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Terrestrial Models


Terrestrial Models Archive

T-REX Version 1.5.2 (Terrestrial Residue Exposure)

T-REX is used by OPP to estimate pesticide concentration on avian and mammalian food items.

T-HERPS Version 1.0 (Terrestrial Herpetofaunal Exposure Residue Program Simulation)

T-HERPS is a simulation model that estimates exposure to terrestrial reptiles and amphibians from pesticide use.

TerrPlant Version 1.2.2

TerrPlant is a Tier 1 model providing screening-level estimates of exposure to terrestrial plants from single pesticide applications.

SIP Version 1.0 (Screening Imbibition Program)

SIP is used by OPP to provide an upper bound estimate of exposure of birds and mammals to pesticides through drinking water alone.

STIR Version 1.0 (Screening Tool for Inhalation Risk)

STIR is used by OPP to estimate inhalation-type exposure based on pesticide-specific information.

TIM Version 3.0 beta (Terrestrial Investigation Model)

TIM is used by OPP to derive quantitative estimates of the probability (or likelihood) and magnitude of mortality to birds (of the same species) exposed to the simulated pesticide.

The TIM executable and graphical user interface (GUI) should be unzipped and saved to the directory of the user's choosing. In order to run the GUI,  the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) must be installed on the user's computer.  It can be downloaded free of charge from the Exit EPA Disclaimer Mathworks website.  The required version is the Windows 32-bit MCR for Matlab release 2012a. A full technical description of TIM v. 3.0 beta is provided in the manual (and associated appendices). User's guidance on running and parameterizing the model is provided in Appendix A.

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