This draft technical support document provides recommendations for default values for water quality parameters that can be used in the Freshwater Copper BLM when data are lacking. The document also describes data analysis approaches used to develop these recommendations. Following closure of the public comment period on April 18, 2016, EPA will consider the comments, revise the document, as appropriate, and then publish a final technical support document that will serve as a source of information for states, tribes, territories, and other stakeholders.
- Federal Register Notice: Extension of Public Comment Period for the Draft Technical Support Document: Recommended Estimates for Missing Water Quality Parameters for Application in EPA's Biotic Ligand Model (March 10, 2016)
- Federal Register Notice: Draft Technical Support Document: Recommended Estimates for Missing Water Quality Parameters for Application in EPA’s Biotic Ligand Model (February 16, 2016)
- View public comments and other supporting documents on by searching for Docket Number EPA-HQ-OW-2015-0469
- Draft Technical Support Document: Recommended Estimates for Missing Water Quality Parameters for BLM (PDF)(160 pp, 6 MB, March 2016, EPA 820-R-15-106)