International Paper, Emissions Monitoring
- Can PEMS technology be used to provide continuous information for PM emissions from a complex, saturated stack?
- Is this continuous emissions data accurate enough to replace current monitoring requirements?
- Does an improved understanding of the operating parameters lead to reductions in emissions that would otherwise not be attainable?
XL Project Fact Sheet
Project XL, which stands for "eXcellence and Leadership," is a national
initiative that tests innovative ways of achieving better and more cost-effective
public health and environmental protection. The information and lessons
learned from Project XL are being used to assist EPA in redesigning
its current regulatory and policy-setting approaches. Project XL encourages
testing of cleaner, cheaper, and smarter ways to attain environmental
results superior to those achieved under current regulations and policies,
in conjunction with greater accountability to stakeholders. It is vital
that each project tests new ideas with the potential for wide application
and broad environmental benefits. As of January 2000, seventeen pilot
experiments are being implemented and thirty-five additional projects
are in various stages of development
The International Paper Emissions Monitoring XL Project will develop,
test, and implement a computer model that can estimate pollutant emissions
on a continuous basis. The computer model which IP proposes to develop
is called a Predictive Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS). The project
proposes to develop and subsequently install the PEMS on IP's waste
fuel incinerator, PEMS have been developed and implemented for simple
stacks such as gas fired boilers, but have had very limited application
for complex, saturated stacks such as waste fuel incinerators.
The primary goal of this XL Project is to develop an innovative state-of-the
art monitoring system designed to increase information on environmental
emissions, particularly particulate PM emissions. The PEMS technology
will allow IP to optimize stack emissions and production rates by developing
a linkage between emission rates and production rates and the operating
parameters that affect them. In addition, by identifying continuous
emission levels and key operating parameters, the PEMS would provide
instant compliance information, allowing mill operators to identify
opportunities for reductions in emission rates and to prevent pollution
from occurring in the first place.
The company is seeking regulatory flexibility in two areas. The first is to allow short term, minor accedences above existing permit limits in order to accurately calibrate and develop the computer model. The second area of flexibility requested is from the frequency of routine stack testing and the replacement of continuous emission monitoring with the computer model. These requirements are primarily embodied in state regulations that have been approved by EPA and are considered to be federally enforceable. If the PEMS are determined to be successful, Maine DEP would submit, and EPA would intend to approve, an amendment to State Implementation Plan that would allow PEMS to become the approved continuous monitoring method on the WFI for all emission sources.
International Paper has held several public meetings to request input
on the project. These meetings were publicized through local newspapers
and through local radio announcements of meetings and the availability
for review of documents, meeting notes and technical data generated
during project implementation and testing. The stakeholder group will
also be invited to participate and observe the work during project implementation.
Non-governmental stakeholders include, but are not limited to: Maine
Lung, Environment Northeast, Alliance for Environmental Innovation and
Western Mountain Alliance and the Jay High School Science Club.
Regional: George Frantz 617-918-1883; Chris Rascher 617 918 - 1834
EPA HQ: Ted Cochin 202-260-0880
Project Sponsor: Tom Saviello 207-897-1422
More information about Project XL is available on the Internet at,
or via Project XL's Information Line at 202-260-5754.