Date Approved |
Active Ingredient |
10/14/09 |
Cold Pressed Neem Oil: An insecticide for use on outdoor and greenhouse agricultural food and ornamental crops, and as an insect repellent and insect growth regulator. |
10/19/09 |
Ulocladium oudemansii (28 pp, 245k About PDF): afungus used for the control of Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on fruit, vegetables and ornamentals. |
01/29/10 |
Lavandulyl Senecioate: is a synthetic arthropod pheromone intended for use in polymeric dispensers to disrupt the normal mating cycle of vine mealybug on table and wine grapes. |
2/3/10 |
Calcium acetate: is a naturally occurring compound intended for use as an attractant for yellow jackets in traps. Calcium acetate has many industrial, medicinal, and food additive uses such as a medicine to reduce phosphate levels in blood, as a stabilizer in most hard candies, and as an anti-roping agent in most commercially sold breads. |
2/3/10 |
2-Methyl-1-butanol: is a naturally occurring alcohol present in all fruits, wine and beer which is intended for non-food use as an attractant for hornets and wasps (particularly yellowjackets, a subset of predatory wasps). |
2/5/10 |
Trichoderma asperellum (37 pp, 256k About PDF): a fungicideused to control many soil borne pathogens on food and non food crops, including ornamentals, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, cole crops, legumes, aromatic herbs, cucurbits, berries and small fruits, and turf. |
2/5/10 |
Trichoderma gamsii (37 pp, 187k About PDF) a fungicideused to control many soil borne pathogens on food and non food crops, including ornamentals, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, cole crops, legumes, aromatic herbs, cucurbits, berries and small fruits, and turf. |
2/15/10 |
Laminarin food use fungicide. Laminarin is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found in all edible plants. |
4/13/10 |
(E,Z)-7,9-Dodecadien-1-yl acetate used to mitigate the effects of the European grapevine moth (EGVM) by disrupting the normal mating cycle of the insect on table and wine grapes. |
2/28/10 |
Abscisic acid – a plant growth regulator used on fruits and vegetables. |
4/19/10 |
(Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-Hexadecatrienal, also known as Citrus Leafminer Moth (CLM) Pheromone. CLM is produced by Phyllocnistis citrella, to attract males for mating. The active ingredient will mitigate the efects of CLM by disrupting the normal mating cycle of the insect on citrus trees and other vegetation. |
5/7/10 |
Coat Protein Gene of Plum Pox Virus (CPG-PPV) (PDF). (30 pp, 203 K) Plum Pox Virus (PPV) is a plant virus that reduces the quality of stone fruits, and eventually renders infected trees incapable of producing fruit. When CPG-PPV is purposely transferred to uninfected plants, it will make them resistant to PPV infection. |
6/14/10 |
Homobrassinolide. When applied to crops as a plant growth regulator, (PGR) homobrassinolide will result in larger, higher-quality yields. |
6/30/10 |
Terpene constituents of the extract of Chenopodium ambrosoides near ambrosoides as synthetically manufactured. These pesticidal oils are specifically intended to control Two-spotted spider mites, Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips and Fungus gnats on crops. Both the natural and the synthetic extracts work through a physical mode of action whereby they soften cuticles in target insects, resulting in a disruption of insect respiration. |
7/14/10 |
Trichoderma hamatum isolate 382 for use as a fungicide to be applied to soilless potting media and compost in nurseries and greenhouses. |
9/1/10 |
(E,Z,Z)3,8,11-Tetradecatrienyl acetate. This is a straight-chain lepidopteran pheromone (SCLP) that mimics a naturally occurring pheromone produced by the female South American tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta to attract the males for mating. It is intended for use to disrupt the normal mating cycle of South American tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta on tomato crops and all crops where the South American tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta is detected. |
9/10/10 |
Cry1Ac in MON 87701 (soybean) PIP Cry1Ac in soybeans provides protection from feeding damage in soybean by lepidopteran pests such as the velvetbean caterpillar, soybean looper, soybean axil borer, and sunflower looper. |