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Using Arc Explorer with the San Pedro data

The information from the San Pedro River Basin Spatial Archive CD is available on-line at this site. Should you wish to obtain a copy of the CD, contact:

William G. Kepner: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, NV
  - E-Mail: kepner.william@epa.gov
  - Phone #: (702)798-2193
  - Fax #: (702)798-2208

The creators and sponsors of the San Pedro River Basin Spatial Data Archive recognized that not all persons potentially interested in the data would have access to the Internet or GIS software. To allow these users to benefit from the data contained in the archive, Arc Explorer has been included on the CD. Arc Explorer is a free application created by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI).

The following information is from the ESRI site located at:
http://www.esri.com/software/arcexplorer/index.html EPA Exit Disclaimer

ArcExplorer software is a lightweight GIS data explorer developed by ESRI. ArcExplorer can work on its own with local data sets or as a client to Internet data and map servers. As a stand-alone application, ArcExplorer is a complete data explorer, allowing users to display and query a wide variety of standard data sources. With ArcExplorer you can:

    - Use ESRI shapefiles, ArcInfo coverages, and SDE layers.

    - Display a wide variety of image formats.

    - Pan and zoom through multiple map layers.

    - Fully integrate with MapObjects IMS 2.

    - Download vector and image data.

    - Perform address matching by street address or intersection.

    - Perform intelligent, automated labeling.

    - Display data using classifications, symbols, and labeling.

    - Identify and query geographic and attribute data and much

ArcExplorer also features legends, overview maps, multiple views, saving and retrieving views, and map printing.

Using Arc Explorer:

    The directory structure of this CD is as follows:

		¦   +---AE_LicAgreement_files
		¦   +---attilamanual
		¦   +---info
		¦   +---legends
		¦   +---mex_climate_p
		¦   +---mex_ejidcuen
		¦   +---mex_lgcatch
		¦   +---mex_mariquita
		¦   +---mex_places
		¦   +---mex_pop
		¦   +---mex_popcent
		¦   +---mex_privada
		¦   +---mex_railrd
		¦   +---mex_roads
		¦   +---mex_smcatch
		¦   +---mex_soils_p
		¦   +---mex_statsgo
		¦   +---mex_strms
		¦   +---mex_util
		¦   +---sp_azplaces
		¦   +---sp_blmallots
		¦   +---sp_bndp
		¦   +---sp_city
		¦   +---sp_county
		¦   +---sp_ctracts
		¦   +---sp_dcwrds
		¦   +---sp_gapveg
		¦   +---sp_geology
		¦   +---sp_geoname
		¦   +---sp_h2omonsta
		¦   +---sp_irrigate
		¦   +---sp_lstatus1
		¦   +---sp_lstatus2
		¦   +---sp_natveg
		¦   +---sp_nws
		¦   +---sp_rf3
		¦   +---sp_ripar
		¦   +---sp_river
		¦   +---sp_roads
		¦   +---sp_soils
		¦   +---sp_springs
		¦   +---sp_ssurgo
		¦   +---sp_ssurgo_tables
		¦   +---sp_statsgo
		¦   +---sp_strmgage
		¦   +---sp_tigpower
		¦   +---sp_tigrail
		¦   +---arizona
		¦   +---sonora
		¦   +---info
		¦   +---legends
		¦   +---nalc73
		¦   +---nalc86
		¦   +---nalc92
		¦   +---nalc97
		¦   +---sprnca_veg1m
		¦   +---sp_bnd
		¦   +---sp_demelev
		¦   +---sp_demfill
		¦   +---sp_demrelief
		¦   +---sp_demslope
		¦   +---sp_drgs
		¦   +---sp_flowaccum
		¦   +---sp_flowdir
		¦   +---sp_rip97
		¦   +---legends

Arc Explorer will allow the user to view most of the data in the archive and combine viewable data into a printable map. The data within the Coverages and Shapefiles directories can be viewed and combined into composite maps using Arc Explorer.  ESRI Grid files contained in the Grid directory, however, require fully functional GIS software such as ArcView or ArcGIS to view and manipulate.

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