An official website of the United States government.

News Releases from HeadquartersLand and Emergency Management (OLEM)

Testing Testing Testing Testing

Contact Information: 
EPA Press office (

Note: This is for posting in the News Release web area, not for Vocus sending.


  • Copy the WCMS code below. Paste it into the very end of the HTML code view in your news release. The code below already includes the graphic, alt text, position, and link.

NOTE: Please do not create or upload your own copy of the graphic to post; we want to avoid having multiple copies of the graphic in WCMS.


  • Complete the regular prep of your news release text (the "body"). This is because the SF TF graphic has to be inserted at the very end of your news release.
  • Click "Disable rich-text" under the bottom left of the news release body. Your news release will change to HTML view.
  • Scroll to the very bottom of the HTML code.
  • Look carefully - place your cursor after the very last bit of code you can find. Press <Return> once to make a new blank line. Don't worry about how it looks, just be at the very end.
  • Copy the following code and paste it at the very end of the news release code, where you just clicked and pressed <Return>. 

Superfund Task Force. In May 2017 Administrator Scott Pruitt established a task force to restore EPA's Superfund program to its rightful place at the center of the Agency's core mission to protect health and the environment. Click here to learn more.