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Stakeholder's Meeting Minutes II


Project XL Stakeholders Meeting
Salem, NH
Minutes of 4/17/96 Meeting
The second meeting of HADCO's Project XL NH Stakeholders was held on April 17, 1996 starting at 2:00 PM at HADCO's offices located at 12B Manor Parkway, Salem, NH. Meeting attendees included

Barbara Bernstein Wastecap of NH
Ron Blanchette HADCO - Derry
Marc Duquette HADCO - Tech Center 1, Salem
Ralph Goodno Merrimack River Watershed Council
Will Gotschall World Resources Company
Dwayne Howell Teradyne
Peter Ingraham Golden Associates/ Wastecap of NH
Joan Jouzaitis EPA New England
Steve Lender EPA Region of IX
David Marshall Orr & Reno/HADCO
Ken Marschner NH DES
Bill Oleksak Town of Hudson Health Office
Steve Raper HADCO - Hudson
Ken Rota EPA of New England
Kirk Stone Audobon Society of NH
Jim Sullivan EPA, Region II
Lee Wilmot HADCO - Salem

Attendees introduced themselves, and Lee Wilmot briefly reviewed the Project XL concept and criteria, as well as HADCO's proposal for new attendees.

Lee distributed a summary of HADCO's annual shipment volumes from HADCO's five sites for the 1990-1995 period and annual analyses of pertinent metals from the sludge from these sites for the past three years (1993-1995). A video tape of Noranda's copper reclamation process, provided by NH DES, was reviewed.

"Draft 4" of a final project agreement (FPA) was distributed. Discussion ensued regarding time to comment, monitoring requirements, termination requirements, defining project success, and defining an expedited delisting process.

Although EPA Washington has suggested completion of the FPA by May 3rd, attendees felt substantial progress has been achieved in developing the FPA since the March meeting, and agreed to the following future action schedule:

Feedback on FPA "draft 4" (to Lee Wilmot) by 5/17/96

HADCO to redraft FPA from comments by 5/31/96

Meet again Wed 6/19/96
2:00 Salem 12B

Lee Wilmot will distribute comments to all attendees.

Respectfully submitted by Lee Wilmot 4/26/96

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