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Memorandum from Charles K. Douthwaite to Gary Risner RE: Proposed changes to draft FPA

| Project XL | US EPA

Date: December 10, 1996
From: Charles K. Douthwaite
Location: CH2J28
Flint River Project XL
Final Draft - Final Project Agreement - Proposed Changes
To: Gary Risner - Sort 198

This memorandum is provided to follow up your recent voice message now conversation.

Changes which I would like to propose for the final project agreement to be signed are listed below.

Page No.
(10/9/96 Version of
Draft FPA)

Requested Change

Entire document Remove "DRAFT - Subject to Revision" from the header


Change "Appendix Eight" in the last sentence on this page to "Appendix Seven."


A number of these implementation schedule dates have passed. Was the work accomplished according to the schedule? If not we should adjust the schedule.


Change the sentence which begins on page 11 and carries over on page 12 to read as follows:

In connection with the reissuance of the facility's NPDES permit in 2002, the Parties will review the findings of all these feasibility studies, and other pertinent performance and market information, and based on this information will jointly determine whether the volume of bleach plant effluent flow can be reduced by the facility on January 1, 2006 and the nature of and schedule for interim milestones (if any) preceding attainment of the agreed-upon goal for bleach plant effluent flow.

This change reflects Lee DeHihns' comment and earlier conversations around information used to calculate reduced bleach plant flows.


Add the following on the third line from the bottom, after "reductions." "After the site MACT applicability assessment has been accepted by EPA and the State," then continue with the sentence which now begins "Weyerhaeuser will prepare a MACT compliance plan ...".


In the last sentence under "Stakeholder Support" remove "[to be provided]".


Change Section X.A. in the last paragraph to X.B.


In footnote 17 change the reference to "Note 10" to "Note 16."


In the fourth paragraph after "the appendices to this FPA" in the third line up from the bottom add a new sentence saying "This FPA does not limit Weyerhaeuser's ability to comment on or to negotiate the terms of any permits or rule amendments or adoptions intended to implement portions of this FPA."


In the last paragraph on this page, change "refelcct" to "reflect."

33 and 34

Adjust the page breaks here to provide a more readable document (i.e., page 33 consists of approximately 1-1/2 lines).


On the cover sheet to Appendix 1, delete "[TO BE UPDATED AT A LATER DATE]". Provide a copy of all the comment letters as the text of Appendix 1.

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