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New Jersey Transit

New Jersey Transit proposes to build an advanced waste water treatment system at a new bus maintenance facility at Wayne, New Jersey and seeks federal assistance for its construction. The 100% reclaim treatment system employs micro-and ultra-filtration, followed by activated carbon and diffusion by reverse osmosis to produce both wash water and rinse water for re-use. NJT anticipates benefits of this system as an 80% reduction in the demand for fresh water, softening of the water through reverse osmosis, conservation of steam degreasing boiler coils, conservation of wash equipment components, and removal of oils and other contaminants from the water being discharged. NJT also plans to collect data on water quality and water flow to analyze the treatment system for potential improvements. NJT seeks federal financial support for the $150,000 cost of installing this system, noting that it is approximately twice as expensive as a simple ultra-filtration system.

Project Correspondence
Federal Register Notices
Final Project Agreement
Evaluation Documents
Other Information


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