (VTDEC)
Assessment of mercury in waters, sediments and biota of NH and VT lakes using a geographically randomized design
PPT file size 3 MB, estimated download time: 7 minutes at 56k
08:30 – 09:00
G. Lester (EcoAnalysts) and K. Kuzis (Kuzis Consulting)
Benthic invertebrate response to heavy metal contamination in the Panther Creek Drainage (Idaho): A case study using McGuire's Metal Tolerance Index
PPT file size 3.7 MB, estimated download time: 8.5 minutes at 56k
09:00 – 09:30
J. Bennett (Russell Sage College)
Effects of Methylmercury and Acidity on Macroinvertebrate Gills from the Neversink Reservoir Tributaries
PPT file size 5.2 MB, estimated download time: 12 minutes at 56k
09:30 – 10:00

P. Mitchell (MADEP)
Role of Watershed Characteristics on Mercury Burdens in Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Blacknose Dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) of the Deerfield River Watershed, MA & VT
PPT file size 1 MB, estimated download time: 2.3 minutes at 56k

“C” Sessions – Fisher I
Session C1: Planning for Protection
Moderator: Tom Faber
09:30 – 10:00
D. Halliwell (MEDEP), B. Kulik (Kleinschmidt Associates) and C. Yoder (Midwest Biodiversity Institute)
The Legacy of Biological Pollution - A History of Maine Fish Introductions
PPT file size 39 MB, estimated download time: 1 hour, 31 minutes at 56k
Session C2: Planning for Protection (Continued)
Moderator: Katrina Kipp
11:30 – 12:00
K. Merrell (VTDEC)
New Horizons for Vermont’s Lake Protection Classification System
PPT file size 30 MB, estimated download time: 1 hour, 10 minutes at 56k
12:00 – 12:30
D. Heath (EPA-New England)
Road Salt Impacts to Lakes and Streams from Interstate 93 and Adjacent Roads in Southern New Hampshire
PPT file size 70 MB, estimated download time: 2 hours, 43 minutes at 56k
Plenary Sessions: Fisher I & II
Moderator: Peter Nolan
14:45 – 15:30
Ralph Tiner (US Fish & Wildlife Service – Hadley, MA)
Assessing Natural Habitats in Watersheds Through Remote Sensing: New Tools from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wetlands Inventory Program
PPT file size 94 MB, estimated download time: 3 hours, 39 minutes at 56k

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