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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Letter from Charles Williams to President Clinton

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

October 23, 1995

The Honorable Bill Clinton
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500

RE: Approval of Project XL Proposals

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the state of Minnesota and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, I am writing to encourage your expeditious announcement of the Project XL proposals selected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for implementation.

Minnesota has requested delegation of Project XL so that we can champion the Project XL cause: superior performance in protecting the environment and reduced costs and increased flexibility for regulated parties. We have been told informally that our XL proposal will likely be selected for implementation. We have much enthusiasm for Project XL and are already working with regulated parties and stakeholder groups to implement XL pilot projects. The continuing delays at the federal level in announcing the selected Project XL proposals are dampening the enthusiasm for Project XL here in Minnesota.

I recently spoke to Carol Browner who assured me that the Project XL announcement date is November 3. I urge you to exert your influence to keep the announcement date on track. Successful implementation of Project XL will generate a much-needed positive response for successfully reinventing environmental regulatory programs.


Charles W. Williams


bcc: Carol Browner

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