Index of Cleared Science Reviews for sec-Butylamine (Pc Code 004214)
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Undated. Summary. 19 Page(s).
Toxicology Branch.
Document (PDF) (830 KB PDF).
August 31, 1966. Review. 3 Page(s).
R. L. Caswell. Petitions Review Branch.
Evaluation of Data to Support Petition 7F0520 for a Tolerance of 35 ppm for 2-
Aminobutane on Oranges. Submitted by Elanco, Eli Lilly. Filed August 10, 1966.
Inert ingredient information on pge 1 is not included.
Document (PDF) (261 KB PDF).
August 31, 1971. Review. 7 Page(s).
R. E. Ney. Petitions Control Branch.
Evaluation of Data for Registration for PP No. 1F1157 for sec-Butylamine also 2-
Aminobutane. Submitted by Elanco, Eli Lilly. Filed June 7, 1971. Inert ingredient
information on page 1 is not included.
Document (PDF) (517 KB PDF).
September 02, 1971. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Robert Schmidt. Toxicology Branch.
Request for Establishment of Residues of Frucote (2-Aminobutane) in or on Citrus at
50 ppm, in the Kidney of Cattle at 3 ppm, and in the Fat, Liver, Meat and Milk of Cattle
at .75 ppm.
Document (PDF) (264 KB PDF).
May 08, 1972. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Robert Schmidt. Toxicology Branch.
Frucote. Amendment of 4/12/72. Pesticide Petition No. 1F1157; FAP #2H5010.
Document (PDF) (96 KB PDF).
June 09, 1975. Report. 1 Page(s).
Frederick Pitcher. Chemical & Biological Investigations Lab.
Brogdex 2-A,B. EPA Reg. No. 5202-RI. Static Jar, 96-Hour, R. Trout (Salmo
Document (PDF) (65 KB PDF).
June 19, 1980. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch.
Completed Contractor Studies - Mutagenicity.
Document (PDF) (165 KB PDF).
February 04, 1981. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
Allen Vaughan. Ecological Effects Branch.
Effect of Pesticides on Apiculture.
Document (PDF) (98 KB PDF).
May 08, 1986. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Margaret Jones. Toxicology Branch.
Low Volume/Minor Use Waiver Request for sec-Butylamine.
Document (PDF) (124 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
May 02, 1986. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
William Burnam. Toxicology Branch.
Low Volume/Minor Use Waivers - Follow-Up Memo.
*End of Attachments*