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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Prometon (Pc Code 080804)

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January 10, 1969. Review. 6 Pages.
L.B. Dale. Toxicology Branch.
90-Day Subchronic Toxicity Study (Rat).
Page 6 removed, draft label.
Tox review 003528.
Document (PDF) (252 KB PDF)

January 10, 1969. Review. 13 Pages.
L. Dale. Toxicology Branch.
90-Day Subchronic Toxicity, Subchronic Dermal Toxicity,
and Subchronic Oral Toxicity Studies.
Pages 7 and 11 removed, confidential statement of formula.
Pages 8-9, 12-13 removed, draft label.
Tox review 000718.
Document (PDF) (459 KB PDF)

December 12, 1975. Report of Anal. 1 Page.
John Melam. Animal Biology Lab/EPA.
Report of Analysis for Ground Zero Non-Selective Herbicide,
Reg. No. 257-284.
Document (PDF) (92 KB PDF)

June 10, 1976. Review. 4 Pages.
Norman Cook. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Review covers prometon as the sole active ingredient.
Document (PDF) (247 KB PDF)

November 3, 1977. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Pramitol 5PS-Addition of Data to Files.
Review acute toxicity studies... Page 4 removed, draft label
Tox review 000708.
Document (PDF) (613 KB PDF)

November 22, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
J. Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Submission of additional Toxicology Data.
Tox review 000709.
Document (PDF) (982 KB PDF)

November 22, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
J. Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Submission of additional Toxicology Data.
Tox review 003530.
Document (PDF) (906 KB PDF)

January 3, 1978. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Krystyna Locke. Toxicology Branch.
Updating of files and approval of signal word and
precautionary statements.
Tox review 000711.
Document (PDF) (339 KB PDF)

January 8, 1978. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Krystyna Locke. Toxicology Branch.
Updating of files and approval of signal word and
precautionary statements.
Tox review 003531.
Document (PDF) (369 KB PDF)

January 8, 1978. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Larry Anderson. Toxicology Branch.
Pramitol 25E-Update Files.
Tox review 000710.
Document (PDF) (1,096 KB PDF)

February 1, 1978. Memorandum. 9 Pages.
Larry Anderson. Toxicology Branch.
Technical Prometon-Update Files.
Tox review 000712.
Document (PDF) (708 KB PDF)

February 4, 1978. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Thomas O'Brien. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of fish and wildlife data.
Inert ingredient information on page 11 not included.
Document (PDF) (348 KB PDF)

February 15, 1978. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Krystyna Locke. Toxicology Branch.
Submission of 5 acute toxicity studies.
Tox review 000713.
Document (PDF) (493 KB PDF)

February 16, 1978. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Krystyna Locke. Toxicology Branch.
Submission of 5 acute toxicity studies.
Tox review 000714.
Document (PDF) (726 KB PDF)

July 6, 1978. Review. 2 Pages.
R. Cook. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Update of EC data on prometon: no registration action.
Document (PDF) (96 KB PDF)

July 9, 1979. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Review to change the signal word from Danger to Warning and
a change in precautionary statements.
Tox review 000716.
Document (PDF) (252 KB PDF)

October 4, 1979. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Merry Lou Alexander. Toxicology Branch.
Acute Oral Toxicity, Acute Dermal Toxicity, Acute Inhalation
and Primary Eye Irritation studies.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 not included.
Tox review 000717.
Document (PDF) (365 KB PDF)

November 21, 1979. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Data submitted to amend the precautionary labeling on
prometon products. Acc. No. 241191.
Document (PDF) (1,020 KB PDF)

March 28, 1980. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 33955-454. Data submitted in response to a
change in the prometon used in formulating the product.
Manufacturing process information on page 1 not included.
Page 7 removed, draft label.
Document (PDF) (461 KB PDF)

November 20, 1980. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Acute Inhalation, Eye Irritation
and Skin Irritation studies were submitted.
Page 6 removed, draft label.
Tox review 000463.
Document (PDF) (387 KB PDF)

December 11, 1980. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Acute Inhalation, Eye Irritation
and Skin Irritation Studies submitted for registration of
Reg. No. 100-ARR.
Pages 6-11 removed, draft label.
Tox review 003539.
Document (PDF) (438 KB PDF)

March 2, 1981. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Acme Vegetation Killer, EPA Reg. No. 33955-454.
Document (PDF) (199 KB PDF)

March 12, 1981. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Sherell Sterling. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Dermal Sensitization test submitted for registration of
Reg. No. 33955-454. Page 3 removed, draft label.
Acc. No. 244288.
Tox review 003540.
Document (PDF) (149 KB PDF)

August 11, 1981. Review. 4 Pages.
J. Kinzell. Government of Canada.
Audit and Validation of Rat Teratology Study with Prometon.
Tox review 003374.
Document (PDF) (225 KB PDF)

March 8, 1984. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Thomas Mao. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon - IBT Replacement: Rat and Rabbit. Teratology
Studies and 90-Day Rat Feeding Study.
Tox review 003700.
Document (PDF) (1,120 KB PDF)

April 4, 1984. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Thomas Mao. Toxicology Branch.
Review of the Toxicity Data on Triox Vegetaion Killer and
Its Signal Word Change.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 not included.
Tox review 003735.
Document (PDF) (408 KB PDF)

April 10, 1984. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
Submitted Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Acute Inhalation, Eye
Irritation, and Skin Irritation Studies to support change in
signal word from WARNING to CAUTION. Acc. No. 251591.
Page 7 removed, draft label.
Tox review 005485.
Document (PDF) (344 KB PDF)

January 17, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Kenneth Dockter. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Prometon - groundwater data call-in. Acc. No. 255797.
Document (PDF) (165 KB PDF)

November 17, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Jane Harris. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon, EPA I.D. No. 100-544, Caswell No. 96
Accession Nos. 259108
Review registrant's comments...
Tox review 004781.
Document (PDF) (109 KB PDF)

April 23, 1987. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Toxicology Branch.
Submitted Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Acute Inhalation, Eye
Irritation, Skin Irritation, and Dermal Sensitization.
MRID Nos. 40074102, 40123701 through 05.
Page 6 removed, draft label.
Tox review 006185.
Document (PDF) (431 KB PDF)

August 27, 1987. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Deloris Graham. Toxicology Branch.
Submitted Acute Oral, Acute Dermal, Acute Inhalation, Eye
Irritation, Skin Irritation, and Dermal Sensitization.
MRIDs 402205-05 thru 12. Pages 7-10 removed, draft label.
Tox review 006390.
Document (PDF) (352 KB PDF)

June 9, 1988. Memorandum. 64 Pages.
Patrick Holden. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Ground-Water Data Call-In Review.
Document (PDF) (3,327 KB PDF)

February 15, 1989. Summary. 4 Pages.
J. Gee. California Department of Food and Agri.
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Medical Toxicology Branch
Summary of Toxicology Data
Document (PDF) (258 KB PDF)

April 28, 1989. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Sidney Stolzenberg. Toxicology Branch.
Primary Dermal Irritation Study with Triox.
MRID 41007201
Page 6 removed, confidential statement of formula.
Tox review 007152.
Document (PDF) (252 KB PDF)

July 27, 1989. Memorandum. 83 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review of hydrolysis and soil photodegradation studies.
MRIDs 41114801, 41114802.
Pages 14-32, 38-83 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (813 KB PDF)

September 12, 1990. Memorandum. 47 Pages.
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon Mutagenicity Studies.
Pages 7-13, 20-29, 34-47 removed, registration data.
MRID 406364-01, 02, 03.
Tox review 008100.
Document (PDF) (1,452 KB PDF)

October 3, 1990. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Gail Maske. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review of Phase IV Package for Prometon.
Document (PDF) (245 KB PDF)

December 7, 1990. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Michael Barrett. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review proposed Pramitol small-scale retrospective ground-
water monitoring protocol.
Document (PDF) (275 KB PDF)

February 28, 1991. Data Eval. Rec.. 4 Pages.
Norman Cook. Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: A dietary LC50 study with the Mallard
MRID 416091-06.
Document (PDF) (378 KB PDF)

February 28, 1991. Data Eval. Rec.. 4 Pages.
Norman Cook. Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: A dietary LC50 study with the Bobwhite
MRID 416091-05.
Document (PDF) (175 KB PDF)

February 28, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Pages.
Norman Cook. Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: Bobwhite single-dose oral LD50.
MRID 416091-24.
Document (PDF) (176 KB PDF)

March 4, 1991. Review. 3 Pages.
Cynthia Moulton. Ecological Effects Branch.
EEB Data Requirements for Pesticide Registration.
Document (PDF) (148 KB PDF)

March 13, 1991. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Amy Rispin. Science Analysis & Coordination Staff.
Transmittal of EFED List B Review for 2205; Chemicals 067701
and 067705.
Document (PDF) (214 KB PDF)

April 23, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Fish Static Acute Toxicity Test.
Species Tested: Bluegill Sunfish
Pages 8-9 removed, registrant data.
MRID 416091-07.
Document (PDF) (363 KB PDF)

April 23, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Fish Static acute Toxicity Test.
Species Tested: Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout).
Pages 6-7 removed, registration data.
MRID 416091-08.
Document (PDF) (369 KB PDF)

April 23, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 10 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Freshwater Invertebrate Static Acute Toxicity
Test. Species Tested: Daphnia magna.
Pages 6-8 removed, registration data.
MRID 416091-09.
Document (PDF) (374 KB PDF)

April 23, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Marine Shrimp Static Acute Toxicity Test.
Species Tested: Mysidopsis bahia
Pages 6-7 removed, registration data.
MRID 416091-10.
Document (PDF) (408 KB PDF)

April 23, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 7 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Contact LD50 Test.
Species Tested: Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
MRID 416091-15.
Document (PDF) (267 KB PDF)

May 21, 1991. Review. 14 Pages.
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Prometon. Review Proposed Protocol for Small-Scale
Prospective Ground Water Monitoring Study in the Place
of a Small-Scale Retrospective Monitoring Study.
Document (PDF) (823 KB PDF)

September 13, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 21 Pages.
Dana Lateulere. Ecological Effects Branch.
Flow-Through Life-Cycle Toxicity Test with the Cladoceran.
Species Tested: Daphnia magna.
Pages 7-14 removed, registration data.
MRID 418109-03.
Document (PDF) (753 KB PDF)

September 13, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 10 Pages.
Dana Lateulere. Ecological Effects Branch.
96-Hour Acute Flow Through Mollusc Shell Deposition.
Species Tested: Eastern Oyster
Pages 5-7 removed, registration data.
MRID 418109-01.
Document (PDF) (397 KB PDF)

September 13, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 13 Pages.
Dana Lateulere. Ecological Effects Branch.
Early Life-Stage Toxicity Test, 72-4.
Species Tested: Fathead minnow.
Pages 8-11 removed, registration data.
MRID 418109-02.
Document (PDF) (552 KB PDF)

September 18, 1991. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Prometon Technical, Aquatic Studies; 72-3, 4 (a)(b).
Document (PDF) (158 KB PDF)

December 3, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 8 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Nontarget Phytotoxicity Study Using Prometon Technical.
MRID No. 41725302.
Document (PDF) (358 KB PDF)

December 4, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 10 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Estuarine Fish Static Acute Toxicity Test.
Species Tested: Sheepshead Minnow
MRID 417253-01. Pages 6-8 removed, registrant data.
Document (PDF) (370 KB PDF)

December 4, 1991. Data Eval. Rec.. 11 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: Non-Target plants: Seedling Emergence
Phytotoxicity Test - Tier 2. Species tested; Soybean,
Lettuce, Carrot, Tomato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Corn, Oat,
Ryegrass, Onion.
MRID 417253-03.
Document (PDF) (569 KB PDF)

December 4, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 10 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Studt Type: Non-Target Plants: Vegetative Vigor Nontarget
Phytotoxicity Study - Tier 2. Species Tested: Ryegrass,
Corn, Oat, onion, Soybean, Lettuce, Carrot, Tomato,
Cucumber, Cabbage.
MRID 417253-04.
Document (PDF) (483 KB PDF)

December 4, 1991. Data Eval. Rec. 14 Pages.
Henry Craven. Ecological Effects Branch.
Study Type: Growth and Reproduction of Aquatic Plants --
Tier 2. Species Tested: Selenestrum capricornutum
Pages 6-10 removed, registrant data.
MRID 417253-05.
Document (PDF) (495 KB PDF)

January 2, 1992. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Review of Prometon Mutagenicity Supplements and Response
to Waiver Request: Phase 4 Data Call-In.
MRIDs 41984301, 02, 03.
Tox review 008962.
Document (PDF) (350 KB PDF)

February 24, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Collaborative Review of Prometon Data
Record # S394514, EPA ID # 080804
MRIDs 40097901, 40488102, 40488101, 40361501.
Document (PDF) (249 KB PDF)

February 25, 1992. Memorandum. 24 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon Review of a 1-Year Dog Feeding Study.
MRID 40097901.
Tox review 009328.
Document (PDF) (1,214 KB PDF)

February 28, 1992. Memorandum. 44 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon Review of a 1-Year Dog Feeding Study
EPA ID No. 080804-000100
MRID No. 400979-01.
Tox review 009328.
Document (PDF) (2,236 KB PDF)

July 6, 1992. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Acute Inhalation and Oral Data Reviews for Prometon.
MRID 42132103 and 04.
Tox review 009583.
Document (PDF) (733 KB PDF)

August 18, 1992. Memorandum. 60 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon Reviews of a Chronic Toxicity/Oncogenicity Study in
Rats, an Oncogenicity Feeding Study in Mice and a
2-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study in Rats.
MRID Nos. 41488101, 41488102, and 41361501.
Tox Review 009679.
Document (PDF) (3,343 KB PDF)

October 22, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
SanYvette Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Review of supplementary data for the chemical
Bis(isopropylamino)-6-methoxy-s-triazine (Prometon Tech)
under a Phase 4 Data Call-In. MRID Nos. 42026101 and 02.
Tox Review 009802.
Document (PDF) (100 KB PDF)

December 9, 1992. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Linnea Hansen. Toxicology Branch.
Validation of Rviews of Rat and Rabbit Developmental
Toxicity Studies. MRID Nos. 92149007 and 92149008.
Tox Review 009879.
Document (PDF) (422 KB PDF)

March 10, 1993. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Vivian Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Supplemental Acute and Inhalation Information for
Prometon. MRID 421321-03, 421321-03
Tox review 010083.
Document (PDF) (519 KB PDF)

April 13, 1993. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review request for mitigation measures for prometon in lieu
of prospective ground-water study.
Document (PDF) (1,026 KB PDF)

April 28, 1993. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Sheryl Reilly. Toxicology Branch.
Prometon Review of a 1-Year Dog Feeding Study.
MRID 42581201.
Tox review 010201.
Document (PDF) (442 KB PDF)

*** End of Index for Prometon (Pc Code 080804)

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