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Auto Service and Repair Self Audit Checklist

CarThe Auto Service and Repair Sector Self-Audit Checklist will help you identify the areas of your operations that may be regulated under federal environmental laws [PDF 44kb, 18pp].  

The following documents   necessary to complete Section 3-Air Pollution Control-Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning (MVAC) questions of the above checklist are available in the following links. Just simple click on each title.


  1. Choosing and Using Alternative Refrigerants for Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning
  2. Lists of Substitutes for Ozone-Depleting Substances MVAC Refrigerants Fittings & Label Colors List
  3. The ABC's of Handling Contaminated and Unfamiliar Automotive Refrigerants
  4. List of Section 609-Approved Equipment
  5. List of EPA- Certified Refrigerant Reclaimers
  6. Approved Technician Certification Program
  7. Compressor Replacement in Automaker Retrofit Procedures

The following group of documents available as portable documents format  and are also refer to on  MVAC section of the checklist .

  1. Halogen Solvent Cleaner NESHAP-Initial Notification Report- pdf
  2. Batch Cold Cleaning Machine Work Practices-pdf
  3. MVAC Recover/Recycle or Recover Equipment Certification Form -pdf

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