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Administrative Record Index

VOLUME 5, ISSUE 5 Winter 1995

Wastelines: A newsletter published quarterly by the New Hampshire Pollution Prevention Program of the Department of Environmental Services

HADCO Pilots National

Regulatory Relief Project
HADCO, a NH-based national circuit board manufacturer, is one of the first firms in the country to seek conditional relief from EPA requirements in a new nationwide project which essentially waives enforcement of selected regulatory requirements in exchange for the companies' implementation of alternatives with greater environmental benefit.

HADCO's proposal will allow the company to recycle copper-rich wastes which are currently subject to extensive regulatory requirements making recycling prohibitively expensive. HADCO, which has three NH facilities, has asked EPA for approval to send copper-rich wastes directly to a recycler in Canada, citing tests which indicate that the material is not hazardous -- and is richer in copper than raw ore.

HADCO's project was chosen by EPA as one of the national pilot XL projects. Project XL - "Excellence in Leadership" -- is a Clinton administration program which offers both regulatory relief and environmental benefit. For more information on the XL projects, contact John Kessler, XL Director, US EPA Office of Policy Analysis, 202/260-4034.

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