Lead-Safe Boston (LSB)
Project Desciption
Lead Safe Boston (LSB) is
a federally funded de-leading assistance program that operates under
the City of Boston's Department of Neighborhood Development. The program
provides a combination of grants, loans and technical assistance to
property owners throughout the City of Boston, MA. In this XL project,
LSB seeks regulatory flexibility that will reduce the costs and time
associated with the handling and disposal of lead based paint architectural
debris. The cost and time savings proposed in this project, will enable
LSB to abate lead from an additional twelve residential units that will
in turn reduce exposure risks for roughly thirty inner-city children
in Boston's Dorchester and Roxbury neighborhoods.
Regulatory Flexibility
In this XL project, LSB will utilize provisions in the
Hazardous Waste Exclusion Rule in order to forego costly TCLP testing
and to dispose of lead debris from their lead abatement projects in
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. In their proposal, LSB states that
use of the Hazardous Waste Exclusion Rule will allow them to more quickly
perform their federally funded abatement projects at reduced costs.
The provisions in the HWE Rule will be invoked through use of Policy
Memo developed by the EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
(OSWER) that will reinterpret the existing HWE regulations so that they
apply to contractors performing lead abatement activities in residential
houses. Once the project is finalized, the provisions in the OSWER memo
will be available for use on a nationwide basis by any contractor performing
residential lead abatements in residential dwellings.
Superior Environmental Performance
Once implemented, this XL project will enable LSB to
abate more residential units and thereby decrease the lead based paint
exposure risk for an estimated thirty additional children in Boston.
Additionally, the OSWER Policy Memo created during the development of
this XL project will allow contractors from across the country to perform
residential lead abatements more quickly and at reduced costs.
Evaluation Documents