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Project XL Logo

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)

In the fall of 1995, South Coast Air Quality Management District Board of Directors instructed that Rule 1501.1 of the XL project be re-drafted to clarify the alternatives to Work Trip Reduction Plans and to consolidate prior rule guidance on the subject (their Rule 15). The resulting Rule 2202 was adopted by the SCAQMD board in December 1995. Rule 2202 still required flexibility from Federal requirements, and would therefore still be included in the XL Program, because the rule's alternatives to the Employee Commute Options (ECO) program deviated from those specified in the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990. However, the work of SCAQMD and the XL program highlighted to Legislators the need for federal flexibility. The need for the SCAQMD XL project was eliminated on "Corrections Day" in the U.S. Congress on December 12, 1995 -- an annual event established by House Speaker Newt Gingrich as a means to make what legislators determine to be common sense, specific adjustments to laws. Today, the SCAQMD's approach to commuter emissions reductions is reportedly demonstrating 100% compliance. The complete Rule 2202, schedule of reports, and other applicable materials are posted on AQMD's web site.

Federal Register Notices
Final Project Agreement
Evaluation Documents


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