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Merck & Co., Inc.

Letter from Lois Lommel to Robin Moran

Lois Lommel
15 S. Coalter St., #3
Staunton, VA 24401

May 9, 1997

Ms. Robin Moran
US. EPA, Region III
Air, Radiation & Toxins Div.
841 Chestnut St (3AT23)
Phila. PA 19107-4431

Dear Ms. Moran,

I am writing to urge you to consider requiring greater public involvement in the proposed emissions permit (for Merck's Elkton Plant) review process and to put a 10-15 year initial term limit on the permit. It is also important to remove Merck's veto authority over the proposed permit changes. I am supportive of the overall intent of Merck's proposed program to replace its coal-fired boilers with natural gas, but there are serious shortcomings in the proposed permit which could set a dangerous precedent for other permit requests near Shenandoah - and other - National Park(s).

Thank you for your role in protecting the quality of our air and water.



Lois Lommel

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