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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Fenoxycarb (Pc Code 125301)

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September 30, 1982. Review. 12 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg. No. 35977-EUP-R
EUP for use on stored peanut seed.
Document (876 KB PDF).

October 5, 1982. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
James Holder. Toxicology Branch.
Experimental Use Permit for Florida Use of the Carbamate
Ro 13-5223 of Maag Agrochemicals on 40 Tons of Peanut Seeds.
Warehouse Use of 0.16 lbs. a.i. Total. Tox Review 002215.
Inert ingredient information on pages 2, 4-5, and 7 is not
Document (1,177 KB PDF).

December 20, 1982. Review. 43 Pages.
Daniel Rieder, et. al. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed EUP for Use in Noncrop Areas for Fire Ants.
Inert ingredient info. on pages 2 and 3 is not included.
Pages 31-38, and 42-43 are not included - registrant data.
Page 39 is not included - confidential statement of formula.
Pages 40-41 are not included - draft labeling.
Document (2,062 KB PDF).

January 6, 1983. Review. 19 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg. No. 35977-EUP-E
EUP to control fire ants.
Inert ingredient information on pages 11, 14 is deleted.
Page 15 removed-confidential statement of formula.
Document (937 KB PDF).

July 28, 1983. Review. 4 Pages.
Richard Moraski. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 35977-EUP-2
Review data submitted to previous review.
Document (194 KB PDF).

August 28, 1983. Review. 8 Pages.
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of further data to support registartion.
Inert information on page 6 has been deleted.
Document (349 KB PDF).

December 13, 1983. Review. 56 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Fire Ant Registration.
Inert ingredient information on pages 2, 45, and 49 is
not included. Pages 4-15, 26-31, 34-36, 38-41, 43-44, 46-48
50-51, and 53-54 are not included - registrant data.
Document (2,174 KB PDF).

January 4, 1984. Review. 3 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 35977-EUP-G
use on mosquitos.
Document (393 KB PDF).

January 3, 1985. Memorandum. 72 Pages.
David Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Petition No. 3F2941 (Fenoxycarb): Status of Data
Review for Use on Non-Agricultural Turf (Including
Residential Lawns), and for Use on Pasture and Range Grass.
Review of Studies Submitted. Tox Review 004178. Inert
ingredient information on pages 2-4, 7-8 is not included.
Document (9,911 KB PDF).

March 4, 1985. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
David Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Petition No. 3F2941. Fenoxycarb: Review of
Teratogenicity Study, Rabbits; Hoffman-LaRoche Report
No. B-104 700. Tox Review 004319.
Document (1,133 KB PDF).

July 22, 1985. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
David Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Registration No. 35977-L/-U Fenoxycarb: One-Year
Interim Report, Chronic/Oncogenicity, Rat; Hazleton
Europe No. 4342-161/123. Tox Review 004569.
Document (551 KB PDF).

July 28, 1985. Review. 20 Pages.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Submission of fish accumulation study to support use
as fire ant insecticide.
Pages 8-20 removed-registrant data.
Document (640 KB PDF).

August 19, 1985. Review. 5 Pages.
Daniel Rieder, et. al. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of Estuarine Data to Support Registration.
Document (177 KB PDF).

August 20, 1985. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Edwin Budd. Toxicology Branch.
EPA No. 35977-U. Fenoxycarb. Review of 21-Day Dermal
Toxicity Study in Rats. Tox Review 004621.
Pages 4-6 are not included - draft label.
Document (272 KB PDF).

September 18, 1985. Review. 18 Pages.
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of Ecological Effects Test Data
Esuarine Acute Toxicity Tests with: Fish 96-hr; Shrimp 96-hr
Oyster 48-hr EL. Acc. No. 528864.
Document (1,380 KB PDF).

October 21, 1986. Memorandum. 20 Pages.
David Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
EPA ID No. 4822-EOU; Toxicology Branch Project No. 1534 -
Raid Fogger Plus. Application for Registrtaion as Room
Fogger for Roaches, Fleas... Tox Review 005549.
Inert ingredient information on pages 3-4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17
18A is not included.
Document (2,690 KB PDF).

February 4, 1987. Review. 5 Pages.
Ann Stavola. Ecological Effects Branch.
File 87-A2-03
Proposed Section 18 for use on citrus, pasture,
and dairy feed lots in city of Mesa,
Arizona to control imported fire ants.
Document (290 KB PDF).

February 6, 1987. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Michael Metzger. Residue Chemistry Branch.
87-AZ-03. Section 18 Request for Use of Fenoxycarb
(Logic, EPA Reg. No. 35977-4) on citrus, Pastures
and Dairy Feed Lots.
No Accession Number.
RCB #1862. Inert ingredient info page 1 removed.
Document (348 KB PDF).

February 26, 1987. Review. 4 Pages.
James Adams. Exposure Assessment Branch.
File 87-AZ-03
Emergency Exemption for use on fire ants.
Document (232 KB PDF).

March 27, 1987. Review. 3 Pages.
D. Stephen Saunders. Residue Chemistry Branch.
TAS Analysis of Section 18 Request for Fenoxycarb.
EPA Reg. No. 35977-4; 87-AZ-03; Caswell #652C.
Document (159 KB PDF).

April 10, 1987. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
David G. Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
Fenoxycarb - Request for Quarantine Exemption
Under Section 18 for One-Time Use of Logic (EPA
Registration No. 35977-4) Against Fire Ants _ EPA
ID No. 87-AZ-03 - TB Project No. 7-0311.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 has been deleted.
Document (189 KB PDF).

June 17, 1988. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
David Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
TB Project No. 8-0601. EPA ID No. 4822-294.
Fenoxycarb: 21-Day Inhalation Study in the Rat.
Tox Review 006897.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.
Pages 5-8 are not included - registrant protocol.
Document (1,079 KB PDF).

February 21, 1989. Review. 7 Pages.
Brigid Lowery. Special Projects and Management Staff.
New Chemical Screen Follow-up of Proposed Use in Citrus
Groves, Pastures, Turf and Non-agricultural Land Areas.
Pages 4-7 are not included - draft label.
Document (191 KB PDF).

February 21, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
Norm Cook. Ecological Effects Branch.
New Chemical Screen Follow-up of Proposed Use in Citrus
Groves, Pastures, Turf and Non-agricultural Land Areas.
Page 5 is not included - confidential statement of formula.
Document (510 KB PDF).

May 9, 1989. Data Eval. Rec. 17 Pages.
Kimberly Rhodes. KBN Engineering (EEB).
Fish Early Life Stage Toxicity Test.
Species tested: Salmo gairdneri
MRID No. 40361806.
Document (853 KB PDF).

November 15, 1989. Data Eval. Rec. 15 Pages.
Kimberly Rhodes. KBN Engineering (EEB).
Freshwater invertebrate chronic test.
Species Tested: Cladoceran (Daphnia magna)
MRID No. 40361808.
Document (695 KB PDF).

December 6, 1989. Review. 12 Pages.
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Fish early stage and aquatic invertebrate
studies submissions; data requirements evaluation.
MRID 40361806.
Document (734 KB PDF).

December 6, 1989. Review. 6 Pages.
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
File 35977-EUP-RG
Proposed EUP for use on abandoned
pineapple fields.
Document (443 KB PDF).

April 24, 1990. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review of additional information on spectral data in
response aqueous photolysis study.
Pages 8-10 removed-registrant data.
Document (476 KB PDF).

July 2, 1990. Memorandum. 76 Pages.
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg. No. 35977-EUP-RG
Review of EUP proposal. MRID 00109328, 00131804, 001093323,
00109333, 00148191. Pages 11-20, 24-28, 30-41, 44, 46-56,
60-64, 66, 68-72, 76 removed-registrant data.
Document (1,788 KB PDF).

August 15, 1990. Review. 34 Pages.
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review Fish Early Life Stage Test
MRID 414920-01.
Document (1,469 KB PDF).

August 21, 1990. Memorandum. 156 Pages.
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg. No. 35977-4
Review of studies for first food use.
Pages 16, 21-23, 26-28, 32-42, 44, 46, 48, 51-56, 60-64,
66-77, 80, 82-92, 95-96, 99-100, 103-121, 124-128, 130, 132-
136, 140 removed-registrant data. (cont.).
Document (4,443 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) following:

August 21, 1990. Memorandum.
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Inert ingredient information on pages 94 and 97 deleted.

*End of attachments*

September 17, 1990. Memorandum. 107 Pages.
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
8F3572 - Fenoxycarb - New Chemical Registration; Submission
of Supplementary Data on an 80-Week Carcinogenicty/Toxicity
Study in Mice... Tox Review 008101. Inert ingredient and
manufacturing process information on pages 8, 12-13 are not
included. Pages 91-107 are not included - registrant data.
Document (6,717 KB PDF).

November 5, 1990. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
PP #8F3572; Fenoxycarb - Submission of a Report Identifying
the Metabolites Present in the Urine of Rats in a Previously
Submitted Metabolism Study (BASF #041/6668;
MRID #403769-04). Tox Review 008146.
Pages 6-11 are not included - registrant data.
Document (318 KB PDF).

February 7, 1991. Review. 5 Pages.
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
File 064573-EUP-R
Experimental use permit for use on
pasture and rangeland grass.
Document (263 KB PDF).

June 24, 1991. Review. 4 Pages.
Paul Mastradone. Environmental fate & Ground Water Branch.
File 064573-EUP-R
Review of environmental fate data for EUP.
Document (276 KB PDF).

June 16, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Marion Copley. Health Effects Division.
Fenoxycarb: Preparation for Cancer Peer Review.
Document (448 KB PDF).

April 13, 1993. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Arthur Schlosser. Occupational and Residential Exposure Br.
Review of exposure data submitted in support of the
experimental use of Comply 25WP (fenoxycarb) on pears
EPA Reg. No. 100-EUP-OU
MRID 426042-02.
Document (347 KB PDF).

August 30, 1993. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Jose J. Morales. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3879. Fenoxycarb in/on Pears. Amendment in response
to review of 11/2/90.
MRID Nos. 426042-03, -04, -05.
Document (752 KB PDF).

January 3, 1994. Memorandum. 75 Pages.
William Greear. Toxicology Branch I.
PP # 8F3572/FAP #9H55820G03879 - Fenoxycarb
Resubmission of Toxicology Data (Including New Studies)
in Response to the Toxicology Memorandum of September
17, 1990. Pages 31-35, 44-45 removed-registrant data.
Tox review 010721. MRID 423438-02, 423556-01, 423438-10.
Document (12,827 KB PDF).

March 25, 1994. Memorandum. 25 Pages.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch I.
Fenoxycarb - Reevaluation of Toxicology Data Endpoints
as a Result of the RfD/Peer Review Meeting held on
Pages 15-25 removed-registrant data
Tox review 010870.
Document (1,245 KB PDF).

June 2, 1994. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch.
Fenoxycarb - Correction of Error in the Reevaluation of
Toxicology Data Endpoints as a Result of the RfD/Peer
Review Meeting held on 2/24/94.
MRID 00131346
Tox review 011020.
Document (119 KB PDF).

July 7, 1994. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
George Ghali. Toxicology Branch.
RfD/Peer Review Report of Fenoxycarb.
Document (333 KB PDF).

January 9, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch I.
EPA Reg. No. 100-722. Fenoxycarb in/on pastures with a
90-Day deferred grazing restriction. Determination of
Food/Nonfood Use. MRID No. 433097-01, -02.
Document (144 KB PDF).

March 3, 1995. Memorandum. 94 Pages.
William Greear. Health Effects Division.
Peer Review of Fenoxycarb.
Information concerning a pending registration action
on page 90A is not included. Inert ingredient information
on pages 90B, 91, 92 and 94 is not included.
Document (5,597 KB PDF).

April 1, 1996. Memorandum. 30 Pages.
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review of Fenoxycarb.
Document (1,990 KB PDF).

May 13, 1996. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Francis D. Griffith. Chemistry Branch I.
PP#0G3879 - Fenoxycarb (Comply) on Pears
MRID no. 439050-01.
Document (429 KB PDF).

June 10, 1997. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Brian Steinwand. Science Analysis Branch.
Dietary Exposure analysis for Fenoxycarb in/on Citrus
(PP# 6F04617), Nuts (PP# 6F4633) and pome fruits (PP#
6F4618). TAS page 10.
Document (1,032 KB PDF).

December 22, 1997. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Jess Rowland. Science Analysis Branch.
Fenoxycarb - Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment
Review Committee.
Document (799 KB PDF).

*** End of Index for Fenoxycarb (Pc Code 125301)

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