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News Releases from Region 04

High Point, N.C., to Receive Federal Technical Assistance for Farmers Market

Contact Information: 
Davina Marraccini (marraccini.davina@epa.gov)
404-562-8293, 404-562-8400

ATLANTA - High Point, N.C., has been selected as one of 27 rural communities across the country to participate in Local Foods, Local Places (LFLP), a federal initiative that helps increase economic opportunities for local farmers and related businesses, creates vibrant places and promotes childhood wellness by improving access to healthy local food. High Point will receive technical assistance to develop a farmers' market and other health and wellness programs for its new central library plaza.

The selected communities were chosen from more than 300 applicants. Together, they will receive technical assistance valued at $850,000.

The White House Rural Council and six federal agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Transportation, the Appalachian Regional Commission, and the Delta Regional Authority, joined together to announce the selection of the communities.

Each LFLP partner community works with a team of experts who help community members recognize local assets and opportunities, set goals for revitalizing downtowns and neighborhoods, develop an implementation plan and then identify targeted resources from the participating federal agencies to help implement those plans.

Launched in 2014, LFLP has already helped 26 communities make a difference in people's lives. With technical assistance through LFLP, participants are taking innovative approaches to common challenges, like launching business incubators to support food entrepreneurs and starting cooperative grocery stores to help revitalize main streets. They are developing centrally located community kitchens and food hubs to aggregate and market local foods. Through the integration of transportation and walkability planning they are connecting people to markets and local restaurants. Health outcomes are being targeted through school and community programs that teach children about nutrition, provide hands-on experience growing food and expand local markets and increase access to them through expanded use of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

For more information on the initiative:

Connect with EPA Region 4 on Facebook: www.facebook.com/eparegion4

And on Twitter: @EPASoutheast
