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Public Comments -- EPA National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC)

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

stakeholder contact points To: Deborah Dalton/DC/USEPA/US@EPA
Subject: Re: EJ and Public Participation -Reply

Hi Deborah:

I spoke with Barry (my Director) and Charles ( NEJAC DFO) and they both said YES -- by all means send the document to you. So, I've attached Fran's report (premtg.wpd) and Charles Lee cover memo for the report (reportme.wp).

The graphics on the first page of Fran's report did not save on the word perfect document (premtg.wpd) -- however I also sent Fran's report to you in the word document (nejacr~1.doc) and if you can open it you will probably be able to get the graphic off. If not, the word perfect document (premtg.wpd) is the exact same document without the graphics.

Let me know if I can be of additional help,


Marva E. King
Senior Program Analyst
EPA - Office of Environmental Justice
Phone: (202) 564-2599
Fax: (202) 501-1163
E-mail: King.Marva@epa.gov

Dalton.Deborah@epamail.epa.gov 01/11/00 11:29am

I am co-chairing a workgroup that is evaluating EPA's public participation policies, specifically the Part 25 regs and the 1981 Final Policy on Public Participation. We completed a public comment period on December 30 asking for the public's opinions on whether changes are necessary to these policies and regs. I recently read Fran's report to NEJAC and would like to be able to use it as a part of the public comment when preparing the report to the Administrator that is due at the end of January. We are putting all of the public comments up on our website epa.gov/publicinvolvement. As you can see, Fran has no problem with this if it is ok with you folks.

Dubrowski@aol.com on 01/05/2000 11:39:44 PM

To: Deborah Dalton/DC/USEPA/US@EPA
cc: Marva King/DC/USEPA/US@EPA
Subject: Re: EJ and Public Participation

Debby, I'm delighted that you think the EJ report will be useful to your public participation regulations. For permission to include it in your comment base, I suggest you contact Marva King in EPA's Office of Environmental Justice. The decision is theirs to make. I also think it would be a good idea for the two of you to be in contact with each other anyway, since you are working on similar issues. I am forwarding a copy of your e-mail to Marva, but why don't you contact her directly at king.marva@epamail.epa.gov.


MEMO: Pre-meeting report for the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (pdf format, 1 page)

Environmental Justice in the Permitting Process: A Report on Stakeholders' Views (pdf format, 31 pages)

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