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Making a Visible Difference in Communities: Vermont

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Brattleboro, VT

Brattleboro, VT plans for infrastructure improvements to improve housing, recreation and active living along the Whetstone Brook CorridorBrattleboro, VT plans for infrastructure improvements to improve housing, recreation and active living along the Whetstone Brook Corridor

Brattleboro, VT is a small rural community that has faced significant flooding in the past. EPA worked with this community to help it become more resilient to future flooding, which is likely to occur more frequently as the climate changes. 

In Brattleboro, EPA helped develop designs and implementation strategies for climate-resilient redevelopment of the town’s Whetstone Brook Corridor, complementing brownfields assessments and cleanups. 

EPA worked with watershed groups in Brattleboro to advance citizen science and involvement in water resource protection, with an emphasis on documenting climate change-related impacts.  In addition, EPA held a Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities workshop ( on sustainable strategies for economic development and town center revitalization in spring 2016.  

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