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Collaboration and Partnerships

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

EPA/ATSDR and State and Local Brownfields Health Projects
EPA and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry HQ, Regions 4 and 5

Geographic location or area of activity:  Guin, Alabama; Baraboo, Wisconsin; additional locations as further collaborative projects identified

Description of activity:   EPA is working with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), their State cooperative agreement partners, the Environmental Law Institute, national public health organizations and local health agencies to better understand, quantify and integrate community health needs and public health improvement efforts into brownfields redevelopment activities.   This effort has focused on assessing and building the capacity of public health agencies to become familiar with and involved in the brownfields assessment, cleanup and redevelopment process while enhancing their understanding of the opportunities to link community and public health, health care access needs and health care service delivery planning to maximize public and private sector efforts to improve public health as part of environmental protection and economic development activities of brownfield redevelopment and community revitalization. 

Successful tracking efforts in Portland, Maine and redevelopments in St Petersburg and Clearwater, Florida, and Portland, Oregon, are being followed by 2008 projects in Guin, Alabama and Baraboo, Wisconsin linking community health assessments to brownfield redevelopment efforts. EPA and ATSDR will also continue outreach efforts to brownfield grant recipients and applicants, State and local health agencies, public health organizations, developers and other private sector partners to consider public health and expand redevelopment, revitalization and economic development efforts in medically underserved area, areas with health disparities and health care access needs to create healthier communities through brownfield redevelopment.

Interagency partners:  ATSDR, State and Tribal Health agencies with ATSDR cooperative agreements, State and local health agency partners to Brownfield grantees and potential Brownfield applicants

Local partners: Environmental Law Institute, National Association of City and County Health Officials, National Environmental Health Association, target community partners, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Activity URL:  https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/tools/tti_pub_hlt.htm

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