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The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)

Letter from Manuel Lopez to David Gardiner

October 10, 1995

David Gardiner
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Regulatory Reinvention Pilot Projects
401 M. Street, S.W.
Washington D.C. 20460

Dear Mr. Gardiner:

The Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) is extremely interested in implementing an emission equivalence program under Project XL as a replacement for APCD Rule 210, Employee Commute Options. This request is in direct response to Mary Nichol's June 28, 1995 memorandum which states that emissions equivalence may have merit as a supplement to trip reduction options, and that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could implement this recommendation in the context of the Project XL program.

Ventura County APCD adopted an Employee Commute Options (ECO) Rule, rule 210, in 1989. Since that time, Average Vehicle Occupancy, for employers subject to the rule, has increased significantly from 1.12 to 1.35. However, many employers have had difficulty complying with the Rule. These employers frequently inquire about alternatives to the District's Rule 210.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) recently submitted an application requesting approval of Rule 1501.1 under Project XL. Rule 1501.1 was adopted by the SCAQMD in April 1995 and allows employers subject to the Rule 1501, Work Trip Reduction Plans, to achieve emissions equivalence in lieu of complying with Rule 1501. The exact details for Ventura County's emissions equivalence alternative have not been finalized at this time. However, it is expected that the program will be very similar to SCAQMD Rule 1501.1. If rule 1501.1 is approved by EPA under Project XL, we request that you allow us to adopt a similar rule as a substitute for Rule 210.

Ventura County has been a leader in implementing stringent and innovative solutions to our air quality problem. An emission equivalence program as a substitute for Rule 210 can achieve greater environmental benefits more quickly and at a lower cost than Rule 210. We look forward to your approval of this request. If you have any questions, please call Richard Baldwin at 805/645-1440


Manuel Lopez, Chair
Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board

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