West Lake Landfill - National Contingency Plan (NCP) Nine Evaluation Criteria
The content on this archived page is not maintained and may no longer apply. The Superfund Site Profile Page for the West Lake Landfill Site includes information such as the current status of cleanup efforts and what cleanup milestones have been reached. EPA fully transitioned from this archived page to the Site Profile Page in October 2018. The Site Profile Page is available on EPA's website, with a separate link in the Related Links box below.
The analysis of alternatives under review reflects the scope and complexity of site problems and alternatives being evaluated, and considers the relative significance of the factors within each criteria. The nine criteria are part of the National Contingency Plan [40 CFR 300.430(e)(9)].
The NCP nine evaluation criteria are as follows:
Threshold Criteria
1. Overall protection of human health and the environment
2. Compliance with ARARs (applicable or relevant and appropriate standards)
Primary Balancing Criteria
3. Long-term effectiveness and permanence
4. Reduction of toxicity, mobility or volume
5. Short-term effectiveness
6. Implementability
7. Cost
Modifying Criteria
8. State acceptance
9. Community acceptance