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Weyerhaeuser Company

Letter from Michelle Glenn to Gary Risner Introducing Comments Regarding the Stakeholder Involvement Plan


February 6, 1996

4 WD

Mr. Gary Risner
115 Perimeter Center Place
Suite 950
Atlanta, Georgia 30346

SUBJ: Weyerhaeuser Stakeholder Involvement Plan

Dear Mr. Risner:

I have received your proposed "Stakeholder Involvement Plan" prepared as a guideline for your participation in the XL program. Please find enclosed a brief list of comments for your consideration.

Currently, there is no requirement for EPA "approval" of your Stakeholder Involvement Plan. EPA Region 4 looks forward to working with you to include the public to the maximum extent practicable and to ensure as "transparent" a process as possible. As the program develops, I anticipate working with you and your staff to update the plan to address evolving concerns.

Please call me at 404-347-3555 ext. 6319, if you have any questions.


Michelle M. Glenn
WD Project XL Coordinator
Weyerhaeuser/Flint River
Project Manager


cc: Julie Frieder, OPPE, WSM/M3134CY
Bob Kerr, GA DNR, PPAD
Larry Hedges, GA DNR/EPD


1. I recommend you date the plan in order to allow the public to easily identify updates and revisions.
2. I recommend you establish an information repository at a local library or other readily accessed location to allow citizens an opportunity to review material at their leisure.
3. The plan should list the location of the information repository and include the names of principal contacts at the various entities involved in development of the FPA.
4. Item #3 should be revised to reflect the proposed public meeting dates.

In addition, the last sentence should be removed. I anticipate all the signatories will be involved in most public activities and it may be misleading to give such specific information at this time.

5. Item #4, I recommend that the FPA team commit to providing a written response to a summary of the comments received. This is purely a resource issue for EPA. If Weyerhaeuser can commit to providing a written response for each comment/suggestion, EPA would be willing to review those and, if appropriate, concur.
6. If acceptable to the currently identified stakeholders, I suggest that a point of contact be identified in each organization. This would allow interested citizens other avenues for receiving information and providing input to the process.
7. It may also be helpful to provide a brief status report through the information repository, on a regular basis.
8. Solicitations for a mailing list, and maintenance of the same, should be performed by Weyerhaeuser to assure full public involvement.

Weyerhaeuser, Flint River Operations
Oglethorpe, GA

The following plan has been developed to provide the local community and other interested parties the opportunity to participate with Weyerhaeuser, the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV (EPA), and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) in developing the Final Project Agreement (FPA) for Project XL.

Stakeholders that have already been identified include:

· Weyerhaeuser, Flint River High Performance Work Teams (all employees)
· Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (PPAD)
· Lake Blackshear Watershed Association (LBWA)
· Macon County Local Emergency Planning Committee
· Macon Correctional Institution
· Macon County Thought Leaders (a community leadership organization)

All Flint River team members have already been informed of the Project XL FPA development process. Updates to the FPA development process and team member feedback will be accomplished through routine mill team meetings.

The Georgia PPAD has committed resources to actively participate in all FPA development meetings. Dr. Hap Tietjen, representing LBWA has also been invited to participate in each of the FPA development meetings. For the purposes of this plan the FPA development team will include Weyerhaeuser, the EPA, the Georgia EPD, the Georgia PPAD, and Dr. Tietjen. These team members should participate in all FPA development meetings.

To notify other stakeholders and interested parties of the FPA development process, the following list of actions will be implemented:

1. Russell Stevenson, Weyerhaeuser, Flint River Operations Environmental Manager, will personally deliver a copy of the news release described below to a representative/leader of the Macon County Local Emergency Planning Committee, Macon Correctional Institution, and the Macon County Thought Leaders.

2. During the week of January 22nd, Weyerhaeuser will run a single news release to be carried in one published edition of each of the three local newspapers. The news release will announce the project and stakeholder involvement (see attachment). The three local newspapers include:

· Montezuma Citizen & Georgian - weekly paper, covering Macon County
· Americus Times Recorder - daily paper, Mon.-Sat., covering Sumter and Macon counties
· Cordele Dispatch - daily paper, Mon.-Fri., covering Crisp and Dooly counties

3. Based on call-ins and feedback from the local community and others, all interested parties will be notified of the stakeholder meeting schedule. Two local community meetings will be schedule to provide/receive feedback regarding the FPA development process. The first meeting will be scheduled sometime during the week of February 5th. The second meeting will be scheduled just before the last FPA development meeting and prior to Weyerhaeuser submitting the FPA to the EPA for approval. Each stakeholder meeting will include direct participation from Weyerhaeuser but a representative from the Georgia EPD will facilitate the meeting process.

4. The FPA development team will review all comments and agree on the application to the FPA. The FPA development team will provide a written response to all interested parties.

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