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Japanese Nuclear Emergency: Radiation Monitoring

Results of Laboratory Analysis of RadNet Filters

EPA no longer updates the information at this link, but it may be useful as a reference or resource. This site contains information and data from March 11, 2011 to June 30, 2011. EPA has returned to routine RadNet operations. This site will continue to be available for historical and informative purposes.

For real-time air monitoring data, please visit the EPA RadNet website and Central Data Exchange. To view both current and historical laboratory data, please visit our Envirofacts database.

Air Filter Data

Filter Sampling: RadNet stationary or deployable monitors pass air through a filter which traps particulates. The filter is sent to an EPA laboratory for a sensitive laboratory analysis which can detect any radionuclides present. The date on the table is the day that the filter was taken off the sampler for analysis. The date on the table is the day that the canister was taken off the sampler. Processing a sample typically takes 3 to 4 days.



Cobalt Cesium Iodine Tellurium
Co‐60 Cs‐134 Cs‐137 I‐131 I‐132 I‐133 Te‐132
3/15 Riverside, CA ND --- --- ND ND --- --- ---
3/18 Riverside, CA ND ND 0.00024 0.00024 0.011



--- 0.0014
3/18 San Francisco, CA


--- 0.00092 0.0013 0.068 0.0066 0.0020 0.0075
  Seattle, WA ND --- 0.00052 0.00045 0.013 0.0029 --- 0.0034
3/19 Anaheim, CA ND --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
  Anaheim, CA ND ND --- ND ND --- --- ---
  Anaheim, CA ND ND 0.0012 0.0017 0.046 0.0095 --- 0.012

Charcoal Canister Data

Air Canister Sampling: RadNet deployable monitors pass air through a canister that contains charcoal and silver zeolite cartridges. The cartridges collect radioactive particles and gases in much the same way that a home charcoal air filter traps cooking odors. The canisters are sent to an EPA laboratory for a sensitive laboratory analysis which can detect any radionuclides in the sample. The date on the table is the day that the canister was taken off the sampler. Processing a sample typically takes 3 to 4 days.

Date Sample Source Barium140/
Cobalt Cesium
Co‐60 Cs‐134 Cs‐136 Cs‐137 I‐131 I‐132 I‐133 Te‐132
3/19 Dutch Harbor, AK ND --- --- --- ND 2.4 --- ---  
  Dutch Harbor, AK ND --- --- --- ND ND --- ---  
  Guam ND --- --- --- ND ND --- ---  
  Guam ND --- --- --- ND ND --- ---  



ND --- --- --- ND ND --- ---  
3/20 Juneau, AK ND --- --- --- ND ND --- ---  
  Nome           0.11 --- ---  
  Nome           nd --- ---  
3/21 Juneau, AK ND --- --- --- ND 0.037




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