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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Diphacinone (Pc Code 067701)

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August 21, 1978. Study. 2 Pages.
Larry Turner.
Avian acute oral LD50 Mallard duck.
Acute oral LD50 - mallard duck: technical diphacinone, final report.
Document (PDF) (287 KB PDF).

April 26, 1979. Study. 10 Page(s).
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Secondary Poisoning of Owls by Anticoagulant Rodenticides.
Document (PDF) (361 KB PDF).

October 29, 1981. Data Eval. Rec. 5 Page(s).
Russel Farringer. Ecological Effects Branch.
Secondary Poisoning. Test Species: Great-Horned, Saw-Whet and Barn Owls.
Acc# 245704.
Document (PDF) (234 KB PDF).

August 03, 1992. DER. 4 Pages.
James J. Goodyear. Ecological Effects Branch.
Diphacinone. Avian (Bobwhite quail) Acute Toxicity Test Guideline 71-1.
STUDY TYPE : Avian Dietary Single-dose Oral LD50 Species tested- Bobwhite quail
(Colinus virginianus). MRID No. 42245201. DP Barcode No. D177986.
Document (PDF) (382 KB PDF).

September 15, 1994. DER. 10 Page(s).
James J. Goodyear. Ecological Effects Branch.
71-2. Avian dietary LC50 Test. Species Tested: Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus).
MRID No. 424088-01.
Document (PDF) (2158 KB PDF).

September 15, 1994. DER. 11 Page(s).
James J. Goodyear. Ecological Effects Branch.
71-2. Avian dietary LC50 Test. Species Tested: Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos).
MRID No. 424088-02.
Document (PDF) (2371 KB PDF).

January 01, 1997. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Virginia A. Dobozy. Toxicology Branch II.
Review of Incident Reports in Domestic Animals with the Anticoagulant
Rodenticides Brodifacoum, Chlorophacinone and Diphacinone.
Document (PDF) (449 KB PDF).

December 27, 2006. Review. 2 Page.
W. Erickson. Environmental Risk Branch 2.
Diphacinone Secondary Hazard Study (MRID 469119-01).
DP Barcode: D171311. MRID No. 469119-01.
Document (PDF) (313 KB PDF).

May 31, 2007. Review. 3 Page(s).
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
Product: Kaput Field Rodent Bait B. File Symbol: 72500-RR.
Barcode: D335914. Purpose: Review data to determine if it supports product registration.
MRIDS: 46966512.
Document (PDF) (77 KB PDF).

August 07, 2007. Efficacy Review. 40 Page(s).
William Jacobs. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
Product No.: 72500-RR. Product Name: KAPUT® FIELD RODENT BAIT B.
Submission Purpose: Obtain §3 registration for a combined rodenticide bait…
MRID Nos.: 469665-10, -11, and -12. DP No. 335912.
Inert ingredient , source & MP info. on pages 5, 6, 18, 22, 23 deleted.
Document (PDF) (1935 KB PDF).

November 13, 2007. Efficacy Review. 3 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
PRODUCT: Kaput Field Rodent Bait B. FILE SYMBOL: 72500-RR.
BARCODE: D345949. PURPOSE: Review data to determine if it supports product registration.
MRIDS: 47236901.
Document (PDF) (36 KB PDF).

November 27, 2007. Efficacy Review. 3 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
PRODUCT: Kaput Field Rodent Bait B. FILE SYMBOL: 72500-RR.
BARCODE: D346846. PURPOSE: Review data to determine if it supports product registration.
MRIDS: 47256401.
Document (PDF) (38 KB PDF).

December 15, 2008. Efficacy Review. 3 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
PRODUCT: Kaput Field Rodent Bait B. REG. NUMBER: 72500-11.
BARCODE: D358909. PURPOSE: Review data to determine if it supports the addition of claims
for fleas infesting prairie dogs. MRIDS: 47603301.
Document (PDF) (69 KB PDF).

February 13, 2009. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
PRODUCT: Kaput Field Rodent Bait B. REG. NUMBER: 72500-11.
BARCODE: D361515. PURPOSE: Data submitted in an attempt to supplement MRID 47603301 (D361515).
The registrant is wishing to add Oropsylla hirsuta to the label.
MRIDS: 47633201; 47256401; 47603301.
Document (PDF) (23 KB PDF).

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