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3M: Hutchinson, Minnesota

3M: Letter from 3M Hutchinson Stakeholders to Charles Williams

June 12, 1995

Mr. Charles Williams, Commissioner
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194

Dear Mr. Williams:

This letter is in support of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency - Environmental Protection Agency initiative under "Project XL". We serve on a local "Stakeholders Committee" to review the progress of a pilot project at 3M Hutchinson to further reduce emissions.

We believe this project will benefit the environment, Hutchinson and Minnesota. We have been briefed on this project and believe this is an example of how government should work with private industry. It will make our 3M plant more competitive and keep our community prosperous.

Thank you for your leadership and help in this initiative.

3M Hutchinson Stakeholder Committee Members

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