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Hillary Nelson, Ruth Homes to Lee Wilmot

Hillary Nelson
337 Shaker Road
Canterbury, NH 03224
(603)783-0455, (603)783-0455(fax)

Lee R. Wilmot
Manager, Corporate Safety
Hadco Corporation
12A Manor Parkway
Salem, NH 03079

March 18, 1996

Dear Mr. Wilmot:

Ruth Holmes was kind enough to pass along the information you supplied to her last week re your Project XL application to EPA. Ruth and I have been working closely on the issue of land application of sewage sludge to farms in NH and so are quite interested in being stakeholders in this application process. Unfortunately, we are unable to attend your introductory meeting today, therefore, we are faxing you this letter which outlines a few of our questions and concerns.

Our goal is to see sludge cleaned up so thoroughly that it can be used as fertilizer on certified organic farms. It is exciting to see your company working hard to recycle the copper out of your waste, someday perhaps all the metals present in your sludge will be removed and re-used. We would like to be certain, however, that the reclassification of circuit board waste as non-hazardous will not result in companies which are not as sensitive to their responsibilities as corporate citizens as Hadco land applying sludge which has not been through the recycling process.

We would also like to see more current information on the metals content of sludge from your Salem, NH facility and your CA and NY plants. It would be useful to see several samples from all the facilities to get an idea of how the levels fluctuate over time. In addition, we would like to see priority pollutant analysis of the sludge from all your plants as well as analysis for dioxin. Though these are not required under EPA 503 regulations, we're sure you're aware of the concerns about these contaminants in sludge and the ongoing EPA review of the hazards of dioxin and other endocrine disrupters. Unfortunately, EPA recommendations on these substances will not be out until 2001 at the earliest and it would set our minds at ease to know that they are absent from the waste of any plant which will be receiving reclassification as a result of Project XL.

We look forward to participating as stakeholders in Hadco's Project XL application and commend your company's efforts to protect the environment. Please keep us informed of all future meetings and send any information from today's meeting that is available.


/s/ /s/
Hillary Nelson and Ruth Holmes

cc: Joan Jouzaitis
Kenneth Marshner

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