In 2007, the city of Phoenix and its partners, Valley Metro Rail and the city of Mesa, sought assistance from EPA's Smart Growth Implementation Assistance program to promote transit-oriented development (TOD) along its newly opened light rail and future extensions, given the impact of the passage of Proposition 207 (Private Property Rights Protection Act).
EPA led a group of national experts to help the local team and its supporters develop options. The project resulted in an analysis of tools and incentives that localities can use to promote TOD. The following five documents, published in 2009, were developed as the team’s analysis for this project, each covering specific aspects of these tools and how they will be used.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Transit Oriented Development and Proposition 207 in Metropolitan Phoenix (PDF)(4 pp, 335 K)
- Next Steps to Promote Transit Oriented Development in Metropolitan Phoenix (PDF)(11 pp, 425 K)
- Impact of TOD and Smart Growth Incentives on Development in Phoenix (PDF)(16 pp, 612 K)
- Encouraging Transit Oriented Development: Case Studies that Work (PDF)(21 pp, 2 MB)
- Strategic Package of Tools to Promote Transit Oriented Development In Metropolitan Phoenix (PDF)(33 pp, 2 MB)
- Developing a Policy Toolbox for the Post-Proposition 207 Environment (PDF)(25 pp, 759 K)