Anne Arundel County Landfill
Anne Arundel County Landfill
Summary of the project - Anne Arundel County proposes to operate a small-scale, controlled, fully monitored, and evaluated bioreactor pilot project at the Millersville Landfill's Cell 8. The objectives of the project are as follows: 1) design and construct a bioreactor test area in an active subcell of the landfill; 2) perform liquid injection in a controlled manner using different injection methods; 3) monitor surface settlement, injection rates and related parameters over a period of time; and 4) evaluate results and ultimately select the method that will most effectively increase the landfill's waste capacity.
Superior environmental performance - The main goal of this project is to deliver superior environmental performance (SEP) by capturing the additional airspace gained by accelerated decomposition of the waste. This benefits the County and its citizens by prolonging the life of the landfill and thereby postponing the siting of new solid waste management facilities, with their attendant social impacts, environmental impacts, and economic costs.
Environmental benefits of this project include:
- Reduced need for construction of new landfills and corresponding reduction (or elimination) of the land, air, and water impacts associated with landfill construction;
- Decreased concentration of most leachate constituents as cycling of leachate removes or reduces contaminants;
- Reduction in the amount of leachate requiring pretreatment;
- Reduction in the amount of leachate that the facility discharges to the local wastewater treatment plant, and subsequent discharge of effluent to the Patuxent River; and
- Reduction in post-closure care, maintenance and risk (bioreactor landfills minimize long-term environmental risk and liability due to the controlled settlement of the solid waste during landfill operation, low potential for leachate migration into the subsurface environment, and the recovery of landfill gas during operation.)
Regulatory flexibility - To implement the bioreactor pilot project, Anne Arundel County requests that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant regulatory flexibility from the Resource Conservation Recovery Act's (RCRA) requirements in 40CFR 258.28(a) and (a)(2). 40CFR 258.28(a) restricts liquid waste introduction into landfills unless the waste is either household waste other than septic waste or leachate or gas condensate derived from the landfill. Since this project will require introduction of liquids into a small portion of Cell 8, the County proposes to recirculate their leachate. However, if the available leachate quantities are incapable of supplying the project needs, the County proposes to supplement it with onsite stormwater runoff.
40CFR 258.28(a)(2) indicates that leachate or gas condensate recirculation is allowed if the composite liner and leachate collection system is designed as prescribed in 40CFR 258.40 (a)(2). Since Cell 8 has been constructed with an alternate composite liner and collection system, 40CFR 258.20(a)(2) prohibits leachate recirculation, although as mentioned before, the alternative system has been proven to exceed 40CFR 258.40 (a)(2) requirements.
Stakeholder involvement - Anne Arundel County has a history of involving the appropriate stakeholders in projects at any of its solid waste acceptance or disposal facilities. This philosophy has proved to be beneficial to all involved parties. Anne Arundel County plans to continue this philosophy for this project. The County has divided the stakeholders into three groups. The groups are identified as primary stakeholders, potential interested parties, and members of the general public.
The primary stakeholders are the regulatory agencies involved with solid waste disposal facilities or other activities at the disposal site. These primary stakeholders will have active participation in the project proposal and project development. The potentially interested partners may express interest in the project and have some involvement in the project. It is anticipated that not all partners will play an active and ongoing role in project development. If they do not actively participate in the project, they will be kept informed at appropriate points. Their input will be welcomed in verbal or written form. Facility neighbors will be advised of the project in the County's Community Update Newsletter. The general public at large will be provided information on the Final Project Agreement (FPA) through the local media (Capital newspaper).