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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Clothianidin (Pc Code 044309)

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January 13, 2000. Memorandum. 36 Page(s).
Yan Donovan. Registration Action Branch 2.
TI-435-- New Insecticide Seeking Use on Corn, Canola, Apple, and Pear.
Briefing Memorandum for Meeting of Metabolism Assessment Reviw Committee.
DP Barcode D260059.
Document (PDF) (987 KB PDF).

July 12, 2000. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Yan Donovan. Registration Action Branch 2.
Comments on TI-435 Pre-Consultation Meeting (3/14/00) Minutes.--New Insecticide
seeking Use on Corn, Canola, Apple, and Pear. DP Barcode D266094.
Document (PDF) (82 KB PDF).

January 06, 2003. Memorandum. 35 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Reregistration Branch 3 HED.
CLOTHIANIDIN (TI-435) 1st Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment
Review Committee. Tox review 0051441.
Document (PDF) (2715 KB PDF).

February 10, 2003. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Michael Barrett. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Clothianidin: Tier I Drinking Water EECs for Use in the Human Health Risk Assessment.
DP Barcode D278110.
Document (PDF) (250 KB PDF).

February 20, 2003. Memorandum. 91 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode et. al. Environmental Risk Branch V.
EFED Risk Assessment for the Seed Treatment of Clothianidin 600FS on Corn and Canola.
DP Barcode: D278110.
Document (PDF) (5932 KB PDF).

March 19, 2003. DER. 2 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Two studies submitted to show acute effects of corn and rape seeds treated with
TI 435 FS600 (formulated product) on wolf spiders (Pardosa spp.) under extended
laboratory test conditions. MRID No. 454225-18 & 454225-19.
Document (PDF) (303 KB PDF).

March 19, 2003. Review. 12 Page(s).
Hemendra Mulye. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422436.
Document (PDF) (1390 KB PDF).

March 19, 2003. Review. 12 Page(s).
Hemendra Mulye. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422437.
Document (PDF) (1347 KB PDF).

March 19, 2003. Review. 28 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422435.
Document (PDF) (3271 KB PDF).

March 19, 2003. Review. 7 Page(s).
Hemendra Mulye. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422438.
Document (PDF) (790 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. DER. 3 Page(s).
Jerry Ellis. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Three studies submitted to show effects of Clothianidin (active ingredient) and TI 435
FS600 (formulated product) on the life cycle of rove beetles (Aleochara bilineata) under
extended laboratory conditions. MRID No. 454225-22, 454225-23, 454225-24.
Document (PDF) (362 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. DER. 3 Page(s).
Jerry Ellis. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Two studies submitted to show acute effects of maize and summerrape seeds treated
with TI 435 FS600 (formulated product) on carabid beetles (Poecilus cupreus) under
extended laboratory test conditions. MRID No. 454225-20 & MRID 454225-21.
Document (PDF) (382 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 11 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Acute Contact & Oral LC50 Test; 141-1. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422426.
Document (PDF) (1254 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 11 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Acute Oral LD50 Test No OPP Guideline Applicable. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422429.
Document (PDF) (1151 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 12 Page(s).
Linda Toy. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422434.
Document (PDF) (1903 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 12 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Acute Oral LD50 Test No OPP Guideline Applicable - acute Oral
DP Barcode: D278110 MRID No: 45422430.
Document (PDF) (1154 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 12 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Acute Oral LD50 Test No OPP Guideline Applicable. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422427.
Document (PDF) (1112 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 12 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Acute Oral LD50 Test No OPP Guideline Applicable. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422428.
Document (PDF) (1161 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 14 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422433.
Document (PDF) (1439 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 16 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422432.
Document (PDF) (1619 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 18 Page(s).
Hemendra Mulye. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422440.
Document (PDF) (2295 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 28 Page(s).
Valerie Hodge. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422435.
Document (PDF) (3204 KB PDF).

March 20, 2003. Review. 7 Page(s).
Hemendra Mulye. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators, 141-5 DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422439.
Document (PDF) (793 KB PDF).

March 31, 2003. Memorandum. 40 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Reregistration Branch 3 HED.
CLOTHIANIDIN (TI-435) 2nd Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment
Review Committee. Tox review 0051713.
Document (PDF) (2953 KB PDF).

April 10, 2003. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Miachel Rexrode. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Addendum Referring To EFED's Risk Assessment on Clothianidin Use as a Seed
Treatment on Corn and Canola. DP Barcode D278110.
Document (PDF) (193 KB PDF).

May 01, 2003. Memorandum. 42 Page(s).
Yan Donovan. Risk Assessment Branch HED.
PP# 1F06315 -- Human Health Risk Assessment for Clothianidin Proposal for
Tolerance of Residues in/on Canola and Corn.
Document (PDF) (3187 KB PDF).

July 16, 2003. Review. 16 Page(s).
Hemendra Mulye. Environmental Risk Branch.
Honey Bee - Field Testing For Pollinators 141-5 or 850.3040. DP Barcode: D278110
MRID No: 45422431.
Document (PDF) (1486 KB PDF).

March 11, 2004. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Gabe Patrick. Environmental Risk Branch V.
EFED Review of Bayer CropScience's Draft Protocol of a Honeybee Field Study
-Poncho 600 (264-789) [Clothianidin (044309), D295318].
Document (PDF) (1002 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

September 30, 2003. Letter.
Jamin Huang. Bayer Cropscience in Canada.
Poncho 600 (EPA Reg. No. 264-789). Submission of Draft Protocol
of a Honeybee Field Study for Review.

November 20, 2003.

February 05, 2004. Memorandum.
Gabe Patrick. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Review of clothianidin field study protocol.

*End of Attachments*

August 23, 2004. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Review of a Seed Treatment Leaching Study Protocol for Clothianidin
(an insecticide). DP Barcode D303910. Page 2-10 may be obtained under
FOIA subject to the access provision of FIFRA section 10(g).
Document (PDF) (43 KB PDF).

November 24, 2004. Memorandum. 110 Page(s).
N. E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch.
EFED Registration Chapter for Clothianidin for use on Tobacco, Turf, Apples,
Pears and Ornamentals DP Barcodes: D296177 and D287186.
Document (PDF) (8778 KB PDF).

January 06, 2005. Memorandum. 48 Page(s).
William Cutchin. Science Information Management Branch.
PP# 1F6342-- Human Health Risk Assessment for Clothianidin. Proposal for
Tolerance of Residues in/on Pome Fruit and the Use on Tobacco, Turf, and
Ornamental Plants. DP No. D304499.
Document (PDF) (2688 KB PDF).

September 28, 2005. Memorandum. 122 Page(s).
N. E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch V.
EFED Registration Chapter for Clothianidin for use on Potatoes and Grapes
as a spray treatment and as a Seed Treatment for Sorghum and Cotton.
DP Barcodes: D313414, D314536 and D313415.
Document (PDF) (3827 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 12 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46357302. Magnitude of the Residue of TM-444 and
its Metabolite in Potato Raw Agricultural and Processed Commodities.
Study #TCI-03-075…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1500}.
Document (PDF) (729 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 13 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46346802. Magnitude of the Residue of TM-444 and
its Metabolite in Grape Raw Agricultural and Processed Commodities.
Study #TCI-03-076…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1500}.
Document (PDF) (6671 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 6 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46144902. TI-435 600 FS - Magnitude of the Residue in
Sorghum Processed Commodities. (Request for Waiver of the Study for Magnitude
of the Residue in Sorghum...BayerStudy #T519SO02…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry
Test Guidline 860.1520}.
Document (PDF) (334 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46144901. TI-435 600 FS - Magnitude of the Residue in Sorghum.
BayerStudy #T519SO01…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1500}.
Document (PDF) (477 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46357302. Magnitude of the Residue of TM-444 and
its Metabolite in Potato Raw Agricultural and Processed Commodities.
Study #TCI-03-075…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1500}.
Document (PDF) (464 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46482308. PONCHO 600 FS - Magnitude of the Residue in cotton.
Bayer Study #T519CT01, Bayer PSI #RCTIY099, Bayer Report #201161...
{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1500}.
Document (PDF) (493 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 8 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Reports. MRID # 46346801. Indepedant Laboratory Validation for the
Determination of TM-444 and TMG in Grapes. Laboratory Study ID/Pyxant
Study #Arvesta-1506…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1340}.
Document (PDF) (486 KB PDF).

December 28, 2005. DER. 9 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. RAB2/HED.
Study Report. MRID # 46346802. Magnitude of the Residue of TM-444 and
its Metabolite in Grape Raw Agricultural and Processed Commodities.
Study #TCI-03-076…{OPPTS Residue Chemistry Test Guidline 860.1520}.
Document (PDF) (6671 KB PDF).

February 01, 2006. Memorandum. 28 Page(s).
William Drew. Registration Action Branch 2, HED.
Clothianidin. Tolerance Petition Requesting Food Use of Insecticide Clothianidin
on Grapes, Potatoes, Sorghum, and Cotton (Section 3 Registration)…
MRID Nos. 46346801 & -02, 46357301 & -02, 46144901 & -02, 46482308.
Document (PDF) (1815 KB PDF).

February 23, 2006. Memorandum. 15 Page(s).
Jennifer Leyhe. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Section 18 Request for Use of Clothianidin on Sugar Beet Seed to
Control the Beat Leafhopper (Vector of Beet Curly Top Virus).
DP Barcodes: 326569, 326640, 326590, 326583.
Document (PDF) (1931 KB PDF).

September 13, 2006. Memorandum. 24 Page(s).
Michael Doherty. Registration Action Branch II.
Clothianidin: Acute and Chronic Dietary Exposure Assessments for the Section 3
Registration on Grapes, Potatoes, Sorghum, and Cotton, and the Section 18
Treatment of Sugar Beet Seeds. DP No. 326758.
Document (PDF) (1261 KB PDF).

October 17, 2006. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Kelly Schumacher. Registration Action Branch 2, HED.
Clothianidin: HED's Response to the developmental Immunotoxicity Study Waiver Request.
Tox Review No. 0053515. DP No. 318520.
Document (PDF) (550 KB PDF).

June 12, 2007. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
N. E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch V.
EFED section 3 Registration for a Clothianidin and Beta-Cyfluthrin Combination
Product for use on sugar Beets as a Seed Treatment. DP Barcode: D335254.
Document (PDF) (765 KB PDF).

August 15, 2007. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Kelly Schumacher. Registration Action Branch 2, HED.
Clothianidin: HED's Response to Draft developmental Immunotoxicity Study Protocol.
Tox Review No. 0054669. DP No. 341978.
Document (PDF) (121 KB PDF).

September 28, 2007. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
S. Oonnithan. Registration Action Branch 2, HED.
Clothianidin: Occupational Exposure Assessment for the Use of Pncho
Beta containing Clothianidin and beta-Cyfluthrin on Sugar Beet.
MRID No. 47007811. DP No. D340131.
Document (PDF) (589 KB PDF).

October 16, 2007. Memorandum. 27 Page(s).
William Drew. Registration Action Branch 2, HED.
Clothianidin. Acute and Chronic Aggregate Dietary (Food and Drinking Water)
Exposure and Risk Assessments for the Section 3 Registration Action for Food/Feed
Use of the Insecticide as Seed Treatment on Sugar Beet. DP No. 343102.
Document (PDF) (1486 KB PDF).

October 16, 2007. Memorandum. 36 Page(s).
William Drew. Registration Action Branch 2, HED.
Clothianidin. Tolerance Petition Requesting the Establishment of
Permanent Tolerances (Associated with Section 3 Registration) for
Food/Feed Use of the Insecticide as a Seed Treatment on Sugar Beets.
MRID Nos. 47007809, 47007810, 46826901. DP No. 335355.
Document (PDF) (2543 KB PDF).

November 16, 2007. Memorandum. 34 Pag(s).
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Review of Data Package DP336888 for Clothianidin.
MRID 46907801 (with addendum 46907802).
Document (PDF) (2636 KB PDF).

March 05, 2009. DER. 19 Pages.
Michael Barrett. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Data Evaluation Record on the column leaching of clothianidin from soil
planted with treated corn seeds. DP Barcode: 357014. MRID No. 47483002.
Document (PDF) (222 KB PDF).

September 15, 2009. Memorandum. 8 Pages.
Jose L. Melendez & N. E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Clothianidin Registration of New products Sepresto 75WS
and PROCEED™ OPTIMUM, for Seed Treatment; New Uses for the
Chemical on Tuberous and Cornm Vegetables (CSG 1C),...
DP Barcodes: 343422, 355370, 355371, 355372, 357017, 362361, 362362.
Document (PDF) (490 KB PDF).

October 21, 2009. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Allen W. Vaughan. Environmental Risk Branch V.
Clothianidin Registration of New Products and New Uses of Sepresto 75WS
and PROCEED™ OPTIMUM: Addendum to Address Mitigation of Bee Hazard.
DP Barcode: 370427.
Document (PDF) (113 KB PDF).

June 24, 2010. Memorandum. 2 pages.
Michael A. Doherty. Risk Assessment Branch II.
Clothianidin - Human Health Risk Assessment Addressing Proposed Label Amendments.
DP Barcode: D372325. Registration No.: 59639-150. Decision No.: 424067.
CAS No.: 210880-92-5. MRID No.: None. TXR No.: None.
Document (PDF) (31 KB PDF).

September 30, 2010. Memorandum. 14 Pages.
Shih-Chi Wang. Risk Assessment Branch 2.
Clothianidin: Occupational and Residential Exposure/Risk Assessment for Proposed
Trunk Spray Use of Clothianidin in Ornamental Trees. DP Barcode: D375369.
Registration No.: 59639-152. Decision No.: 428318. MRID No.: None. TXR No.: None.
Document (PDF) (178 KB PDF).

October 06, 2010. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Michael A. Doherty. Risk Assessment Branch II.
Clothianidin - Human Health Risk Assessment for the Proposed Use as a Trunk
Spray to Ornamental Trees. DP Barcode: D374643. Registration No.: 59639-152.
Decision No.: 428318. CAS No.: 210880-92-5. MRID No.: None. TXR No.: None.
Document (PDF) (60 KB PDF).

October 18, 2010. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
William P. Eckel. ERB 6.
Clothianidin (Arena 50 WDG Insecticide): increase in application rate to vegetables
and addition of basal bark application to trees. DP Barcode: D382365.
Document (PDF) (21 KB PDF).

October 29, 2010. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
William T. Drew. Registration Action Branch II.
Clothianidin. Spinach and Tomato Storage Stability Studies, Submitted as
Supplementary Residue Data Pursuant to Conditions of Registration in HED Human
Health Risk Assessment of 13 August 2009 (D357034). DP Barcode: D382140.
MRID No.: 48170101.
Document (PDF) (35 KB PDF).

November 02, 2010. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Joseph DeCant. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Reclassification of MRID 46907801 Data Package 336888 for Clothianidin,
PC Code 044309. DP Number: 383634.
Document (PDF) (828 KB PDF).

November 02, 2010. Memorandum. 99 Pages.
Joseph DeCant. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Clothianidin Registration of Prosper T400 Seed Treatment on Mustard Seed
(Oilseed and Condiment) and Poncho/Votivo Seed Treatment on Cotton.
DP Barcodes: 378994, 377955. MRID Nos. 45422324, 46907801, 46907802….
Document (PDF) (3246 KB PDF).

December 03, 2010. Memorandum. 101 Pages.
Joseph DeCant. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Revised Assessment for Clothianidin Registration of Prosper T400 Seed Treatment on
Mustard Seed (Oilseed and Condiment) and Poncho/Votivo Seed Treatment on Cotton.
DP Barcodes: 378994, 377955. (MRID Nos. 46907801/46907802).
Document (PDF) (2555 KB PDF).

December 03, 2010. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Joseph DeCant. Environmental Risk Branch 5.
Reclassification of MRID 46907801/46907802 Data Package 336888 for Clothianidin,
PC Code 044309 - Revised.
Document (PDF) (234 KB PDF).

December 22, 2010. DER. 39 Pages.
Thomas Steeger. Environmental Risk Branch IV.
DP Barcode: D336888. MRID No. 469078-01 (with 469078-02).
Document (PDF) (965 KB PDF).

December 22, 2010. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Anita Pease. Environmental Risk Branch 6.
Reclassification of MRID 46907801/46907802 Data Package 336888 for Clothianidin,
PC Code 044309. DP Number: 383634.
Document (PDF) (83 KB PDF).

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