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Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

Week 4: September 18 - September 24

EPA Regional Information

Map of the US showing EPA regions affected by Hurricane Katrina Region 4: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee Region 6: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

EPA Region 4 (for Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi)
EPA Region 6 (for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas)

Information by Louisiana parish

View all sampling results in both Regions | Download data

Most recent updates

Saturday, September 24

Friday, September 23

Thursday, September 22

Wednesday, September 21

Tuesday, September 20

Monday, September 19

Sunday, September 18

EPA Response Activity - September 24

Hurricane Rita Preparations - EPA worked closely with the state of Texas to prepare for Hurricane Rita. EPA has pre-deployed three EPA response personnel and four contractors to the Regional Response Coordination Center in Austin, Texas. The pre-deployment team is co-located with other federal and state personnel to coordinate planning for Hurricane Rita response priorities. A full EPA Incident Management Team consisting of 18 EPA personnel will stage in Dallas, Texas on 9/24. The team will deploy to the impacted area as soon as the storm passes (anticipated to be 9/26). Additional response and contract personnel are standing by and will be brought to the scene once an initial needs assessment is complete. The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and EPA contacted chemical and refinery industry along the hurricane's path concerning their plans to secure and shut-down their plants. The Risk Management Program (RMP) under the Clean Air Act requires facilities to develop an emergency plan and coordinate their activities with local officials. Additional measures are being taken to prepare for response actions at chemical and petroleum facilities. EPA is currently mapping the facilities and sites expected to be impacted by Hurricane Rita. These maps will be used to conduct a Rapid Needs Assessment that will be conducted shortly after the storm passes. EPA has also listed these facilities in the Agency’s Rapid Assessment Integrated Database (RAID) which prioritizes targets for the reconnaissance phase of the response. Chemical products stored at the larger facilities to assist responders are also being identified. EPA is currently mapping Superfund hazardous waste sites expected to be impacted by Hurricane Rita. Teams of project managers are prepared to deploy to affected Superfund hazardous waste sites as soon as the storm passes. These teams will conduct thorough assessments and, if necessary, they will also sample the sites to determine any impact.

Public Outreach – FEMA has requested EPA, and other federal agencies, to provide a recorded message of information for broadcast over XM radio and TV to the evacuee shelters. EPA senior personnel are doing the interviews.

Hurricane-Related Fuel Waivers - In the continued effort to minimize potential fuel supply disruptions caused by Hurricane’s Rita and Katrina, on 9/22 EPA expanded the waiver to allow conventional gasoline (CG) to be sold and distributed in the Houston-Galveston reformulated gasoline (RFG) covered area to cover the Dallas-Fort Worth RFG area through midnight on September 30. In a related action, EPA granted a third waiver to extend the 9/9 waiver to allow regulated parties to distribute and sell CG in the Richmond, Virginia RFG covered area through midnight on 9/30. Retail outlets and wholesale purchaser-consumers will be allowed to continue selling or dispensing this fuel after 9/30, until their supplies are depleted. EPA and the Department of Energy will continue to monitor the situation closely and work with state and local governments to evaluate and respond to changing circumstances. More information on hurricane-related fuel waivers (https://www.epa.gov/compliance/katrina/waiver/index.html).

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling – Hurricane Rita is not expected to delay the deployment of EPA’s ocean vessel, the Bold, scheduled for a 9/26 mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Air Monitoring – On 9/23, EPA in coordination with Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, released results of air screening samples collected from multiple locations across New Orleans on 9/11 and 13-19. Because samples were not collected with standard monitors, the mix of particles in the screening samples cannot easily be compared to EPA's standards. However, to provide the public with a point of reference, EPA has compared the results to its Air Quality Index (AQI) for inhalable coarse particles, also known as PM 10. The AQI is an index of daily air quality that focuses on health effects that the public may experience in a few hours or days after breathing the air. The screening samples show particle pollution at levels considered moderate or "code yellow" under the coarse particle AQI on September 13, 14, 18 and 19. Coarse particle pollution is considered "moderate" when the 24-hour average level is between 55 and 154 micrograms per cubic meter of air. At these levels, unusually sensitive people should consider not engaging in vigorous exercise. For more information, see "Particle Pollution and Your Health" (http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=particle.cover). From 1999 to 2004, New Orleans averaged three "moderate" PM 10 days a year, based on measurements taken every six days. These data were collected using a portable, battery-powered monitor that often is used in emergency response situations, because it gives immediate readings. EPA does not use data from these types of monitors either for compliance purposes or for generating routine air quality advisories. These initial results represent the beginning of extensive sampling efforts and do not represent all air conditions throughout the area. As this is a dynamic situation, general conclusions should not be made regarding air quality based on results from this snapshot of data.

Public Information – On 9/19, EPA posted on its Web site an extensive list of questions and answers (https://www.epa.gov/katrina/faqs.htm) regarding flood water, drinking water, wastewater, human health, air issues, sediment, oil spills and superfund sites, asbestos, debris, and fuel waivers.

Sediment Sampling – On 9/22, EPA continued posting analytical results of sediment sampling from New Orleans. On 9/16 based on the initial results of this data, EPA recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly advise the use of soap and water, if available, to clean the exposed areas, and the removal of contaminated clothing.

EPA-CDC Report – EPA and CDC formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs & Habitability Assessment issued 9/17 identifies a number of barriers to be overcome and critical decisions to be made prior to re-inhabiting New Orleans. The report is available on the EPA web site at https://www.epa.gov/katrina/reports/envneeds_hab_assessment.html

Debris Assessment and Collection – EPA is conducting air monitoring at debris burn sites in Louisiana. EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers in the hurricane affected area. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/22, EPA has collected over 37,550 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Drinking Water Assessment – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/22, EPA has determined that 534 of these facilities are operational, 19 are operating on a boil water notice and 130 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3.2 million people. EPA has determined that 1,228 of these facilities are operational, 100 are operating on a boil water notice and 40 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Wastewater – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/22, EPA has determined that 87 of these facilities are operational and 35 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 118 POTW. EPA has determined that 114 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Superfund Sites - There are 16 NPL sites in the hurricane affected area of LA, 6 in AL and 3 in MS. 16 of the sites in LA have had initial assessments. Initial Rapid Assessments have been made on the 9 sites in AL and MS. EPA is still in the assessment phase, and will continue to monitor all the impacted NPL sites.

EPA Response Activity - September 23

Rita Preparations - EPA is working closely with the state of Texas to prepare for Hurricane Rita. EPA has pre-deployed three EPA response personnel and four contractors to the Regional Response Coordination Center in Austin, Texas. The pre-deployment team is co-located with other federal and state personnel to coordinate planning for Hurricane Rita response priorities. A full EPA Incident Management Team consisting of 18 EPA personnel will stage in Dallas, Texas on 9/24. The team will deploy to the impacted area as soon as the storm passes (anticipated to be 9/26). Additional response and contract personnel are standing by and will be brought to the scene once an initial needs assessment is complete. The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and EPA have been contacting chemical and refinery industry along the hurricane's path concerning their plans to secure and shut-down their plants. The Risk Management Program (RMP) under the Clean Air Act requires facilities to develop an emergency plan and coordinate their activities with local officials. Additional measures are being taken to prepare for response actions at chemical and petroleum facilities. EPA is currently mapping the facilities and sites expected to be impacted by Hurricane Rita. These maps will be used to conduct a Rapid Needs Assessment that will be conducted shortly after the storm passes. EPA has also listed these facilities in the Agency’s Rapid Assessment Integrated Database (RAID) which prioritizes targets for the reconnaissance phase of the response. Chemical products stored at the larger facilities to assist responders are also being identified. EPA is currently mapping Superfund hazardous waste sites expected to be impacted by Hurricane Rita. Teams of project managers are prepared to deploy to affected Superfund hazardous waste sites as soon as the storm passes. These teams will conduct thorough assessments and, if necessary, they will also sample the sites to determine any impact.

Public Outreach – FEMA has requested EPA, and other federal agencies, to provide a recorded message of information for broadcast over XM radio and TV to the evacuee shelters. EPA senior personnel are doing the interviews.

Hurricane-Related Fuel Waivers - In the continued effort to minimize potential fuel supply disruptions caused by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, on 9/22 EPA expanded the waiver to allow conventional gasoline (CG) to be sold and distributed in the Houston-Galveston reformulated gasoline (RFG) covered area to cover the Dallas-Fort Worth RFG area through midnight on September 30. In a related action, EPA granted a third waiver to extend the 9/9 waiver to allow regulated parties to distribute and sell CG in the Richmond, Virginia RFG covered area through midnight on 9/30. Retail outlets and wholesale purchaser-consumers will be allowed to continue selling or dispensing this fuel after 9/30, until their supplies are depleted. EPA and the Department of Energy will continue to monitor the situation closely and work with state and local governments to evaluate and respond to changing circumstances. More information on hurricane-related fuel waivers (https://www.epa.gov/compliance/katrina/waiver).

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling – Hurricane Rita is not expected to delay the deployment of EPA’s ocean vessel, the Bold, scheduled for a 9/26 mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Air Monitoring – On 9/23, EPA in coordination with Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, released results of air screening samples collected from multiple locations across New Orleans on 9/11 and 13-19. Because samples were not collected with standard monitors, the mix of particles in the screening samples cannot easily be compared to EPA's standards. However, to provide the public with a point of reference, EPA has compared the results to its Air Quality Index (AQI) for inhalable coarse particles, also known as PM 10. The AQI is an index of daily air quality that focuses on health effects that the public may experience in a few hours or days after breathing the air. The screening samples show particle pollution at levels considered moderate or "code yellow" under the coarse particle AQI on September 13, 14, 18 and 19. Coarse particle pollution is considered "moderate" when the 24-hour average level is between 55 and 154 micrograms per cubic meter of air. At these levels, unusually sensitive people should consider not engaging in vigorous exercise. For more information, see "Particle Pollution and Your Health" (http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=particle.cover). From 1999 to 2004, New Orleans averaged three "moderate" PM 10 days a year, based on measurements taken every six days. These data were collected using a portable, battery-powered monitor that often is used in emergency response situations, because it gives immediate readings. EPA does not use data from these types of monitors either for compliance purposes or for generating routine air quality advisories. These initial results represent the beginning of extensive sampling efforts and do not represent all air conditions throughout the area. As this is a dynamic situation, general conclusions should not be made regarding air quality based on results from this snapshot of data.

Public Information – On 9/19, EPA posted on its Web site an extensive list of questions and answers (https://www.epa.gov/katrina/faqs.htm) regarding flood water, drinking water, wastewater, human health, air issues, sediment, oil spills and superfund sites, asbestos, debris, and fuel waivers.

Sediment Sampling – On 9/22, EPA continued posting analytical results of sediment sampling from New Orleans. On 9/16 based on the initial results of this data, EPA recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EDebris Assessment and Collection – EPA is conducting air monitoring at debris burn sites in Louisiana. EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers in the hurricane affected area. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/22, EPA has collected over 37,550 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Drinking Water Assessment – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/22, EPA has determined that 534 of these facilities are operational, 19 are operating on a boil water notice and 130 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3.2 million people. EPA has determined that 1,228 of these facilities are operational, 100 are operating on a boil water notice and 40 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Wastewater – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/22, EPA has determined that 87 of these facilities are operational and 35 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 118 POTW. EPA has determined that 114 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Superfund Sites - There are 16 NPL sites in the hurricane affected area of LA, 6 in AL and 3 in MS. 16 of the sites in LA have had initial assessments. Initial Rapid Assessments have been made on the 9 sites in AL and MS. EPA is still in the assessment phase, and will continue to monitor all the impacted NPL sites

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EPA Response Activity - September 22

Public Information – On 9/19, EPA posted on its Web site an extensive list of questions and answers regarding flood water, drinking water, wastewater, human health, air issues, sediment, oil spills and superfund sites, asbestos, debris, and fuel waivers.

Sediment Sampling – On 9/22, EPA continued posting analytical results of sediment sampling from New Orleans. On 9/16 based on the initial results of this data, EPA recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly advise the use of soap and water, if available, to clean the exposed areas, and the removal of contaminated clothing.

EPA-CDC Report – EPA and CDC formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs & Habitability Assessment (https://www.epa.gov/katrina/reports/envneeds_hab_assessment.html) issued 9/17 identifies a number of barriers to be overcome and critical decisions to be made prior to re-inhabiting New Orleans.

Debris Assessment and Collection – EPA is conducting air monitoring at debris burn sites in Louisiana. EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers in the hurricane affected area. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/21, EPA has collected in excess of 29,750 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Drinking Water Assessment – n the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/21, EPA has determined that 534 of these facilities are operational, 19 are operating on a boil water notice and 130 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3,219,690 people. EPA has determined that 1,181 of these facilities are operational, 147 are operating on a boil water notice and 40 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction

Wastewater – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/21, EPA has determined that 87 of these facilities are operational and 35 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 118 POTW. EPA has determined that 114 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Air Monitoring – On 9/16, EPA posted results of air screening samples collected by Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer (TAGA) buses on 9/12-13 from multiple locations in New Orleans. The screening results indicated that chemical concentrations in most areas are below Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) health standards of concern. The low level of volatile pollutants is not surprising as contaminants may be bound to the sediment. Monitoring data directly around the Murphy Oil spill revealed some slightly elevated levels of benzene and toluene that are associated with the petroleum release. Long-term exposure (a year or longer) at the levels measured would be required for health effects to be of concern.

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling – EPA’s ocean vessel, the Bold, is expected to be deployed 9/26 on a mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Superfund Sites - There are 16 NPL sites in the hurricane affected area of LA, 6 in AL and 3 in MS. 16 of the sites in LA have had initial assessments. Initial Rapid Assessments have been made on the 9 sites in AL and MS. EPA is still in the assessment phase, and will continue to monitor all the impacted NPL sites

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EPA Response Activity - September 21

Public Information – On 9/19, EPA posted on its Web site an extensive list of questions and answers regarding flood water, drinking water, wastewater, human health, air issues, sediment, oil spills and superfund sites, asbestos, debris, and fuel waivers.

Sediment Sampling – On 9/19-20, EPA posted biological and chemical data testing results of sediment sampling from New Orleans taken on 9/10. On 9/16 based on the initial results of this data, EPA recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly advise the use of soap and water, if available, to clean the exposed areas, and the removal of contaminated clothing.

EPA-CDC Report – EPA and CDC formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs & Habitability Assessment issued 9/17 identifies a number of barriers to be overcome and critical decisions to be made prior to reinhabiting New Orleans. The report is available on the EPA web site at https://www.epa.gov/katrina/reports/envneeds_hab_assessment.html

Debris Assessment and Collection – EPA is conducting air monitoring at debris burn sites in Louisiana. EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers in the hurricane affected area. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/19, EPA has collected in excess of 28,000 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Drinking Water Assessment – On 9/19, EPA mobile labs in Louisiana began distributing 700 drinking water sample test kits to Parish Health Units for use by private well owners. In the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/20, EPA has determined that 522 of these facilities are operational, 26 are operating on a boil water notice and 135 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3,219,690 people. EPA has determined that 1,215 of these facilities are operational, 111 are operating on a boil water notice and 42 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Wastewater – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/20, EPA has determined that 87 of these facilities are operational and 35 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 115 POTW. EPA has determined that 111 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Air Monitoring – On 9/16, EPA posted results of air screening samples collected by Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer (TAGA) buses on 9/12-13 from multiple locations in New Orleans. The screening results indicated that chemical concentrations in most areas are below Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) health standards of concern. The low level of volatile pollutants is not surprising as contaminants may be bound to the sediment. Monitoring data directly around the Murphy Oil spill revealed some slightly elevated levels of benzene and toluene that are associated with the petroleum release. Long-term exposure (a year or longer) at the levels measured would be required for health effects to be of concern.

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling – EPA’s ocean vessel, the Bold, is expected to be deployed 9/26 on a mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Air Surveillance – In coordination with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LEDQ), EPA's airplane ASPECT has conducted numerous flights to obtain environmental screening data. Results of this surveillance were posted on the EPA website 9/14. Compounds identified were not found to be at levels exceeding OSHA standards with one exception. In this instance, the detection was reported to EPA responders on the ground. The responders located the source, a 55-gallon drum containing 4 inches of Chloro Acetic Acid. The drum was secured by EPA response personnel.

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EPA Response Activity - September 20

Media Briefing – On 9/21, EPA is planning a teleconference briefing for reporters on debris management with the Army Corps of Engineers, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality at 1 p.m.

Debris Assessment and Collection – EPA is conducting air monitoring at debris burn sites in Louisiana. EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers in the hurricane affected area. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/19, EPA has collected in excess of 28,000 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Public Information – On 9/19, EPA posted on its Web site an extensive list of questions and answers regarding flood water, drinking water, wastewater, human health, air issues, sediment, oil spills and superfund sites, asbestos, debris, and fuel waivers.

Sediment Sampling – On 9/19, EPA posted biological data testing results of sediment sampling from New Orleans taken on 9/10. On 9/16 based on the initial results of this data, EPA recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly advise the use of soap and water, if available, to clean the exposed areas, and the removal of contaminated clothing.

EPA-CDC Report – EPA and CDC formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs and Habitability Assessment issued 9/17 identifies a number of barriers to be overcome and critical decisions to be made prior to reinhabiting New Orleans.

Drinking Water Assessment – On 9/19, EPA mobile labs in Louisiana began distributing 700 drinking water sample test kits to Parish Health Units for use by private well owners. In the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/19, EPA has determined that 522 of these facilities are operational, 26 are operating on a boil water notice and 135 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3,219,690 people. EPA has determined that 1,207 of these facilities are operational, 118 are operating on a boil water notice and 43 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Wastewater – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/19, EPA has determined that 86 of these facilities are operational and 36 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 115 POTW. EPA has determined that 111 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Air Monitoring – On 9/16, EPA posted results of air screening samples collected by Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer (TAGA) buses on 9/12-13 from multiple locations in New Orleans. The screening results indicated that chemical concentrations in most areas are below Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) health standards of concern. The low level of volatile pollutants is not surprising as contaminants may be bound to the sediment. Monitoring data directly around the Murphy Oil spill revealed some slightly elevated levels of benzene and toluene that are associated with the petroleum release. Long-term exposure (a year or longer) at the levels measured would be required for health effects to be of concern.

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling – EPA’s ocean vessel, the Bold, is expected to be deployed 9/26 on a mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Air Surveillance – In coordination with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LEDQ), EPA's airplane ASPECT has conducted numerous flights to obtain environmental screening data. Results of this surveillance were posted on the EPA web site 9/14. Compounds identified were not found to be at levels exceeding OSHA standards with one exception. In this instance, the detection was reported to EPA responders on the ground. The responders located the source, a 55-gallon drum containing 4 inches of Chloro Acetic Acid. The drum was secured by EPA response personnel.

Superfund Sites - On 9/13, EPA and the LDEQ sent teams to conduct reconnaissance at the four accessible National Priority List (NPL) sites. In addition, EPA has done an overflight assessment of the 5th site, since it is currently under water. EPA is also in the process of working with the states to assess 9 NPL sites in the hurricane affected areas of MS and AL.

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EPA Response Activity - September 19

EPA-CDC Report – EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs and Habitability Assessment issued 9/17 identifies a number of barriers to be overcome and critical decisions to be made prior to reinhabiting New Orleans.

Drinking Water Assessment – On 9/19, EPA mobile labs in the New Orleans area plan to distribute 700 drinking water sample test kits to Parish Health Units for use by private well owners. In the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/17, EPA has determined that 498 of these facilities are operational, 26 are operating on a boil water notice and 159 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3,219,690 people. EPA has determined that 1,139 of these facilities are operational, 181 are operating on a boil water notice and 48 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Air Monitoring – On 9/16, EPA posted results of air screening samples collected by Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer (TAGA) buses on 9/12-13 from multiple locations in New Orleans. The screening results indicated that chemical concentrations in most areas are below Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) health standards of concern. The low level of volatile pollutants is not surprising as contaminants may be bound to the sediment. Monitoring data directly around the Murphy Oil spill revealed some slightly elevated levels of benzene and toluene that are associated with the petroleum release. Long-term exposure (a year or longer) at the levels measured would be required for health effects to be of concern.

Wastewater – In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/17, EPA has determined that 86 of these facilities are operational and 36 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 115 POTW. EPA has determined that 111 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Debris Assessment and Collection – EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/16, EPA has collected 28,160 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Sediment Sampling – On 9/16, EPA released preliminary results of initial sediment sampling from New Orleans and recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) strongly advise the use of soap and water, if available, to clean the exposed areas, and the removal of contaminated clothing.

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling – EPA’s ocean vessel, the Bold, is expected to be deployed 9/26 on a mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Air Surveillance – In coordination with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LEDQ), EPA's airplane ASPECT has conducted numerous flights to obtain environmental screening data. Results of this surveillance were posted on the EPA website 9/14. Compounds identified were not found to be at levels exceeding OSHA standards with one exception. In this instance, the detection was reported to EPA responders on the ground. The responders located the source, a 55-gallon drum containing 4 inches of Chloro Acetic Acid. The drum was secured by EPA response personnel.

Superfund Sites - On 9/13, EPA and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) sent teams to conduct reconnaissance at the four accessible National Priority List (NPL) sites. In addition, EPA has done an overflight assessment of the 5th site, since it is currently under water. EPA is also in the process of working with the states to assess 9 NPL sites in the hurricane affected areas of MS and AL.

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EPA Response Activity - September 18

EPA-CDC Report - EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs & Habitability Assessment issued September 17, 2005, identifies a number of barriers to be overcome and critical decisions to be made prior to reinhabiting New Orleans. The report is available on the EPA web site at https://www.epa.gov/katrina/reports/envneeds_hab_assessment.html

Air Monitoring - On 9/16, EPA posted results of air screening samples collected by Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer (TAGA) buses on 9/12-13 from multiple locations in New Orleans. The screening results indicated that chemical concentrations in most areas are below Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) health standards of concern. The low level of volatile pollutants is not surprising as contaminants may be bound to the sediment. Monitoring data directly around the Murphy Oil spill revealed some slightly elevated levels of benzene and toluene that are associated with the petroleum release. Long-term exposure (a year or longer) at the levels measured would be required for health effects to be of concern.

Drinking Water Assessment - In the LA affected area, there are a total of 683 drinking water facilities that served approximately 2.8 million people. As of 9/17, EPA has determined that 498 of these facilities are operational, 26 are operating on a boil water notice and 159 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 1,368 drinking water facilities that served approximately 3,219,690 people. EPA has determined that 1,139 of these facilities are operational, 181 are operating on a boil water notice and 48 are either inoperable or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, there are a total of 72 drinking water facilities that served approximately 960,682 people. EPA has determined that all 72 of these facilities are operational. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Wastewater - In the LA affected area, there are a total of 122 Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW). As of 9/17, EPA has determined that 86 of these facilities are operational and 36 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the MS affected area, there are a total of 115 POTW. EPA has determined that 111 of these facilities are operational and 4 facilities are either not operating or their status is unknown. In the AL affected area, only 1 facility is not operating with 7 others having operational difficulties. It should be noted that “operational” facilities may still be in need of repair or reconstruction.

Debris Assessment and Collection - EPA teams continue collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) and orphan containers. In addition, EPA personnel continue to offer technical assistance in the disposal of hazardous waste and other debris left behind by the storm. As of 9/16, EPA has collected 26,656 HHW/orphan containers throughout the affected region.

Sediment Sampling - On 9/16, EPA released preliminary results of initial sediment sampling from New Orleans and recommended avoiding all contact with the sediment, where possible, due to the presence of E. coli and fuel oils. In the event contact occurs, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) strongly advise the use of soap and water, if available, to clean the exposed areas, and the removal of contaminated clothing.

Gulf/Mississippi Water Sampling - EPA's ocean vessel, the Bold, is expected to be deployed 9/26 on a mission to survey the waters of the Mississippi Sound and the Gulf of Mexico in the plume of the Mississippi River. The surveys will take about three weeks to complete.

Air Surveillance - In coordination with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LEDQ), EPA's airplane ASPECT has conducted numerous flights to obtain environmental screening data. Results of this surveillance were posted on the EPA website 9/14. Compounds identified were not found to be at levels exceeding OSHA standards with one exception. In this instance, the detection was reported to EPA responders on the ground. The responders located the source, a 55-gallon drum containing 4 inches of Chloro Acetic Acid. The drum was secured by EPA response personnel.

Superfund Sites - On 9/13, EPA and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) sent teams to conduct reconnaissance at the four accessible National Priority List (NPL) sites. In addition, EPA has done an overflight assessment of the 5th site, since it is currently under water. EPA is also in the process of working with the states to assess 9 NPL sites in the hurricane affected areas of MS and AL.

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