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EPA Administrator Pruitt Addresses Earth Day Texas, Meets with Environmental Groups

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U.S. EPA Media Relations (

DALLAS, Texas – Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt addressed Earth Day Texas on Friday, one of the largest gatherings for Earth Day in the United States. The audience in the Hall of State included a mix of environmental lawyers, organizations and legislators.

“On Earth Day, we celebrate the great natural resources that the United States is blessed with. The Environmental Protection Agency was created by Congress to protect these resources, along with human health. We intend to do just that – protect the environment through sensible regulations that allow for economic growth,” said Administrator Pruitt.

In his remarks, Administrator Pruitt discussed his recent visit to an East Chicago Superfund site and his discussions with residents in the affected communities. He is the first EPA Administrator to visit the East Chicago Superfund site. The renewed focus on Superfund is part of Administrator Pruitt’s effort to refocus EPA on achieving its mission in protecting the environment in ways that can be felt by communities throughout the country.

The discussion was followed by meetings with The Nature Conservancy and the Audubon Society.
