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Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

ETV Verification Process

The EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) concluded operations at the end of March 2014. The program completed all technology verifications. ETV’s verification centers are no longer accepting new applications for technologies to be verified. The following verification process has been used by ETV to prioritize, identify, solicit and test technologies in the past.

ETV was a voluntary program. The following are general criteria that have been applied for submitting a technology for verification:

The ETV verification process has typically included the following steps:

Identification of Area-Specific Technology Categories

ETV centers set priorities for verification activities with the help of stakeholder input. In general, stakeholders applied three criteria in setting priorities among technology categories:

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Identification of Verification Factors

Once a technology category was accepted for verification, ETV stakeholders identified the verification factors, or performance considerations, about which purchasers and permitters needed information to make decisions. For example, monitoring technologies have been evaluated for verification factors such as measurement precision and accuracy. Other verification factors may include:

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Vendor Solicitation and Application

Once a technology category was identified, ETV issued vendors solicitations and the verification centers accepted vendor applications in that category.

ETV solicitation for vendors occurred in the following ways:

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Verification Protocol

When the full list of verification factors were identified, a verification protocol was usually developed by the verification center. The protocol was either based on existing test procedures or was newly developed. Stakeholders and panels of technical experts review the protocol to determine whether the data to be collected in the verification test would definitively address the verification factors when published in the final verification report. In some cases, the protocol was developed prior to testing. In other cases, a generic protocol was developed after the verification is complete and reflects lessons learned during the testing experience.

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Test/Quality Assurance Plan

Once vendors and their products are identified for a particular test event, a test/quality assurance plan is developed by the verification organization and agreed to by EPA and the vendors. Sometimes, a generic verification protocol was developed prior to testing. The test/quality assurance plan was based on the protocol. Other times, the test/quality assurance plan was developed first, prior to testing, and a generic verification protocol was developed after verification is complete.

If a technology was tested in the field, the test site was generally identified when the test/quality assurance plan was developed so that the plan could be tailored to a particular test location.

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Verification Testing

Verification testing was conducted for one product or for a group of similar products at the same time. To conserve resources, ETV often evaluated technologies within a given category in groups when there were multiple vendors.

According to the schedule specified in the test/quality assurance plan, and agreed to by all parties, the verification center and vendors finalized the arrangements for testing. With assistance from the participating vendors, the verification organization tested the equipment using the procedures outlined in the test/quality assurance plan. Audits of the test event are conducted by EPA and the verification organizations. Rigorous quality assurance evaluations of the resulting test data were performed in accordance with the plan, the center-specific quality management plan and the ETV Quality Management Plan (PDF) (84 pp, 744 KB).

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Verification Report and Statement

When testing and data analysis are completed, a draft verification report and a summary statement (2 to 7 pages) was developed by the verification center for each product tested. The report and statement was reviewed by EPA, the participating vendors and peer reviewers; and EPA management approved the final report and statement. EPA management and the verification center signed the verification statement. The final report and statement was published on the ETV Web site.

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The technology vendor was solely responsible for outreach activities related to the performance verification of their product. However, companies and products that were verified by ETV were posted on the ETV Web site and were included in other ETV outreach materials. EPA and ETV verification centers conducted on-going outreach to inform audiences about the activities of the program and the availability of performance verification information to aid in decision making.

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See Also
Fact Sheet: EPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program (3 pp, 691 MB) (EPA/600/F-08/012) Updated July 2013
Verified Technologies
Verification Centers
ETV Quality Management Plan (PDF) (84 pp, 744 KB) (EPA/600/R-08/009) January 2008
Environmental Technology Verification Program, Policy Compendium (PDF) (38 pp, 220 KB) (EPA/600/R-08/025) February 2008
U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) Guidelines for Proper Use of the ETV Name and Logo (PDF) (15 pp, 646 KB) (EPA/600/R-08/029) March 2008
U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program, Purpose of Verifications and Use of Program Name and Logo (PDF) (1 p, 33 KB) March 2008

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