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Regulating Services

Regulating Services

Regulating Services are benefits obtained from ecosystem processes that regulate the environment, including erosion regulation, natural hazard regulation, and climate regulation.


Algae are aquatic, photosynthetic plant-like organisms and include calcareous macroalgae, fleshy macroalgae, turf algae, and crustose coralline algae. Carbon storage and cycling is the ability of an ecosystem to utilize, process, and store carbon. Climate reflects a region's temperature, humidity, air pressure, and weather. Climate regulation is the process by which ecosystems process and store carbon, which can modulate atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas used by primary producers, such as plants and algae, to produce sugars. Contact Uses, such as biological additions, physical damage, and biological harvesting, are activities in which humans create pressures through direct contact with the ecosystem. Coral is a colonial marine animal consisting of polyps. Culture sectors contribute to the social, emotional, and intellectual well-being of the community. Discharges are the intentional or unintentional distribution of chemicals, debris, or other pollution, into the environment as a consequence of human activities. Ecosystem monitoring and restoration refers to responses to directly alter the condition of the reef ecosystem through restoration or remediation activities, setting  limits on degradation through biological criteria or water quality criteria, or improvin Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems . The Health sector includes groups which provide for human health through medical and social care, and maintenance and disposal of waste. Infrastructural sectors provide the physical, organizational, and technical support for the economy to function, including construction, utilities, transportation, finance, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and technical services. Landscape Changes are alterations of the natural landscape through human activities, including coastal development, shoreline armoring, impervious surfaces, deforestation, or soil disturbance, which can alter water flow patterns and lead to pollutant runo The Reef Ecosystem includes a suite of abiotic variables that form the physical and chemical environment. Pressures are human activities that create stress on the environment. The state of the Reef Ecosystem is the condition, in terms of quantity and quality, of the abiotic and biotic components including physical, chemical, and biological variables. Reef Habitat is the abundance, distribution, and condition of the benthic components of the reef ecosystem. Reef Inhabitants are all of the motile components of the reef ecosystem, including fish, invertebrates, marine reptiles and mammals, and are quantified by their  abundance, distribution, and condition. Reef Life is the abundance, distribution, and condition of the biological components of the coral reef ecosystem. Regulating Services are benefits obtained from ecosystem processes that regulate the environment, including erosion regulation, natural hazard regulation, and climate regulation. Responses are actions taken by groups or individuals in society and government to prevent, compensate, ameliorate or adapt to changes in Ecosystem Services or their perceived value. Shelter includes sectors that provide for the comfort and protection of humans in relation to their living spaces. Shoreline Protection is the attenuation of wave energy by reefs that protects coastal communities against shoreline erosion and flooding during storms, hurricanes, and tsunamis that can cause property damage and loss of life. Socio-Economic Drivers include the sectors that fulfill human needs for Food & Raw Materials, Water, Shelter, Health, Culture, and Security, and the Infrastructure that supports the sectors. Storms and hurricanes are periodic events of high precipitation, winds, wave action, and flooding that can potentially cause damage to reef habitat, property, or human lives. Supporting services are ecological processes that indirectly benefit humans by maintaining a functional ecosystem for the production of other ecosystem goods and services. Valuation is the process of estimating the worth, merit, or desirability of benefits derived from ecosystems. Water depth reflects the height between the bottom of the seafloor and water surface, and is often indicative of distinct ecological communities (shallow water species; deep water species). A wetland is an area of land whose soil is saturated with moisture either permanently or seasonally.

CMap Description

Reef organisms provide a number of regulating services, including shoreline protection and climate regulation. Carbon storage and processing by coral, algae, and wetland plants convert atmospheric CO2 into biomass, and can contribute to climate regulation. Stony coral provide the foundation for the reef structure that can attenuate wave energy, protecting the shoreline from erosion or flooding during storms or hurricanes. Regulating services can improve air quality, reduce risks of injury or death to humans, and reduce damage to homes and buildings. Many of the same socio-economic sectors that benefit from regulating services also create pressures on the reef through coastal development, pollution, and harvesting. Valuation methods and scientific research can be used to determine the value of regulating services.


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Management Options

Management Option Description Sources Database Topics
Damage Assessment, Documentation & Response: Respond to Mass Coral Bleaching Events There are several actions managers can take to prepare for and respond to bleaching events. These strategies typically focus on developing and communicating reliable information about the bleaching event and its impacts, rather than providing a "cure." Developing a Bleaching response plan in advance allows managers to respond more effectively during these rapid onset events. Predicting the risk and severity of bleaching events can allow for more timely yet credible information for decision makers. After the bleaching event it is important to quickly access the ecological impacts for further management decisions. Bleached coral are in a vulnerable state, and are therefore less resilient to degraded water quality, physical damage from recreation, or pressure from fishing activities. This heightened sensitivity means that current protections may need to be increased temporarily following a bleaching event. Marshall, P. and H. Schuttenberg. 2006. A reef manager's guide to coral bleaching.

Atmospheric Emissions; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Climate; Climate Regulation; Coral; Decision Support; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Education & Outreach; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Funding & Incentives; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Sea Temperatures
Data Management & Decision Tools: Research and Model Causal Linkage Between Pollutants and Ecological Impact This involves conducting research to identify and document causal linkages between discharge water pollutants and specific, quantifiable ecological problems. The natural environment naturally assimilates some pollutants, but has thresholds for this type of contaminant processing. Different hydrology, biology and spatial/temporal factors are all going to play a roll in the linkage between pollutants and ecological problems, meaning modeling and risk assessment can be beneficial. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Applied Chemicals; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Chemical Variables; Cleaner & Solvent Use; Decision Support; Discharge Limitations; Discharges; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Non-point Source Controls; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Petroleum Spills; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Point & Mobile Source Controls; Point Source Discharges; Reef Inhabitants; Regulating Services; Sewage Treatment; Stormwater Management; Sunscreen Use; Supporting Services; Toxics; Wastewater Discharge; Water; Waterborne Discharges; Wetlands
Discharge Controls: Air Filtration & Scrubbing The management option reduces emissions of air contaminants from structures through interception and/or collection. These filters and scrubbers can be implemented on ventilation emitting particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, odorous sulfur compounds, methane or other greenhouse gasses. There are many alternative filters and scrubbers depending on the ventilation system and the characteristics of the emissions. Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2011. National Handbook of Conservation Practices. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Agriculture; Agriculture, Aquaculture, & Forestry Policies; Atmospheric Emissions; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Chemical Variables; Climate Regulation; CO2; Construction Codes & Projects; Discharges; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Energy Policy & Development; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Food & Energy Policies; Food & Raw Materials; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Improved Technology; Infrastructural Policies; Manufacturing & Trade; Natural Gas & Electric Power; Non-Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Ocean Acidity; Regulating Services; Solid Waste Disposal; Supporting Services; Toxics; Utilities; Utility Policies
Energy Policy & Development: Develop Energy Efficiency Initiatives Energy efficiency is one of the lowest cost strategies for reducing greenhouse gases. Energy efficiency is also one of the few options that actually reduce user costs as well, since using less energy should reduce energy bills. Energy efficiency can be promoted across the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. In the US, the ENERGY STAR program has served as a trusted source of information to help consumers and organizations throughout the nation adopt energy-efficient products and practices. Other ways to incentivize energy improvements include subsidizing (e.g. tax exemption) or issuing lower interest loans for investments in energy use reduction technologies and infrastructure (e.g. more efficient heating/cooling systems). Environmental Protection Agency. ENERGY STAR and Other Climate Protection Partnerships. 2009 Annual Report. US EPA.

Atmospheric Emissions; City Planning; Climate Regulation; CO2; Coal Mining; Construction Codes & Projects; Corporate Responses; Discharges; Economic Markets & Policies; Energy Policy & Development; Food, Beverage, & Tobacco Products; Funding & Incentives; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Housing; Improved Technology; Landuse Management; Manufacturing & Trade; Metals, Electronics, & Machinery Products; Oil & Gas Industry; Shelter; Utilities; Utility Policies; Wholesale & Retail Trade; Wood, Plastics, & Chemical Products
Forestry Policy: Forestry Management Planning There are many aspects to properly managing forestry sites to reduce point source and non-point source pollutants. Forestry activities can degrade water quality with several types of pollutants and impacts, including: sediment, nutrients, forest chemicals like pesticides, organic debris from tree litter, increased water temperature and increased streamflow. The Forestry management plan and practices include, but are not limited to: pre-harvest planning, road construction and use, prescribed burning and fire management, brush management, timber harvest, regeneration, and application of forest chemicals. Wetlands Forest Management has additional best practices. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water. 1993. Guidance Specifying Management Measures For Sources Of Nonpoint Pollution In Coastal Waters. EPA/840/B-92/002, US EPA, Washington, DC.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2011. National Handbook of Conservation Practices. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Agriculture, Aquaculture, & Forestry Policies; Applied Chemicals; Biological Harvest; Chemical Use Regulations; Civil Engineering & Construction; Deforestation & Devegetation; Discharge Limitations; Ditching & Soil Disturbance; Fertilizer & Pesticide Use; Food & Raw Materials; Forestry; Landscape Changes; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Landuse Management; Manufacturing & Trade; Non-point Source Controls; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrients; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Point & Mobile Source Controls; Point Source Discharges; Regulating Services; Resource Use Management; Sediment; Supporting Services; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Toxics; Waterborne Discharges; Wetlands; Wood, Plastics, & Chemical Products
Marine Zoning: Develop Baseline Data Baseline surveys of existing resources need to be conducted before monitoring can begin. The surveys must be conducted in Ecological Reserves, Sanctuary Preservation Areas, and Special-Use Areas to characterize the status of important marine species and their habitats. Establishing baseline data allows for later comparisons to monitoring data to gauge changes over time and revaluate current management actions being taken. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Chemical Variables; Cultural Services; Decision Support; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Funding & Donations; Physical Variables; Provisioning Services; Reef Habitat; Reef Inhabitants; Reef Life; Regulating Services; Scientific Research; Security & Public Administration Policies; Supporting Services; Wetlands
Monitor & Research: Adaptive Management By definition, adaptive management is a structured management approach that links science to decision-making, thereby improving the probability of restoration success. It provides an efficient process to address risk and uncertainty inherent within ecosystem restoration by encouraging flexible plans and designs. Monitoring (#) is an important component of adaptive management. The affect of different restoration alternatives can be seen using monitoring data, and compared against other environmental variables to determine what the best future actions are based on results of previous projects. CERP Committee. 2006. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Adaptive Management Strategy.

Artificial Habitat; Biological Addition; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Chemical Variables; Decision Support; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Educational & Research Opportunities; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Landscape Changes; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Landuse Management; Physical Variables; Public Administration; Regulating Services; Remediation; Scientific Research; Supporting Services
Monitor & Research: Monitor Water Temperature Extreme water temperature fluctuations can lead to bleaching and disease in corals and mass mortality of seagrass. Recording thermographs are deployed throughout the sanctuary area to monitor seawater temperatures. Temperatures fluctuate greatly, meaning monitoring should be continued long term, and that historic data must be considered to discern trends. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Atmospheric Emissions; Climate; Climate Regulation; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Physical & Chemical Environment; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Physical Variables; Regulating Services; Sea Temperatures
Monitor & Research: Water Quality Status and Trends Monitoring This activity produces long-term, comprehensive information on sanctuary-wide status and trends of water quality parameters. Parameters that should be measured include temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, relative fluorescence, light attenuation, nutrients, chlorophyll, and alkaline phosphatase activity. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Applied Chemicals; Atmospheric Emissions; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Chemical Variables; Climate; Climate Regulation; CO2; Discharges; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Light; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Nutrients; Ocean Acidity; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Physical Variables; Regulating Services; Salinity; Sea Temperatures; Sediment; Supporting Services; Toxics; Waterborne Discharges
Monitor & Research: Research and Monitor Wetlands This management option involves monitoring and research of mangroves, both for biotic and abiotic factors. Some biotic factors include disease, species, invasive species, abundance, age and leaf litter. Important abiotic factors include sedimentation rates, types and causes of turbidity, and soil chemistry. The activity would document changes to the extent of mangrove vegetation by using historical aerial photography and other records. Wetland nutrient and contaminant processing productivity depends on maintaining a balance and not exceeding thresholds. There remain many unknowns in wetland restoration as to optimal capacity and how to achieve this. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Chemical Variables; Climate Regulation; Complex Habitat & Resources; Deforestation & Devegetation; Discharges; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Educational & Research Opportunities; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Invasive Species; Mangroves; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Nutrients; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Physical Variables; Primary Production; Regulating Services; Scientific Research; Seawater Flow; Sediment; Shoreline Protection; Substrate; Supporting Services; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Wetlands
Monitor & Research: Research Artificial Reef Siting, Size, and Materials Impact for Future Management Decisions The effects of artificial reefs on fish and invertebrate abundance and community composition and on other sanctuary resources need to be assessed. Siting and size considerations should include spatial components such as nearest natural reef, species connectivity, currents, distance to shore, expected use, hurricane occurances, etc. The longevity of artificial reefs composed of different materials needs to be evaluated and considered heavily. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2007. National Artificial Reef Plan: Guidelines for Siting, Construction, Development, and Assessment of Artificial Reefs. US Department of Commerce.

NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Artificial Habitat; Biological Addition; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Chemical Variables; Complex Habitat & Resources; Coral; Cultural Services; Decision Support; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Educational & Research Opportunities; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Finfish & Shellfish Stock; Fish; Invertebrates; Marine Debris; Physical Variables; Provisioning Services; Public Administration; Recreational Opportunities; Reef Habitat; Reef Inhabitants; Reef Life; Regulating Services; Seawater Flow; Security & Public Administration Policies; Shoreline Protection; Sponges; Storms & Hurricanes; Substrate; Tourism & Recreation Policies; Toxics; Water Resources; Wetland & Reef Restoration
Monitor & Research: Research Global Change This management option involves research to examine the effects of stresses associated with global change on the ecosystem. Stresses can include changes in temperature, hydrology, salinity, frequency and intensity of storms, turbidity, sea level change, and ultra violet and visible radiation. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Atmospheric Emissions; Calcium Carbonate Deposition; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Chemical Variables; Climate; Climate Regulation; CO2; Discharges; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Ocean Acidity; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Physical Variables; Regulating Services; Salinity; Sea Temperatures; Seawater Flow; Shoreline Protection; Storms & Hurricanes; Supporting Services; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Water Depth & Sea Level
Monitor & Research: Utilize Managed Areas for Socioeconomic Research Data are needed to test hypotheses about the socioeconomic impact of marine zoning and user-group perceptions about changes in natural resources within the sanctuary area. User-group perception of changes in natural resources can be compared with quantitative ecological data to identify misconceptions and knowledge gaps. Providing funding opportunities for external scientists to conduct research in the managed area is another option. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Contact Uses; Cultural Services; Culture; Decision Support; Designated Uses; Economic Markets & Policies; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Educational & Research Opportunities; Environmental Education & Outreach; Food & Raw Materials; Infrastructural Policies; Landuse Management; Marine Protected Areas; Monetary Valuation; Non-Monetary Valuation; Permitting & Zoning; Provisioning Services; Reef Habitat; Reef Inhabitants; Regulating Services; Resource Use Management; Special Use Permitting; Supporting Services; Valuation
Restoration: Beach Vegatation Restoration Natural beaches are often host to important costal dune ecosystems. Due to tourism, much of the vegetation that comprises these dune ecosystems may be compromised. The natural vegetation provides an important ecosystem service, with roots providing deep stabilization against physical damage and removal of that sand. Without such vegetation sand and dunes can be completely washed away during hurricanes and other surge events. The dunes themselves offer some protection to nearby inland infrastructure during these same storm events. When the beach past the dunes is for public access it is beneficial to build raised walk-overs over the dune vegetation. This prevents trampling, which leads to dune blowouts. Natural Resources Conservation Service, editor. 2007. Native Plants for Coastal Dune Restoration: What, When, and How for Florida. US Department of Agriculture.

Beaches & Nature Parks; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Culture; Deforestation & Devegetation; Ditching & Soil Disturbance; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Invasive Species; Landscape Changes; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Landuse Management; Physical Damage; Regulating Services; Storms & Hurricanes; Tourism & Recreation; Trampling
Restoration: Beach Renourishment and Nourishment Beaches are subject to natural accretion and erosion. Tourism is often best supported by wide, accessible, public sandy beaches. Beaches can be restored to counteract natural erosion by transporting large quantities of sand onto the beach. This sand often comes from nearby dredging. Caution should be used when restoring long sections of beaches, as often the area above the mean high tide line is littoral, or privately owned, and restoration of these beaches can impact these property rights, see "Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2010) U.S. Supreme Court decision." Beach protection or nourishment offers an alternative to this often expensive and abrupt type of renourishment, nourishment involves practices which encourage coastal accretion and discourage erosional forces. See "Florida's Beach and Shore Preservation Act" for some restrictions on this. NOAA Coastal Services Center. Beach Nourishment: A Guide for Local Government Officials. Coastal Services Center Accessed 6/17/2011.

Beach & Land Formation; Beaches & Nature Parks; Culture; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Recreational Opportunities; Shoreline Armoring; Shoreline Protection; Sunscreen Use; Tourism & Recreation
Stormwater BMPs: Sustained Reservoir Minimum Release of Minimum Baseflow to Sustain Aquatic Habitat In some regions, even high intensity rivers (e.g. Rio Loco, Puerto Rico) are seasonal, drying for long enough to kill aquatic vegetation. Creating a constant baseflow would help sustain aquatic life and ultimately help to process nutrients. High intensity rivers are already prone to extreme channel erosion from the high flow rates, this erosion is even greater without any benthic biota to hold sediment on the river bottom. Restricting the release of reservoir water to that required to maintain aquatic biota would reduce the intensity of flow, stabilize the river bottom, create habitat and naturally process nutrients that could potentially contribute to eutrophication out on the coral reef. Center for Watershed Protection. 2008. Guanica Bay watershed management plan.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2011. National Handbook of Conservation Practices. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Algae; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Climate; Dam Construction & Maintenance; Discharge Limitations; Discharges; Ditching & Soil Disturbance; Drinking Water Supply; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Hydrologic Management; Infrastructural Policies; Infrastructure; Land-Based Civil Engineering; Landscape Changes; Landuse Management; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Physical Variables; Point Source Discharges; Pressures; Primary Production; Reef Habitat; Reef Life; Regulating Services; Storms & Hurricanes; Stormwater Management; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Utilities; Waste Management; Water; Waterborne Discharges; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Wetlands
Transportation Policy: Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards The purpose of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAF�) standards is to reduce fuel consumption by increasing the fuel economy of cars and light trucks. NHTSA sets fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks sold in the US while EPA calculates the average fuel economy for each manufacturer. Since the standard only dictates the average fuel economy, manufacturers can sell vehicles with higher or lower fuel economy than the standard. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE). Accessed 8/11/2011.

Atmospheric Emissions; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Climate; Climate Regulation; CO2; Energy Policy & Development; Food & Energy Policies; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Land & Air Transportation; Manufacturing & Trade; Manufacturing & Trade Policies; Non-Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Ocean Acidity; Oil & Gas Industry; Provisioning Services; Regulating Services; Resource Use Management; Supporting Services; Transportation; Transportation Policies
Transportation Policy: Airline Carbon Policy Civil aviation is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, and this contribution has grown as the industry has grown. Some regions are implementing policies such as cap and trade that apply to the airline industry. Bruce Duguid. 2009. Fasten Your Seat Belt: Airlines and cap-and-trade. CTC764, Carbon Trust, United Kingdom.

Atmospheric Emissions; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Climate Regulation; CO2; Economic Markets & Policies; Energy Policy & Development; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Land & Air Transportation; Political Pressure; Provisioning Services; Regulating Services; Supporting Services; Transportation; Transportation Policies
Waterway Management: Remove Previous Canal and Irrigation Infrastructure Canal and irrigation infrastructure typically includes concrete structures to control the flow of water. These low head dams, bulkheads, concrete footers, and other structures act as constricting forces in channels. This constriction leads to debris becoming lodged and thus changing the erosive forces. In turn, banks become destabilized. Channel erosion then increases along with bed scour and sediment transport. Removing these structures and making banks more gradual has the added benefit of allowing for riparian vegetation to be planted, which acts as a natural buffer. Center for Watershed Protection. 2008. Guanica Bay watershed management plan.

Agriculture; Agriculture, Aquaculture, & Forestry Policies; Boat Movement; Boating Activities; City Planning; Civil Engineering & Construction; Coastal Engineering; Construction Codes & Projects; Dam Construction & Maintenance; Deforestation & Devegetation; Discharge Limitations; Discharges; Ditching & Soil Disturbance; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Food & Raw Materials; Hydrologic Management; Impervious Surfaces; Infrastructural Policies; Irrigation; Land-Based Civil Engineering; Landscape Changes; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Landuse Management; Non-point Source Controls; Physical Damage; Sediment; Shoreline Protection; Small Boats; Substrate; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Transportation; Water; Water Resources; Water Transportation; Waterborne Discharges
Waterway Management: Manage Canal Water Quality This management option addresses water quality issues that may arise from nearshore, confined areas, specifically dead-end canals. This management response does not focus on wastewater discharges into canals, but instead on the hydrologic structure and orientation of the canal itself. Physical problems with canal orientation can lead to such problems as low flushing and build-up of weed wrack. This is a problem because the build-up of weed wrack consumes oxygen and releases nutrients as it decays. When combined with low flushing and circulation, dead end canals have decreased oxygen concentrations, accelerated eutrophication, and accumulate organic materials, pollutants and sediment. To improve the current canal system, management can inventory and map canals to identify high risk hotspots and candidates for future canal restoration projects. Canals are typically constructed to best suit the water access needs of local homes and businesses. Preventing high risk canals from being constructed, or placing certain requirements on their construction through permitting is one way to reduce future problem spots. Some design strategies include: Construct non-linear canals without right-angles and flared inlets oriented to prevailing winds. Instead of dead-ends, canals should include a flow through water exchange system or install mechanical pumps. Canals should be as wide as possible in relation to depth and length. Canal depth should be uniform or progressively shallower away from the parent waterbody, with sloping banks (eliminate requirements for navigable depths to shoreline). Some canal improvement strategies include: Implement weed gates, air curtains, and aeration systems. Direct all stormwater and effluent away from canal systems. Reduce bulkheading and restore native vegetative buffers (#1). Promote diversity of substrates and habitats. NOAA Marine Sanctuary Program. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary revised management plan. National Ocean Service, Key West, FL.

Applied Chemicals; Biological Monitoring & Restoration; Boat Movement; Boating Activities; Building & Home Construction; Chemical Variables; City Planning; Civil Engineering & Construction; Coastal Development; Coastal Engineering; Construction Codes & Projects; Decision Support; Deforestation & Devegetation; Discharge Limitations; Discharges; Ditching & Soil Disturbance; Docks & Marinas; Ecosystem Monitoring & Restoration; Environmental Monitoring & Restoration; Fishing Sector; Food & Energy Policies; Hydrologic Management; Improved Technology; Infrastructural Policies; Infrastructure; Land-Based Civil Engineering; Landscape Changes; Landscaping & Household Services; Landuse Management; Non-point Source Controls; Non-point Source Runoff; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Physical & Chemical Water Quality Criteria; Physical Damage; Physical Variables; Point & Mobile Source Controls; Point Source Discharges; Ports & Harbors; Provisioning Services; Regulating Services; Seawater Flow; Shoreline Armoring; Shoreline Protection; Small Boats; Surface & Groundwater Flow; Tourism & Recreation; Transportation; Transportation Policies; Utilities; Utility Policies; Waste Management; Waste Management Policies; Wastewater Discharge; Water; Water Depth & Sea Level; Water Resources; Water Transportation; Waterborne Discharges; Wetland & Reef Restoration; Wetlands


Legal Citation Purpose of Law Management Organization Database Topics
Chapter 3: Trees and vegetation next to waterways, 12 Virgin Islands Code. Establishes buffer zone for protecting natural watercourses from vegetation clearing. The buffer zone either 30 feet from the center of the natural watercourse, or 25 feet from its edge, whichever is greater.

Application to Coral Reefs:Assists in erosion control and can protect reefs from harmful sedimentation, if the stream or river sediment is capable of reaching the coral reef. Vegetation along river and stream banks will remove nutrients and assist in preventing eutrophocation of waters that can reach coral reefs.

Legislative Actions:Enforcement is by conservation officers with assistance from local police when required. Penalties are fines of not more than $100, or 180 days in jail, or both

Comments:Permits can be obtained if the purpose of clearing is for development.
US Virgin Islands, Department of Planning and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Protection

US Virgin Islands
Building & Home Construction; Coastal Development; Construction Codes & Projects; Ditching & Soil Disturbance; Dredging Regulations; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Existence Value & Sense of Place; Landscape Conservation & Restoration; Landscaping & Household Services; Landuse Management; Resource Use Management; Shoreline Protection; Wetlands
Clean Air Act, 42 United States Code §§ 7400 et seq. To ensure Americans have clean air to breath, and to protect the environment from air pollution. Regulates air emmissions from area, stationary and mobile sources. Charges federal land managers with direct responsibility to protect the "air quality and related values" of land under their control. The "related values" include fish and widlife and their habitats. The Clean Air Act is the law that defines EPA's responsibility for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer.

Application to Coral Reefs:The Act would decrease carbon dioxide emissions from sources in the United States, thereby making a contribution toward reducing ocean acidification, which is one of the problems contributing to coral reef decline.

Legislative Actions:Response will differ from State to State because many Sates have been delegated to administer the Clean Air Act. However, States cannot have air quality standards less stringent then the federal standards. State air pollution agencies hold permit hearings and fines industries that violate air quality limits. States must develop state implementation plans that require approval by EPA.

Comments:The 1990 amendments authorized the Acid Deposition Control Program, a program to control 189 toxic pollutants, established permit program requirements, expanded and modified the attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and expanded and modified enforcement authority.
United States Environmntal Protection Agency

United States
Carbon Storage & Cycling; Climate Regulation; CO2; Energy Policy & Development; Environmental Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Improved Technology; Mineral, Rock, & Metal Mining; Natural Gas & Electric Power; Non-Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Nutrients; Oil & Gas Research & Exploration; Oil & Gas Rigs; Point & Mobile Source Controls; Political Pressure; Transportation Policies; Wood, Plastics, & Chemical Products
Conceptual Agency Review, 62-029 Florida Administrative Code. This chapter is limited in application to dredge and fill permit applications for projects in the geographical territory of the Northwest Florida Water Management District which, pursuant to Section 373.4145, F.S., are to be reviewed and processed under the rules authorized and adopted under Sections 403.91-.929, F.S. (1984 Supp.), as amended. (1) The purpose of this rule is to establish those procedures applicable to review of requests for conceptual agency review pursuant to Section 380.06(9), F.S., for projects that undergo development of regional impact review (DRIs). (2) Conceptual agency review is a licensing action and approval or denial shall constitute final agency action. (3) Under this rule, applicants who must obtain construction or operation permits for potential sources of water pollution or for dredging and filling activities may apply for conceptual agency review of certain aspects of a proposed development, including the location, densities, intensity of use, character and major design features.

Application to Coral Reefs:Limited to projects in Northwest Florida.

Legislative Actions:The legislation applies only to dredge and fill projects in the area of the Northwest Florida Water Mkanagement District.

Comments:The purpose of this rule is to establish those procedures for dredge and fill permit applications for projects in the geographical territory of the Northwest Florida Water Management District that require conceptual agency review of certain aspects of a proposed development, including the location, densities, intensity of use, character and major design features.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Docks & Marinas; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Ports & Harbors; Sediment; Shoreline Protection
Electric Power Siting, 62-017 Florida Administrative Code. 62-17.011 General. (1) The purpose of Part I is to implement the provisions of the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, Sections 403.501 - 403.518, F.S., as amended. (2) The department promulgates Part I pursuant to the charge of the legislature to provide efficient, centralized review of the needs for increased electrical power generation and the effects of generation-related activities on human health and the environment and ecology of the lands and waters within the state. (3) This Part addresses applications for certification of: (a) A new site for a steam or solar electrical power plant; (b) The construction and operation of additional steam or solar electrical generating units to be located at sites which have been previously certified for an ultimate site capacity; and (c) An existing power plant site which had or had applied for permits prior to the effective date of the Act. Specific Authority 403.504(1), 403.517(1)(a), FS. Law Implemented 403.504(2)(3)(5), 403.517, 403.5175, FS. History - New 5-7-74, Amended 12-27-77, Formerly 17-17.01, Amended 5-9-83, Formerly 17-17.011, Amended 2-1-99.

Application to Coral Reefs: To provide efficient, centralized review of the needs for increased electrical power generation and the effects of generation-related activities on human health and the environment and ecology of the lands and waters within the state. (3) This Part addresses applications for certification of: (a) A new site for a steam or solar electrical power plant;

Legislative Actions:

Comments:To provide efficient, centralized review of the needs for increased electrical power generation and the effects of generation-related activities on human health and the environment and ecology of the lands and waters within the state.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Building & Home Construction; Carbon Storage & Cycling; Climate Regulation; Energy Policy & Development; Natural Gas & Electric Power; Point & Mobile Source Controls
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations; Final Rule, Code of Federal Regulations § Parts 922, 929, 937 (1997). NOAA developed the comprehensive Final Management Plan for the FKNMS and issued the Plan on January 30, 1997. Congress and the Governer of Florida were provided a 45-day period to provide certification of unacceptable regulations that needed amendments. NOAA incorporated the certified changes provided and issued the final regulations and management plan for the Sanctuary that went into effect with the publication of the final rule, including waters within the State of Florida in the Sanctuary.

Application to Coral Reefs:The Sanctuary sets aside the coral reef system that is the third largest barrier coral reef in the world. Included in the FKNMS are the Key Largo Marine Sanctuary containing 103 square nautical miles of coral reefs and Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary containing 5.32 square nautical miles of coral reefs. The Act protects the reefs from anchoring directly into the coral formation and taking coral dead or alive. The Act protects mangrove islands and submerged aquatic vegetation, both potential buffers for the reef system against eutrophication and sediment deposition. The Act prohibits oil and hydrocarbon exploration, mining or altering the seabed, restricts large shipping traffic, and restricts the discharge of pollutants, further protecting coral, mangroves, and submerged aquatic vegetation.

Legislative Actions:The Act requires the preparation of a comprehensive management plan and implementing regulations to protect Sanctuary resources.

Comments:The final rule codifies the Act and further defines boundaries of the Sanctuary as well as providing a list of species protected in the Sanctuary.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric and Administration

US Coral Reefs; US Territorial Waters; State Coastal Waters; US State Waters; Designated Marine Areas
Ballast Discharge; Biological Monitoring, Mapping, & Scientific Research; Boating Regulations; Collaboration & Partnering; Commercial Fishing Boats; Cruise Ships; Cultural Protections; Designate Protected Species; Dive, Snorkeling, & Swimming Tourism; Educational & Research Opportunities; Environmental Education & Outreach; Finfish & Shellfish Stock; Finfish Harvest; Fishing & Harvesting Management; Invertebrate Harvest; Invertebrates; Large Ships; Live Collection; Mangroves; Marine Debris; Nutrient & Contaminant Processing; Oil & Gas Tankers; Point & Mobile Source Controls; Recreational Fishing; Recreational Opportunities; Reef Inhabitants; Resource Use Management; Seagrasses; Sediment; Shoreline Protection; Small Boats; Tourism & Recreation; Tourism & Recreation Policies; Transportation Policies; Waste Management Policies; Wetlands
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction, 62-285 Florida Administrative Code. Florida LEV Program. The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) adopts this rule to establish a Florida low emission vehicle (LEV) program that implements California motor vehicle emission standards pursuant to s. 177 of the Clean Air Act. This rule refers to many sections of chapter 1, division 3, title 13 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), adopted and incorporated by reference at subsection 62-285.400(9), F.A.C. This rule also includes provisions specific to implementation in Florida.

Application to Coral Reefs:Reducing greenhouse gases will contibute to a decrease in ocean acidification.

Legislative Actions:

Comments:To protect air quality, this rule applies to any heavy-duty diesel engine powered motor vehicle.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Climate Regulation; CO2; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Land & Air Transportation; Nutrients; Point & Mobile Source Controls; Transportation Policies
Joint Coastal Permits and Concurrent Processing of Proprietary Authorizations, 62B-049 Florida Administrative Code. This chapter implements the provisions of Section 161.055, F.S., by combining the regulatory requirements of the coastal construction program (Section 161.041, F.S.) with the environmental resource (or wetland resource) permit program (Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S.) to establish the joint coastal permit program. Activities that would have required both a coastal construction permit and an environmental resource (or wetland resource) permit, are now authorized by a single joint coastal permit. In addition, this chapter provides for concurrent review of any activity requiring a joint coastal permit that also requires a proprietary authorization for use of sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. This chapter also establishes procedures for processing applications for joint coastal permits and the linked proprietary authorizations. In the event that there is a conflict between the procedural requirements of this chapter and other procedural rules promulgated pursuant to the referenced statutes, then this chapter shall govern. The standards and criteria for issuance of joint coastal permits include the criteria for environmental resource or wetland resource permits pursuant to Chapter 62-312, F.A.C., and the rules adopted under Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., the coastal construction criteria pursuant to Chapter 62B-41, F.A.C., and any specific criteria for issuance of a joint coastal permit listed in this chapter. The criteria for the associated proprietary authorizations are found in Chapters 18-18, 18-20, 18-21, F.A.C. Specific Authority 161.055, 373.427 FS. Law Implemented 161.041, 161.055, 373.427 FS. History�New 10-12-95, Amended 2-19-98, 5-17-07.

Application to Coral Reefs:Requiring a permit with regulatory review of the construction project, in a joint review of wetland and submerged land issues, will assist in minimizing potential adverse environmental impacts from the work and such potential detrimental portions of the project (e.g. sedimentation) will not enter the marine environment resulting in ecosystem damage.

Legislative Actions:

Comments:This chapter implements the provisions of Section 161.055, F.S., by combining the regulatory requirements of the coastal construction program (Section 161.041, F.S.) with the environmental resource (or wetland resource) permit program (Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S.) to establish the joint coastal permit program. Activities that would have required both a coastal construction permit and an environmental resource (or wetland resource) permit, are now authorized by a single joint coastal permit. In addition, this chapter provides for concurrent review of any activity requiring a joint coastal permit that also requires a proprietary authorization for use of sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. This chapter also establishes procedures for processing applications for joint coastal permits and the linked proprietary authorizations.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

State Coastal Waters
Building & Home Construction; Coastal Development; Docks & Marinas; Mangroves; Ports & Harbors; Resource Use Management; Seagrasses; Shoreline Armoring; Shoreline Protection
Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act, 403.9321-403.9333 Florida Administrative Code Annotated (1996). It is the intent of the Legislature to protect and preserve mangrove resources valuable to our environmentand economy from unregulated removal, defoliation, and destruction.

Application to Coral Reefs:Protection and preservation of wetland systems, including mangroves, allow the systems to act as buffers to remove nutrients and sediment that could reach coral reefs and cause damage.

Legislative Actions:Permits are required prior to any trimming. A Professional Mangrove Trimmer must be present when work is being performed. Penalties can include restoration and/or mitigation.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

State Coastal Waters; US State Waters; Designated Marine Areas
Agriculture, Aquaculture, & Forestry Policies; Apex Fish Predators; Building & Home Construction; Coastal Development; Construction Codes & Projects; Docks & Marinas; Dredging Regulations; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Finfish & Shellfish Stock; Landuse Management; Lobster, Crab, & Shrimp; Marine Birds; Non-Monetary Valuation; Nutrients; Ports & Harbors; Resource Use Management; Sediment; Shoreline Protection
Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Test Procedures, 62-242 Florida Administrative Code. (1) The Department of Environmental Protection adopts this chapter pursuant to the Florida Clean Outdoor Air Law, Section 325.201, F.S., and in order to provide the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles with the necessary rules, standards, and criteria to administer the Florida Motor Vehicle Inspection Program. (2) The Legislature has directed that in order to implement the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, the Department of Environmental Protection will set the standards and criteria listed below. (a) Designation of program area (Section 325.204, F.S.). (b) Emissions testing and inspection procedures (Section 325.206, F.S.). (c) Inspection pass/fail criteria (Section 325.206, F.S.). (d) Test equipment performance specifications (Sections 325.206, .212, and .213, F.S.). (e) Definition of low emission adjustment (Section 325.209, F.S.). (f) Inspection personnel training criteria (Section 325.213(1)(d), F.S.). (3) The Department has set the vehicle in-use emission standards at levels that are achievable with proper operation and maintenance of the various model year vehicles, if they have not been tampered with, and which will result in a significant reduction in ozone-causing air pollutant emissions from automobiles and light duty trucks. It is the Department�s intent that eligibility for emission control system performance warranty repairs of these vehicles be protected by reference to 40 CFR 85.2201 (Subpart W) � Emission Control System Performance Warranty Short Tests. (4) This chapter, and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles rules it references, are intended as an integral part of the Department�s program to achieve and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter; and to control nuisance exhaust.

Application to Coral Reefs:Regulation and stanards for air emissions will contribute to lower greenhouse gasses and assist in combating ocean acidification.

Legislative Actions:

Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Climate Regulation; CO2; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Land & Air Transportation; Nutrients; Transportation Policies
Requirements for Sources Subject to the Federal Acid Rain Program, 62-214 Florida Administrative Code. This chapter outlines the additional permitting requirements for Title V sources that are subject to the Federal Acid Rain Program. The rules under this chapter set forth requirements for the Acid Rain Part of an operation permit for a Title V source which is subject to the Federal Acid Rain Program. The Department intends that this chapter shall implement and be consistent with the federal requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 72. Words and phrases used in this chapter, unless clearly indicated otherwise, are defined at either 40 CFR 72.2 or 76.2 or Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C. The provisions of 40 CFR Parts 72, 73, 74, 75, and 76 referenced in this rule are adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C.

Application to Coral Reefs:Controlling toxic air emissions will contribute to a decrease in greenhouse gasses and assist in reducing ocean acidification.

Legislative Actions:

Comments:This chapter outlines the additional permitting requirements for Title V sources that are subject to the Federal Acid Rain Program. The rules under this chapter set forth requirements for the Acid Rain Part of an operation permit for a Title V source which is subject to the Federal Acid Rain Program. The Department intends that this chapter shall implement and be consistent with the federal requirements of 40 CFR. Part 72.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Atmospheric Emissions; Climate Regulation; CO2; Energy Policy & Development; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Natural Gas & Electric Power; Ocean Acidity
Rules and Procedures for Coastal Construction and Excavation, 62B-033 Florida Administrative Code (2008). (1) The beach and dune system is an integral part of the coastal system and represents one of the most valuable natural resources in Florida, providing protection to adjacent upland properties, recreational areas, and habitat for wildlife. A coastal construction control line (CCCL) is intended to define that portion of the beach and dune system which is subject to severe fluctuations caused by a 100-year storm surge, storm waves, or other forces such as wind, wave, or water level changes. These fluctuations are a necessary part of the natural functioning of the coastal system and are essential to post-storm recovery, long term stability, and the preservation of the beach and dune system. However, imprudent human activities can adversely interfere with these natural processes and alter the integrity and functioning of the beach and dune system. The control line and 50-foot setback call attention to the special hazards and impacts associated with the use of such property, but do not preclude all development or alteration of coastal property seaward of such lines. (2) In order to demonstrate that construction is eligible for a permit, the applicant shall provide the Department with sufficient information pertaining to the proposed project to show that adverse and other impacts associated with the construction have been minimized and that the construction will not result in a significant adverse impact. (3) After reviewing all information required pursuant to this rule chapter, the Department shall: (a) Deny any application for an activity which either individually or cumulatively would result in a significant adverse impact including potential cumulative effects. In assessing the cumulative effects of a proposed activity, the Department shall consider the short-term and long-term impacts and the direct and indirect impacts the activity would cause in combination with existing structures in the area and any other similar activities already permitted or for which a permit application is pending within the same fixed coastal cell. The impact assessment shall include the anticipated effects of the construction on the coastal system and marine turtles. Each application shall be evaluated on its own merits in making a permit decision; therefore, a decision by the Department to grant a permit shall not constitute a commitment to permit additional similar construction within the same fixed coastal cell. (b) Deny any application for an activity where the project has not met the Department�s siting and design criteria; has not minimized adverse and other impacts, including stormwater runoff; or has not provided mitigation of adverse impacts. (4) The Department shall issue a permit for construction which an applicant has shown to be clearly justified by demonstrating that all standards, guidelines, and other requirements set forth in the applicable provisions of Part I, Chapter 161, F.S., and this rule chapter are met, including the following: (a) The construction will not result in removal or destruction of native vegetation which will either destabilize a frontal, primary, or significant dune or cause a significant adverse impact to the beach and dune system due to increased erosion by wind or water; (b) The construction will not result in removal or disturbance of in situ sandy soils of the beach and dune system to such a degree that a significant adverse impact to the beach and dune system would result from either reducing the existing ability of the system to resist erosion during a storm or lowering existing levels of storm protection to upland properties and structures; (c) The construction will not direct discharges of water or other fluids in a seaward direction and in a manner that would result in significant adverse impacts. Forthe purposes of this rule section, construction shall be designed so as to minimize erosion induced surface water runoff within the beach and dune system and to prevent additional seaward or off-site discharges associated with a coastal storm event. (d) The construction will not result in the net excavation of the in situ sandy soils seaward of the control line or 50-foot setback; (e) The construction will not cause an increase in structure-induced scour of such magnitude during a storm that the structure-induced scour would result in a significant adverse impact; (f) The construction will minimize the potential for wind and waterborne missiles during a storm; (g) The activity will not interfere with public access, as defined in Section 161.021, F.S.; and (h) The construction will not cause a significant adverse impact to marine turtles, or the coastal system. (5) In order for a manmade frontal dune to be considered as a frontal dune defined under Section 161.053(6)(a)1., F.S., the manmade frontal dune shall be constructed to meet or exceed the protective value afforded by the natural frontal dune system in the immediate area of the subject shoreline. Prior to the issuance of a permit for a single-family dwelling meeting the criteria of Section 161.053(6)(c), F.S., the manmade frontal dune must be maintained for a minimum of 12 months and be demonstrated to be as stable and sustainable as the natural frontal dune system. (6) Sandy material excavated seaward of the control line or 50-foot setback shall be maintained on site seaward of the control line or 50-foot setback and be placed in the immediate area of construction unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Department. (7) Swimming pools, wading pools, waterfalls, spas, or similar type water structures are expendable structures and shall be sited so that their failure does not have adverse impact on the beach and dune system, any adjoining major structures, or any coastal protection structure. Pools sited within close proximity to a significant dune shall be elevated either partially or totally above the original grade to minimize excavation and shall not cause a net loss of material from the immediate area of the pool. All pools shall be designed to minimize any permanent excavation seaward of the CCCL. (8) Major structures shall be located a sufficient distance landward of the beach and frontal dune to permit natural shoreline fluctuations, to preserve and protect beach and dune system stability, and to allow natural recovery to occur following storm-induced erosion. Where a rigid coastal structure exists, proposed major structures shall be located a sufficient distance landward of the rigid coastal structure to allow for future maintenance or repair of the rigid coastal structure. Although fishing piers shall be exempt from this provision, their foundation piles shall be located so as to allow for the maintenance and repair of any rigid coastal structure that is located in close proximity to the pier.(9) If in the immediate area a number of existing major structures have established a reasonably continuous and uniform construction line and if the existing structures have not been unduly affected by erosion, except where not allowed by the requirements of Section 161.053(6), F.S., and this rule chapter, the Department shall issue a permit for the construction of a similar structure up to that line. (10) In considering applications for single-family dwellings proposed to be located seaward of the 30-year erosion projection pursuant to Section 161.053(6), F.S., the Department shall require structures to meet criteria in Section 161.053(6)(c), F.S., and all other siting and design criteria established in this rule chapter. (11) In considering project impacts to native salt-tolerant vegetation, the Department shall evaluate the type and extent of native salt-tolerant vegetation, the degree and extent of disturbance by invasive nuisance species and mechanical and other activities, the protective value to adjacent structures and natural plant communities, the protective value to the beach and dune system, and the impacts to marine turtle nesting and hatchlings. The Department shall restrict activities that lower the protective value of natural and intact beach and dune, coastal strand, and maritime hammock plant communities. Activities that result in the removal of protective root systems or reduce the vegetation�s sand trapping and stabilizing properties of salt tolerant vegetation are considered to lower its protective value. Construction shall be located, where practicable, in previously disturbed areas or areas with non-native vegetation in lieu of areas of native plant communities when the placement does not increase adverse impact to the beach and dune system. Planting of invasive nuisance plants, such as those listed in the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council�s 2005 List of Invasive Species � Categories I and II, will not be authorized if the planting will result in removal or destruction of existing dune-stabilizing native vegetation or if the planting is to occur on or seaward of the dune system. A copy of this list is available on the Internet at www.fleppc.org; or can be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 300, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; or by telephoning (850) 488-7708. Special conditions relative to the nature, timing, and sequence of construction and the remediation of construction impacts shall be placed on permitted activities when necessary to protect native salt-tolerant vegetation and native plant communities. A construction fence, a designated location for construction access or storage of equipment and materials, and a restoration plan shall be required if necessary for protection of existing native salt-tolerant vegetation during construction. (12) Special conditions relative to the nature, timing, and sequence of construction shall be placed on permitted activities when necessary to protect marine turtles and their nests and nesting habitat. In marine turtle nesting areas, all forms of lighting shall be shielded or otherwise designed so as not to disturb marine turtles. Tinted glass or similar light control measures shall be used for windows and doors which are visible from the nesting areas of the beach. The Department shall suspend any permitted construction when the permittee has not provided the required protection for marine turtles and their nests and nesting habitat.

Application to Coral Reefs:Regulation of coastal construction through permit review and modification will protect coastal ecosystems from degradation and loss and in doing so protects other marine ecosystems including coral reefs.

Legislative Actions:Chapter 62B-33 Florida Administrative Code, provides the design and siting requirements that must be met to obtain a coastal construction control line permit.Approval or denial of a permit application is based upon a review of the potential impacts to the beach dune system, adjacentproperties, native salt resistant vegetation, and marine turtles.

Comments:The Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) is an essential element of Florida's coastal management program. It provides protection for Florida's beaches and dunes while assuring reasonable use of private property. Recognizing the value of the state's beaches, the Florida legislature initiated the Coastal Construction Contorl Line Program to protect the coastal system from improperly sited and designed structures which can destabilize or destroy the beach and dune system. Once destabilized, the valuable natural resources are lost, as are its important values for recreation, upland property protection and environmental habitat. Adoption of a coastal construction line establishes an area of jurisdiction in which special siting and design criteria are applied for construction and related activities.These standards may be more stringent than those already applied in the rest of the coastal building zone because of the greater forces expected to occur in the more seaward zone of the beach during a storm event.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

State Coastal Waters; Designated Marine Areas
Beach & Land Formation; Building & Home Construction; City Planning; Civil Engineering & Construction; Coastal Development; Construction Codes & Projects; Cruise Ships; Docks & Marinas; Dredging Regulations; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Hydrologic Management; Landuse Management; Mangroves; Marine Protected Areas; Oil & Gas Tankers; Pipelines; Ports & Harbors; Resource Use Management; Seagrasses; Seawater Flow; Sediment; Shoreline Armoring; Shoreline Protection; Storms & Hurricanes; Tourism & Recreation Policies; Water Depth & Sea Level
Significant amendments to the Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 include (1) Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990, (2) Coastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act of 2000, (3) Coastal Barriers Resources Reauthorization Act of 2005,. (1) Added additional areas along the Great Lakes, Puerto Rico, the Florida Keys and the Virgin Islands and established "Otherwise Protected Areas OPAs); (2) amended the guidelines for making recommendations regarding additions to the CBRS and reqired a pilot digital mapping project; (3) reauthorized CBRA and required the submission of the final digital mapping pilot project.

Application to Coral Reefs:Development of coastal barrier islands can cause sedimentation, through runoff and construction activities, that could reach inshore coral reefs.

Legislative Actions:Restricted most federal expenditures and financial assistance that encourage development including federal flood insurance.

Comments:Recognized coastal barriers as essential habitat for many fish, water fowl and other aquatic animals  
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

United States
Beach & Land Formation; Coastal Development; Dam Construction & Maintenance; Existence Value & Sense of Place; Forestry; Mangroves; Seagrasses; Seawater Flow; Shoreline Protection
Sovereign submerged lands management, 18-21 Florida Administrative Code Annotated (2006). To manage, protect, and enhance sovereignty lands so that the public may continue to enjoy traditional uses, including, but not limited to, navigation, fishing and swimming, public drinking water supply, shellfish harvesting, public recreation, and fish and wildlife propagation and management.

Application to Coral Reefs:Permitting activities on submerged lands owned by Florida will improve water quality which will indirectly protect reef systems.

Legislative Actions:These rules are to implement the administration and management responsibilities of the board and department regarding sovereign submerged lands. Responsibility for environmental permitting of activities and water quality protection on sovereign lands is vested with the Department of Environmental Protection. These rules are considered cumulative.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

State Coastal Waters
Anchoring & Vessel Grounding; Aquaculture; Beach & Land Formation; Coastal Defense; Commercial Fisheries; Construction Codes & Projects; Docks & Marinas; Dredging Regulations; Dredging, Draining, & Filling; Energy Policy & Development; Existence Value & Sense of Place; Oil & Gas Research & Exploration; Pipelines; Point Source Discharges; Ports & Harbors; Recreational Fishing; Recreational Opportunities; Resource Use Management; Seawater Flow; Sediment; Shoreline Protection; Trawling & Fishing Gear Damage
Stationary Sources - Emission Standards, 62-296 Florida Administrative Code. (1) The Department of Environmental Protection adopts this chapter to establish emission limiting standards and compliance requirements for stationary sources of air pollutant emissions. (2) The chapter includes emission limitations for specific categories of facilities and emissions units, and it establishes reasonably available control technology requirements. Where work practice standards, including requirements for specific types of pollution control equipment, are provided for in this chapter, such standards shall be of the same force and effect as emission limiting standards. The emission limiting and work practice standards of Rule 62-296.320, F.A.C., and Rules 62-296.401 through 62-296.480, F.A.C., are applicable statewide. The reasonably available control technology requirements are established for specific areas of the state as set forth in Rules 62-296.500, 62-296.600, and 62-296.700, F.A.C. (3) A facility or emissions unit subject to any standard or requirement of 40 CFR. Part 60, 61, 63 or 65, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall comply with such standard or requirement. Nothing in this chapter shall relieve a facility or emissions unit from complying with such standard or requirement, provided, however, that where a facility or emissions unit is subject to a standard established in this chapter, such standard shall also apply. (4) Words and phrases used in this chapter, unless clearly indicated otherwise, are defined at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.

Application to Coral Reefs:Controlling air emission pollutants can assist in controlling ocean acid acidification and the damaging effect of ocean water acidification on coral reefs.

Legislative Actions:

Comments:To protect air quality, the chapter includes emission limitations for specific categories of facilities and emissions units, and it establishes reasonably available control technology requirements.
Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Atmospheric Emissions; Chemical Use Regulations; Climate Regulation; CO2; Corporate Responses; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Natural Gas & Electric Power; Nutrients
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Protection Act, Public Law 101-605 (H.R. 5909 United States Code (1990). To protect the resources of the area delineated in section 5(b) of the Act, to educate and interpret for the public regarding the Florida Keys marine environment, and to manage such human uses of the Sanctuary consistent with the Act. Nothing in the Act is intended to restrict activities that do not cause adverse effects to the resources or property of the Sanctuary or that do not pose harm to the users of the Sanctuary.

Application to Coral Reefs:The Sanctuary sets aside the coral reef system that is the thrid largest coral reef barrier in the world. Included in the FKNMS are Key Largo Marine Sanctuary containing 103 square nautical miles of coral reefs and Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary containing 5.32 squared nautical miles of coral reefs.The Act protects the reefs from anchoring directly into the coral formation and taking coral dead or alive in the Sanctuary. From Miami to the Marquesas Keys there are over 6000 patch reefs. The Act also protects mangrove islands and submerged aquatic vegetation, both potential buffers for the reef system against eutrophication and sediment deposition. The Act prohibits oil and hydrocarbon exploration, mining or altering the seabed, restricts large shipping traffic, and restricts the discharge of pollutants, futher protecting mangroves, and submerged aquatic vegetation.

Legislative Actions:The Act required the preparation of a comprehensive mangement plan and implementing regulations to protect Sanctuary resources.

Comments:Large vessel groundings on coral reefs in the Florida Keys was a major driver for the designation of the Sanctuary. In 1989, there were three groundings of large commercial vessels on the coral reef tract within an eighteen day period.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as lead agency and Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, and Monroe County as Co-Trustees

US Coral Reefs; US Federal Waters; US State Waters; Designated Marine Areas
Anchoring & Vessel Grounding; Ballast Discharge; Boating Regulations; Complex Habitat & Resources; Coral; Economic Markets & Policies; Educational & Research Opportunities; Environmental Education & Outreach; Existence Value & Sense of Place; Finfish Harvest; Fish; Fishing & Harvesting Management; Invertebrate Harvest; Large Ships; Marine Debris; Marine Protected Areas; Recreational Opportunities; Reef Habitat; Reef Inhabitants; Reef Life; Shoreline Protection; Substrate; Tourism & Recreation Policies; Water Transportation

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