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Public Comments -- Center for Public Environmental Oversight

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

stakeholder contact points Below are my comments on EPA's Public Participation policy.

Thank-you very much for being able to comment on new EPA guidance for public participation.

As a former community relations specialist and RAB member, I would like to provide a couple thoughts that may make it easier for communities to review environmental documentation. I've noticed as Department of Defense bases close, RAB member interest tends to dwindle. Diminishing interest must be renewed through continued membership drives, especially since corporate knowledge is required when Five Year Review documents are written. Community members that move in and out of adjacent neighborhoods may find RAB membership and cleanup interesting. I suggest posting RAB membership solicitations in local papers, even as the base closes and remains closed.

Secondly, community members must have historic information available without too much inconvenience. I suggest maintaining Administrative Records in libraries close to bases or Superfund sites so that those community members willing to invest their time may do the research necessary to offer educated comment. Administrative Records have been prepared on compact disc with maps that are unreadable. Leaving behind compact discs in lieu of hard copy removes a great deal of information from the public and tends to dissuade us from becoming involved in tracking cleanup.

Sandra Lunceford
Mather RAB

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