Atlantic States Legal Fund to HADCO
31 July 1996
Lee R. Wilmot
Corporate Safety , Health and
Environmental Affairs
HADCO Corporation
12A Manor Parkway
Salem, NH 03079
Re: EPA Project XL
Dear Mr. Wilmot:
This morning I received a fax from an unknown person, presumably with the US EPA, announcing a conference call for tomorrow and enclosing a "final discussion draft" of the HADCO Project XL agreement. I am writing to you to object on procedural grounds to the entire agreement, based on an almost total lack of stakeholder involvement in the process.
The environmental community, myself included, have been largely supportive of the goals of Project XL. However, the implementation leaves much to be desired and in the case of HADCO leaves everything to be desired. For us in public interest community to be satisfied that what you are proposing is in the best interest of the local facility community, of the workers within the plant, of the overall environmental community, and of the environment at large, a comprehensive program, including the need for _________----------------- would be necessary. When contacted by HADCO some months ago, I pointed out the need for these things and have yet to receive any word that the company is interested in working with the public at large. In fact, in the case of your ______ facility, I do not believe that any person for the local or larger community has had any involvement whatsoever. This lack of involvement ___ generated by the lack of commitment by HADCO in trying to get any meaningful paticipation. Asking people to ____ their own expense and time to ___ meetings and to ____devote considerable unpaid ____undertanding detailed technical materials is not realistic. Furthermore, there was no person to contact and interact with the individuals who would be impacted by the ____ projects. From the minutes of the other stakeholder meetings, the records from out other activities, _____mach better.
It is still not too late, and I for one would be willing to become involved with a meaningful effort on the part of HADCO to conduct substantive negotiations with the relevant interests as enumerated above. Absent such an effort, I can only hope, and will so urge, that EPA refuse to conldue your agreement negotiations and thus effectively turn down the agreement. I am sending this letter to the person in charge of Project XL at EPA Headquarters and to the environmental advocate most concerned nationally with Project XL. Unfortunately, I cannot send copies to other interested people, including those decision makers most involved, as HADCO has never even supplied me with a list of the relevant names, addresses, and telephone (fax) numbers.
Sincerely yours, ]
Samuel H. Sage
President and Senior Scientist
CC: David Gardiner
Chris Van Loben Sels
Letter to Lee R. Wilmot page 2
It is still not too late and I for one would be willing to be with a meaningul effort on the part of HADCO to puruse substantive negotiations with the relevant interests as enumerated above. ___________ such an effort, I can only hope, and will urge, that EPA refuse to conclude your agreement negotiations and thus effectively turn down the agreement. I am sending this letter to the person in charge of the Project XL in EPA Headquarters, and to the einvormental advocate most concerned nationally with Project XL. Unfortunately, I cannot send copies to other interested people, cindluing those decision makers most inolved, as HADCO has never even supplied me with a list of the relevant names, addresses and telephone (fax) numbers.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Samuel H. Sage
Samuel H. Sage
President and Senior Scientist
CC: David Gardiner
Chris Van Loben Sels
658 West Onondaga Street, Syracuse, New York 13204-3757 315-475-1170 FAX 315-475-6719