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Uniroyal Chemical Co.

Uniroyal Chemical Company, Inc., located in Geismar, Louisiana proposed to reduce hazardous wastes generated by the facility through four specific projects: (1) Improve Toluene Recovery; (2) Recovery and Recycle Solvents (primarily toluene) from High Boiling Tars; (3) Ketone Recovery; and (4) Ketone Secondary Separation. Without implementation of these projects Uniroyal Chemical would be required to construct an on-site wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plan would decrease the aluminum hydroxide solids discharged by approximately 4,000 pounds per day, while creating 19 million pounds per year of wastewater treatment sludge. This sludge would be transported through local communities and disposed of in local landfills. The implementation of the pollution prevention projects estimated to reduce the generation of hazardous wastes and pollutant by approximately 1.5 million pounds per year. Additionally, there would be a significant reduction in the generation and off-site disposal of hazardous waste, including avoiding the transportation of 19 million pounds per year of wastewater treatment sludge. EPA's decisions was to decline this Project XL proposal because based on review of Uniroyal's proposal against the Project XL criteria concerns were raised as to whether the proposal could meet the criterion for superior environmental performance required in order to move forward into development of a Final Project Agreement.

Federal Register Notices
Final Project Agreement
Evaluation Documents
Other Information

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