Collaboration and Partnerships
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Birch Bay Watershed Characterization Pilot Study (WA)
EPA, Region 10-Seattle
Geographic location or area of activity: Northern Puget Sound, Whatcom County, Washington
Description of activity: Led by Whatcom County, this pilot study was a collaborative effort by local, state and federal agencies that used watershed characterization to guide future development in a manner that protects and improves the quality and condition of wetland, stream, nearshore and terrestrial resources in the Birch Bay watershed. Traditionally, natural resources management focuses on individual lake, stream, wetland or estuary without taking into consideration the relationships among them within the same watershed. Recent research on watershed processes, however, concludes that management and regulatory activities’ could be more successful if a comprehensive understanding of how these elements work together is incorporated.
Summary of study results showing relative suitability of areas for restoration, protection and development in the Birch Bay Watershed
Funded by EPA, Washington Department of Ecology and the Puget Sound Partnership,
the project investigators:
- Assessed the general condition, level of alteration, size and type of the wetlands and streams in the basin the aquatic resources within 32 areas that were delineated based on drainage patterns.
- Analyzed future development patterns based on current regulations and zoning.
- Evaluated patterns of water, nitrogen and pathogen movement through the watershed.
- Assessed wildlife and habitat conditions.
The investigators then synthesized this information to create tools and an analysis that identified the potential suitability for individual sub-basins for future development and to determine management priorities and recommendations for each sub-basin.
Interagency partners: US EPA Region 10, NOAA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Ecology, Puget Sound Partnership, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, WA Department of Community Trade and Economic Development, WA Dept of Transportation
Local partners: Whatcom County, Cascade Land Conservancy, WA Association of Counties, Birch Bay Stormwater Steering Committee, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, Nakeeta Northwest
Activity URL: