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News Releases from Region 06

EPA Proposes to Approve New Mexicos Plan for Showing Progress on Regional Haze Goals

Contact Information: 
Jennah Durant (R6Press@epa.gov)
Joe Hubbard

DALLAS - (Oct. 27, 2015) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to approve New Mexico's plan to make progress on reducing regional haze to meet federal Clean Air Act requirements. All wilderness areas included in the plan have already shown some improvement in visibility, one of the major goals of the federal regional haze rule.

"New Mexico has proven to be a leader in reducing the emissions that contribute to regional haze," said Regional Administrator Ron Curry. "Their efforts will produce results for people who enjoy the state's spectacular wilderness areas by improving visibility."

The Clean Air Act's regional haze rule requires states to make progress toward achieving natural visibility conditions in some of the nation's most treasured wilderness areas. States must submit plans for achieving these progress goals by reducing harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter. EPA is proposing to approve New Mexico's plan because it identifies the controls to be applied, outlines the compliance timeframe, and shows potential further reduction in emissions through additional pollution controls.

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