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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (District) is a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) which treats wastewaters from domestic, commercial and industrial sources in Chicago and numerous surrounding communities. Through its Industrial Pretreatment Program, which is required to operate under its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, the District regulates process wastewater discharges from 535 Significant Industrial Users (SIU), including 362 Categorical Industrial Users (CIU). The District is requesting regulatory flexibility from the oversight requirements (i.e., inspection and sampling) of the General Pretreatment Regulations to regulate discharges from small (de minimus) CIUs into the District's water reclamation plants (WRP). The District has also proposed to create Strategic Performance Partnerships (Partnerships) with metal finishing facilities that fully achieve the individual facility goals outlined in the SGP. To offset the burden on the District to include this additional information in its Annual Report, the District is proposing that the detailed oversight information regarding the SIUs be limited to only the population of SIUs that were found in significant noncompliance at any time during the report year.

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