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Process for Preparation of Survey Information for Analysis

Analysis Process Flow Diagram

The Design Team has developed a process to guide and standardize the preparation of databases for subsequent analysis.

The last step accumulates all the information into one database in preparation for statistical analysis. When sites from the over sample are used the initial design weights must be adjusted.

An illustrative example of this process is presented based on the EMAP Western Pilot Program.

The next step creates the Design Status file Design File Selected Sites Site Evaluation Field Reconn
      Site Status File Data Collection
The Design Status File summarizes all information following Field Survey Efforts Design File Sampled Sites Design Status File Sample Frame
EMAP Western Pilot Example
    Design Status File
  • Contains variables from Site Status File
  • Contains variables from Design File
  • Contains derived variables
  • Requires summary information from Sample Frame
  • May contain results
  • Derived variables
    • Albers projection x,y coordinates
    • Final weights adjusted for use of over sample

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