This page contains a variety of resources. While some of these resources do not always deal specifically with LDRs, they are good tools to gather information that pertains to managing a RCRA hazardous waste:
- Hazardous Waste Handlers Databases - If you want to research hazardous waste industries including releases and transfers of toxic chemicals from manufacturing facilities check out these databases.
- Chemistry Databases - If you are interested in learning more about hazardous waste chemical make-up, try out some of the links in this section.
- Library Databases - If you are interested in learning more about various publications or RCRA policy, investigate the links in this section.
Hazardous Waste Handlers
- RCRAInfo
is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data
supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976
and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRAInfo
replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial
Reporting System (BRS).
RCRAInfo data is made available to the public through EPA's Envirofacts Data Warehouse through monthly extracts or through the Right to Know Network
. The Right to Know Network provides free access to numerous databases, text files, conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development. It is operated by two nonprofit organizations - OMB Watch and the Unison Institute - and funded by various government agencies and foundations, including EPA.
- The Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Search identifies releases and transfers of toxic chemicals from manufacturing facilities. You can search for information by geographic area, facility, industry, parent company, or offsite waste transfer.
Chemistry Databases
- The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics provides chemical fact sheets
and chemical summaries for more than 30 chemicals in ASCII text format
and Adobe PDF format.
- The Integrated
Risk Information System (IRIS) is also a good tool to use when researching
chemicals. It allows you to search for chemical information by name
or Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN).
- ChemBioFinder.Com
allows you to search for information on chemicals by chemical name, CAS Number, molecular formula, and molecular weight.
- The Environmental Defense Fund's
(EDF'S) Scorecard
is an environmental information service. This database provides data on hazardous air pollutants, chemical releases from manufacturing facilities, and more.
Library Databases
- The National Service Center
for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) has over 5,000 EPA publications
available in hard copy and multimedia product, free of charge.
- The RCRA Permit Policy Compendium is no longer available. However, all documents previously contained in the RPPC can now be accessed through RCRA Online, an electronic database that contains thousands of letters, memoranda, and questions and answers by EPA's Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR). EPA merged the RPPC into RCRA Online to provide the regulated community with a "one-stop" access to information.
- RCRA Online - The RCRA
Online database is designed to enable users to locate documents that
cover a wide range of RCRA issues and topics.
- My Environment - a search application that is designed to provide a cross-section of environmental information based on the user's location.