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July 2006 Symposium on Nanotechnology and the Environment: Session 5: Waste Management of Nanomaterials

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July 13, 9:00-10:00 AM

Dr. Lou Theodore, Manhattan College, Department of Chemical Engineering, Riverdale, NY

Presentation Slides (PDF) (8pp, 287KB)
Highlights, Question and Answer Session


Nanotechnology is the second coming of the industrial revolution. It promises to make that nation (hopefully ours) that seizes the nanotechnology initiative the technology capital of the world. One of the main obstacles to achieving the goal will be to control, reduce, and ultimately eliminate environmental and environmental related problems associated with this technology; the success or failure of this new use may well depend on the ability to effectively and efficiently address these environmental issues. The environmental health and hazard risk associated with both nanomaterials and the applications of nanotechnology for industrial uses are not fully known. Some early studies indicate that nanoparticles can serve as environmental poisons that accumulate in organs.

Although these risks may prove to be either minor, or negligible, or both, the engineer and scientist is duty bound to determine if there are in fact any health, safety, and environmental impacts associated with nanotechnology. This presentation will address these issues. Much of the material is drawn from the John Wiley & Sons texts Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications and Solutions by Theodore and Kunz (2005) and Nanotechnology: Basic Calculations for Engineers and Scientists by Theodore (2006). Specific topics include:

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