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State of Tennessee

The State of Tennessee and the Tennessee Environmental Council propose to simplify compliance with the Federal requirements for the emergency reporting of spills of oil and hazardous substances while at the same time enhancing environmental protection. The objective of the pilot project is to streamline the Federal spill reporting process-within the State of Tennessee-by replacing duplicative notification requirements with "one-call" reporting on the spill incident. Under the present reporting process, there are seven different Federal statutes and more than 26 different federal regulations governing the emergency reporting of spills. Within these regulations, there are at least nine different entities that a facility must choose from to report a spill, depending upon the hazardous material released, size of the spill, media affected, and other factors. Under the proposed reporting system, the present system would be replaced by a "one-call" reporting system that would be comprised of a central agency (in Tennessee) and a toll-free telephone number (within Tennessee) that a facility or vessel could use to report a spill. The project seeks to provide streamlined reporting, therefore providing relief from several current statutory and regulatory restrictions listed in the "Affected Statutes and Regulations" section of this Project Information Page.

Federal Register Notices
Final Project Agreement
Evaluation Documents
Other Information

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