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Portland Water Bureau (XLC)XLC Logo

The Portland Water Bureau seeks flexibility in complying with the Lead and Copper Rule promulgated under the Safe Water Drinking Act. Under their proposal, the Water Bureau would implement a comprehensive Lead Hazard Reduction Program (LHRP) as a substitute for the optimal corrosion control treatment and public education requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule. The Water Bureau expects that this program will achieve better protection of public health at equal or lower cost than strict adherence to the Lead and Copper Rule. The proposed Lead Hazard Reduction Program consists of four components: 1) water treatment for corrosion control; 2) expanded free lead-in water testing program to identify customers that may be at significant risk from elevated lead levels; 3) a home lead hazard reduction program to prevent children from being exposed to hazards associated with lead-based paint; and 4) lead exposure prevention education to increase the awareness of the community and targeted to those at greatest risk to lead exposure. The results of these components would be evaluated through tracking data, sampling, monitoring, surveys, and noting behavior in targeted groups.

Federal Register Notices
Evaluation Documents

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